Chapter 9 Countless attributes laying on the floor

Ethan was surprised at lily's attributes.

Not only was she a martial disciple, but she had also reached the peak of Intermediate stage.

For someone her age, this didn't seem to be anything special, but Ethan thought otherwise.

The reason he thought so was simple. Lily spent more than 14 hours of her time watching over him.

Which means that she was able to reach the peak of Intermediate stage with just 10 hours each day for the past two years.

Forget the peak, it was already considered outstanding if someone could break through to intermediate stage in two years, much less the amount of time that Lily had.

This meant that if she didn't spend all her time watching over him, she would have at least reached the mid-level or Advanced Stage.

Thinking up to this point, Ethan felt a little guilty. If she had increased her strength in her previous life, maybe she wouldn't have died at the hands of a pervert.

Well, it doesn't matter anyway. Because things were going to change big time in this life.

"Young master, what are your plans now?" Lily asked as she averted her gaze.

Ethan didn't notice as he was lost in thought.

"Martial disciple..... Martial artist…."

Suddenly, his eyes lit up.

"That's it!" Ethan exclaimed inwardly as an idea fell into his mind. His body shivered from excitement as his agitation increased.

However, it wasn't for his mother this time, but because he wanted to test a theory.

"It will probably take some time before my mom gets back. So, meanwhile, let's go out and see the outside world".

"I can finally see, I think it's time that I go sightseeing. Don't you agree?"

"Oh!" Lily's eyebrows creased slightly as her expression fell.

"Um. Young master, your mom said that we should wait for her to return. Quite frankly, I feel like we should have your eyes and body condition checked out before we consider going outside the house".

Lily said in a low voice.

Even though she was happy for him, she was also slightly concerned about his condition. Of course, his awakening was a massive matter that was a cause for celebration.

However, she didn't really fancy the idea of him going outside.

After all, what if something happens to him?

"If something happens to him while he is out, Madam Emily will surely be angry at me for not watching over him!" She thought inwardly.

At the same time, Ethan's excitement faded slightly. However, it didn't dampen his mood.

If he waited for his mother to come back, and she verified that he could actually see, then he could forget about his initial plans.

Quite frankly, he wasn't sure if his mother would allow him to implement his plan. After all, he didn't remember whether his mom was the overprotective type or not.

Nevertheless, he would rather not wait for that long. He only had a week before the game launch, and he needed to have enough strength to defend himself and his mother after that.

"This won't do". Ethan shook his head. Translucence didn't last forever. He could already feel the mental strain accumulating on his brain.

If he didn't increase his stats, then he wouldn't be able to use the ability for more than an hour and half.

For the plans he had, this amount of time was far too short.

"If you are worried about something happening to me while I'm out, then there is no need. Besides, aren't you my cute attendant? So, it's your job to protect me, right?"

He grinned wildly as a fixed a burning gaze on her, causing the latter to blush from embarrassment.

"Young master, you are bullying me. Ever since you woke up this morning, you seem to have changed".

She said shyly.

Ethan didn't take what she said seriously, as he knew she was only joking. He wondered what would happen if she knew that he was actually from the future.

Shaking his head, he moved towards the door rushing, not giving any chance for Lily to complain.

His excitement was rekindled as he quickly thought of his plan. Lily hurriedly rushed after him as they both walked out of the house and entered a random car parked at the side.


The sound of the car engine roared as the AXEl DPS Hybrid Ford took off from the Neon Gardens district their small mansion was located in.

Driving through the gates, the car gradually disappeared into the distance, leaving four guards standing at the mansion entrance stunned.

Turning to look at each other, the shock in their eyes could be seen by the other party.

"Wasn't that the son of Lady Emily?" A guard who couldn't hold in his curiosity any longer asked.

"From the looks of it, not to mention the maid who was following him was Lily, that is definitely him". Another guard nodded and chimed in.

"But isn't he supposed to be blind? I heard that he mysteriously lost his sight and has remained that way for the past six years. However, the way he ran right now, doesn't make him look like a blind person".

The guards were confused.

"Is it possible that..... The young master has finally managed to gain his sight back?"


All four guards had their mouths shut as they pondered this. Indeed, this was a possibility that they had to consider.

However, it was too incredulous.

How could someone just regain their eyesight back after six years?

"Whatever the reason, this is a fact that we can't overlook. This matter needs to be reported to Mr. Nicholas immediately".

As the guard spoke, his expression became cold. The other guards nodded as well.

This was big news they had to inform their real employer. The state of the Wilde family would change over the next few days due to this seemingly simple info.

A guard who was sitting down didn't hesitate to get up and take out his mobile phone.

Twenty minutes later, Ethan parked the car outside an incomparably large building. Just from the size of the building alone, Ethan was certain that he had come to the right place.

With a tranquil gaze, he stepped out of the car halfway as his gaze peered into the building that covered a massive space of land.

Seeing where their car had parked, Lily, who had been paying attention to their journey had her heart palpitate with fear and nervousness.

Of course, part of the reason for such a ridiculous reaction was because Ethan's driving skills were much too extreme.

He barely paid attention to traffic rules as he floored the gas and the AXEL model brand car moved at speeds reaching 137 miles per hour (ca. 220 km/h).

This was already intolerable in the streets of the city. However, no one had noticed since today was a natural holiday.

Lily was frightened at first when she saw him take up the steering wheel as soon as they got into the car.

When did her young master learn how to drive?

However, when she saw the place that he had parked outside, her heart nearly leaped out of her chest.

Of all the places he could come to, why did he choose to come to this place to sight see?

"Young master, I think you parked in the wrong area!" Lily said anxiously as she wanted to switch seats with him and drive them out of here.

However, would Ethan allow her to ruin his thoughts.

"Nonsense! Since we are already here, then we should at least go inside and take a look, no?"

He said as he revealed a toothy grin. Without saying another word, he directly sat back in the car and drove forwards.

In his past life, there were many reputable places in each city. A place like Green Will was not considered top tier among the areas under Windfall country's jurisdiction.

However, it definitely wasn't bad either.

If it wasn't the case, then it wouldn't have a branch of one of the biggest organizations on earth.

The Awakened Association!

Back in his past life, he remembered vividly that to prevent the extinction of humanity, the governments of various races struggled to raise the powers of the younger generation.

These people would end up becoming the experts of tomorrow and would, in turn, shield humanity from the never-ending tides of incoming beasts.

So, every nation with their Awakened association stepped out to create training houses.

Places in which the younger generation could be groomed to bring out their full potential.

Be it in Martial arts, supernatural abilities or breeding beats. As long as a certain fee was paid, anyone would be able to attend the Association's training houses.

In Green will city, it was known as the Lantern Training school. And the motto.... Shining as the light for humanity..... Or some crap along that level.

Ethan couldn't care less.

Of course, the training houses were divided from the real Association made for actual Awakened.

Looking at the high numbers of people that walked in and out of the place, Ethan felt extremely smug.

To think of coming to such a place where the number of martial artists and awakened were numerous, it was indeed smart of him to do so.

When he arrived at the gates, the guarding officers only took a glance at the car before saying indifferently.

"Routine Inspection, please cooperate".

Ethan nodded his head and walked out of his car. Lily did the same, albeit with slightly trembling footsteps.

From her demeanor, he could guess how worried she was. However, he needed to come here to verify his doubts.

And sure enough.

[Attribute orb detected, do you wish to plunder]

[Attribute orb detected, do you wish to plunder]

[Attribute orb detected, do you wish to plunder]

[Attribute orb detected, do you wish to plunder]

[Attribute orb detected, do you wish to plunder]

Ethan suddenly grew ecstatic.

His plan didn't fail him. Looking at the small glowing white orbs that were littered all over the place, he couldn't help but smile and inwardly urged himself.

<< Strength +1 >>

<< Strength + 2 >>

<< Agility + 5 >>

<< Perception + 2 >>

<< Stamina + 1 >>

Dozens of attribute orbs were assimilated into his body, causing Ethan to feel his strength rise at an astonishing pace.