Chapter 19 Metallic Ability

Behind the youth who was suddenly feeling uneasy, there was a group of about five people that stood behind him. They all glanced around disdainfully at the other players, but their eyes lit up with pride and admiration when it turned to the youth instead.

It was no exaggeration to say that this youth was a genius of the younger generation, as well as one of the prided figures of the Storm Guild. One of the few S rank guilds in the whole nation.

Even Ethan back then had no choice but to admit defeat, he was nothing more than a partial loser in his previous life after all, despite having a lot of money.

Even his wealth which would make ordinary people green with envy was something that Bloodstorm could earn in a day if he wanted to. Not only was he talented, he was also super lucky in the sense that he awakened as a high-level AA rank Newborn as well as obtained a very rare Blood ability.

Not only could he control spilled blood, but he could also control the blood of other awakened as well as boost his strength temporarily through the use of his blood ability, making him nearly invincible among those of the same rank.

His luck turned out to be even better as he managed to land the final hit on the boss of the undead ruins, successfully clearing the map and obtaining an Ancient grade Mystery boxes while receiving a Rare grade treasure from within.

A Soul weapon that specially catered to his abilities.

Meanwhile, Bloodstorm was looking at the skeleton elite with vigilance in his eyes. Even though he was confident in his strength, he wasn't that overconfident to think that he could defeat such a monster without a proper backup plan.

Hus current strength and speed stats had only barely brushed past 15 points in both strength and agility. His movement speed was significantly slower at only 13 points,, and he was going to be fighting barehanded.

However, this monster could provide him with a sizable chunk of soul power to rank up two levels or maybe 3 if he could defeat it. However, such a feat was easier said than done.

The skeleton let out a ghastly cry as if its dignity had been challenged. It sprang forth while brandishing its sword as it prepared to cleave him in two at full strike.

Bloodstorm could clearly feel the undead frightening aura as well as the deadly killing intent behind it.

"Blood Enhancement!" He yelled inwardly while activating his Mana. Whatever pitiful amount of Mana that was left after he used his blood skill earlier quickly disappeared into thin air, however, the effects of such an action could be felt by none other than Bloodstorm himself.

His muscles bulged as the almost 2-meter tall man directly broke through the benchmark and grew to become more than two meters tall, albeit still a bit shorter than the skeleton elite.

<< Innate Skill activated: Blood enhancement. +5 to strength, and speed stat points >>

<< Warning: -2 Stamina for every minute of use. Cooldown after deactivation: depending on the amount of time spent on using the skill >>

This was the sub skill of his main innate skill. He could manipulate the blood in his body through mana, and use it to drastically improve his strength for a short while, at the cost of his stamina points being exhausted faster than normal.

"Now!" He exclaimed, as the skeleton was already upon him and ready to smash its sword downwards. One of the youths behind him suddenly had his palms glow as he activated his Mana without so much as a care in the world.

All his MANA was drained as the next instant, a barrage of wind blades were unleashed against the skeleton. However, with his measly damage power, the youth wasn't trying to damage the skeleton heavily as all of his wind blades were aimed at a particular area.

About a dozen wind blades accurately struck the same place, over and over again. Soon, a shift occurred as the originally downward barreling sword was suddenly pushed to the left.

This was not due to the skeletons' inability, but because the earlier youth had aimed all his wind blades on the wrist section, causing it to deviate from its original path.

-10, -10, -10, -6

"Perfect!" The damage dealt was pitifully low, however, seeing that one of his men had not disappointed him, Bloodstorm made a cold face as he directly dashed forward with his body slightly inclined to the right.

The hacking sword was dodged narrowly as the gap between the human and the monster shortened to be only inches away from each other. The difference being, that one had the upper hand, as one of his hands wasn't held down by a weapon.

He circulated his blood using his blood enhancement skills and swung his fist

BANG!!! A loud collision rang out as the fist made contact with the skeleton's chest. The skeleton elite was flung back a few feet as a result of the strong punch.

A damage to 78 points was deducted from its total HP as it spun in the air and landed on its feet. Its one hand never letting go of the sword in its grasp.

Not wanting to fall behind and give it time to recover its missing HP, Bloodstorm dashed forward as he took advantage of his momentum to fight the monster on winning grounds.

With his general grasp of fighting techniques, he unleashed a rain of bombardment on the skeleton as it swung its sword to respond to his movements.

However, as an Elite of the younger generation, how could he not know how to handle himself? With his blood enhancement which was practically the only skill he had that could be of some use against undead, he engaged in a bout of close combat attacks while taking up sizable amounts of HP from the monster with which, even, its regeneration couldn't completely keep up with.

Ethan, who was watching from a distance, nodded his head in approval like a senior evaluating the work of a disciple. Although Bloodstorm had a powerful innate skill, blood manipulation, undead enemies were basically his weakness,, especially at the early stages of the game.

Not only did they not feel pain, but there was no fear in their eyes or blood in the bodies of most undead to use to his liking for that matter. This skeleton was such an example, as a skeleton wouldn't have even a drop of blood within it.

However, despite that, thanks to his blood enhancement sub skill, he was able to go head on with a weapon wielding elite monster with initially higher strength.

This truly was the form of a genius. However, Ethan only smiled slightly at the thought of this. If Bloodstorm could be called a genius, then after he made his debut, he would become a monster among geniuses.

What low thinking! He would become a monster among experts.

Ethan had already planned the whole thing in his mind. In his past life, Bloodstorm would grow up to become a powerful expert both in the real world and in Reverb, and part of it, was because of the weapon he received here today.

A soul weapon specially designed to fit his skill. It was only later in the game that it was discovered that items could be soul bounded and brought back onto the real world.

So imagine the kind of power Bloodstorm possessed to be able to bring a rare grade treasure from the game into the real world. Too monstrous.

However, soul binding was a secret art only taught by those major powerhouses of the games,, and he wouldn't have the opportunity to meet said powerhouses until he left the lower lands.

However, in this life....... That soul weapon would belong to him...

"I guess you can consider this as paying up your mistakes in your past life". Ethan mumbled as a deep grudge in his heart sprouted.

In his past life, Bloodstorm had tried to court his woman, Annabelle krill, and during that time, he was just a nobody with a weak presence.

In front of the people that Annabelle associated with, he was no more than an ant that wasn't worth paying attention to. Well…. Time to change all that.


<< You have learned blood breaking fist >>

<< Blood breaking fist >>

<< Rank: Unknown/ Potential:?????? >>

<< A powerful fist technique that can only he used under the effects of blood enhancement. Increase one's damage power by 10% >>

The announcement didn't show on his screen because the person who learned the skill wasn't himself, but Bloodstorm, who was in the midst of a fight. This revelation caused even Ethan to sigh helplessly as he thought inwardly that this world was filled with many talents.

The implementation of a technique from the outside world was several times harder to achieve. However, the system had already given him the first achievement announcement, so even if he worked his butt off, that announcement wasn't coming back.

However, Ethan could sense it, as the change in his aura and fist skill was definitely something that everyone who was an expert would notice.

Ethan was right, and the other players who were watching the battle were a little stunned as well. However, these players didn't know much information about the game and clearly didn't know how hard it was to achieve such a feat.

As they had never tried. The game had just launched, after all.

However, Ethan was starting to get a little..... Well... Impatient.

He had already put himself on a tight schedule as he wanted to complete this dungeon map within two hours at most if possible. For him, every additional second he spent in the ruins meant one less second to make real money in the game.

Not to mention the fact that although the monster's HP was coming close to being halved, Bloodstorm was already starting to huff and pant a bit as his skill had consumed too much stamina. If he continued like this, then he would certainly fall from exhaustion before he could defeat the skeleton.

"Maybe I should interfere.... For my plans of making money!" He thought seriously as a small blue flame appeared in his hands and gradually started to turn into a darker shade of blue.

Meanwhile, Bloodstorm, who was already panting from exhaustion was starting to have a panicked feeling in his heart at the moment.

Because of the limitations of the game, his strength had been greatly reduced, and adapting to this change was too sudden even for an expert of his caliber.

Due to using the blood enhancement function of his skill, his strength, and agility had increased, but his stamina was being drained for 1 point every minute. His stamina point had barely reached the 15 point mark, meaning that with his stamina, he would last for 15 minutes.

He had thought that would be enough to defeat the skeleton elite with the occasional support of his team. However, it seemed like the use of a made skill had forced his stamina to go down by a large margin.

At this rate, he wouldn't be able to keep up and the result would be the much anticipated player kill. He had already mocked a lot of the players here for being unable to deal with a level 10 skeleton.

The source of his confidence was naturally his blood enhancement skill which would temporarily make is strength and agility comparable to a level 7 elite.

With his battle experience, he could probably make up for the bridge in attributes. However, he was sorely mistaken.

Unless he could drain a large portion of the enemies HP in the next two minutes, he would most likely be killed.

"Haha! Just because of a little but of strength, you dare to be so presumptuous!"

Before he could continue the battle, a roar of laughter sounded out. Bloodstorm had his face change a bit before snorting coldly.

A youth about the same age as him appeared from the middle of a few destroyed buildings as he moved towards the scene of the fight.

"Steel!" Bloodstorm snorted yet again as his gaze turned terribly unfriendly. However, the second youth ignored him as his eyes were fixed to the raging skeleton with a little more than half of its HP left, which was going back up every dozen or so seconds.

"Just a little skeleton got you so stumped? It seems like without your blood control, you are just so!" The youth snickered as his tone was dripping with disdain for this longtime rival of his.

Both Bloodstorm and Steel were known to be longtime rivals from birth. They both originated from different families not based in the western province but the eastern and northern sides respectively. However, instead of carrying theirs to the peak with their skills, they decided to join famous guilds to grow stronger with more ample resources.

As for their strengths, it could be said that their abilities were a perfect counter for one another..... Or better yet, Steel was slightly better in terms of skill and ability. Despite both being AA rank, Bloodstorm was at mid-level while Steel was a bit lower being at the peak of low level, however, his ability that basically neutralized his rival's advantage of blood made them both equals.

If anything, after numerous fights, it could be said that Steel had the upper hand due to his marvelous ability, however, that all changed after Bloodstorm got his hands on a soul weapon.

Too bad! That was never going to happen in this life.

Meanwhile, the other experts, either older or of the same age all watched the show with interest. Their main reasons for coming here was mainly for entertainment or to temper themselves, as the game didn't really hold much for them apart from that.

However, although this skeleton was a perfect opponent to sharpen their skills, who would want to miss out on a good fight between two of the most outstanding youths on the nation's Dragon Tiger Rankings?

While the small minority were from powers not weaker than both of them, the others who had only made it to this place because their innate skills helped then meet the requirements had lesser backgrounds as they were either from A rank guilds, or lower.

They couldn't afford to offend either of them, not to mention that they couldn't defeat the skeleton even if they wanted to.

[Note that any guild, despite being led by an A rank, AA rank or AAA rank powerhouse, is still considered an A rank guild]

The youth's eye which were filled with mockery gradually changed to become serious as he gazed at the skeleton elite. He had to admit, despite his innate skill that allowed him to go head-to-head with melee monsters like this skeleton, the chances of him being defeated and winning were 50:50 at best.

"Let's see who gets the final strike. Winner gets the sword and whatever loot that may drop".

"You're on!" Bloodstorm snorted as he readied himself to beat this stupid skeleton to death. Steel also flashed a cold smile as his gaze was now fixed on the skeleton.

Steel, also know as Lee Hahn-Soo had to quickly make a decision. As celebrity hunters at the peak of their generation, they had to make sure that their outer standing among the other elites were unshakable.

After all, the competition between awakened on the Dragon Tiger Rankings were no joke. If they couldn't defeat this skeleton, it would be detrimental to their reputation.

Lee Hahn-Soo activated his innate skill, causing his eyes to change from their regular back to a set of stunning silver pupils. His black hair rapidly turned white as he exhaled and the Mana courses through his skin rapidly spreading through his entire body.

Just like Bloodstorm, it was pitifully low and only enough for one activation, however, they could wait outside to recharge their Mana as long as they could defeat this skeleton.

Under everyone's astonishing eyes, not only did Lee Hahn-Soo had his hair and eyes changed color, but his body began to undergo a transformation as well.

His previously tanned skin began to give out a metallic sheen as Mana coursed through his veins and under his skin. Everywhere it swept through, his outer skin layer would be transformed to form a metallic layer tightly wrapped to him, making him look like a metal stature.

Not only did his body skin undergo a transformation, but his strength, agility and endurance, as well as his stamina all changed drastically as well. This was the latent ability Lee Hahn-Soo had awakened.

And just like Bloodstorms blood control, it was a rare ability that allowed him to transform his entire body into complete metal. It was precisely because of this skill that he was nicknamed Steel and even used it as his name in the game.

Very quickly, his own strength rose rapidly putting his stats just a slight notch above what Bloodstorm could achieve with his blood enhancement.

However, because of his very limited amount of Mana, he could only coat the outer area of his body. However, that was more than enough to heavily fortify his defenses.

While the others at the sides looked at his transformation in awe. Lee Hahn-Soo stretched his arms to get a proper feel of his body. At this point, he looked like a metal prince as the steeled skin perfectly brought out his muscles and further contributed to his handsome looks.

Several females couldn't help but feel their faces burning a bit at his transformation.

Meanwhile Bloodstorm was burning in anger as his long time rival had yet again swooped in and was trying to undermine him once again.

"Leave this to me, you all....."

It was at this moment that he noticed something rapidly flying towards their direction as it gleamed with extreme hot air.

The appearance of a blue fireball left him a little baffled, however, its speed was fast as it travelled towards them and in a few seconds, it had already arrived at their location.

Or to be more specific, it was heading for the skeleton. He wasn't the only one, almost everyone there could see the trail of blue fire that followed that gist sized fireball, however, could such a thing actually pose a threat to a skeleton?

Or was the owner not smart enough to determine the strength if his innate skill.

That fist sized fireball shot towards the skeleton who was distracted at the moment and... BOOM!

A loud explosion occurred as both Lee Hahn-Soo and Bloodstorm were pushed back by the shockwaves of the sudden explosion.

The upper body of the skeleton was set ablaze by that small, inconspicuous fireball.

"What the hell?"

Bloodstorm couldn't believe it as he quickly hopped back up to his feet. However, what greeted his eyes was the explosion dying down, followed by the sight of the skeleton. Needless to say, its upper half of its body was gone and only the waist downwards was still available to be seen.

Everyone's eyes were super wide open.

One strike, one small strike, however, the skeleton had been thoroughly destroyed.

They turned their heads to see the damage numbers that were rapidly fading away.


Their incredulous expressions was more than enough to explain their shock. Steel himself couldn't believe it. However, his senses quickly picked up something as he turned his head around only to see a blurry silhouette flash past him and charge forward.

Actually, he could only sense it, but the movement of the blurry figure was too fast for his eyes to completely keep up. The streak rapidly dashed towards the castle entrance that had been blocked by an energy barrier this entire time due to the skeletons presence. However, as he dashed through, here was no obstruction in any way as he disappeared into the castles interior.

The figure had already disappeared leaving behind a dazed group of expert awakeneds.