Going To Mount Dublin

"Be careful, Dad call me." Before they mounted the horse, Lea informed them with a smile that it was confirmed that her dad would go straight to Renz to talk to them.

Zack gave Bella a nod and a hand as he mounted her horse. Before he released her, he waited for Bella to be okay in her seat.

She let out a groan, her face contorted in pain. They haven't talked properly until now. Bella was also apprehensive about what was going through her head as the silence descended.

Is it because she told Zack that everything was a joke? Is it already contemplating a more serious relationship? She had no idea. Mentally, she was no longer able to think right.

Zack responded, "We'll just wait for him there," and mounted on the back of the horse after putting their luggage in order.

Lea warned, "Be careful." Tim swung around and hopped on his own horse.

"Don't worry, Aunt Lea, I know Zack is looking out for Bella. Whenever I went for a ride with them, I always observed it," Damian said.

Tim cracked a smile. "Even Damian has taken note of your presence."

"I saw them near the waterfall as well, Uncle Tim. Zoro and I followed them after I spotted them while —." After being smacked by Louis, Damian groaned in pain.

When he saw the child, Louis' eyes grew wide. That made everyone laugh and Bella nearly collapsed with shame.

"It's true, though!" Zack and Bella are both able to see each other, and I can notice Zack glancing at her from time to time. — okay, I'll stop now... " Louis' disapproval of it left Damian feeling humiliated, and he had to leave embarrassed.

Louis sighs and apologizes to the child, humiliated. "I'm terribly sorry. It's safe to say that Damian has been up to no good."

After Zack's chuckle, he nodded. "It is okay, just never mind."

Bella gave a modest nod, but her face betrayed her excitement. Though, Damian was shocked to see Zack's gaze on him.

They said their goodbyes in a matter of seconds. They arrived at Mount Dublin thanks to Tim's guidance. Then, suddenly Zack spoke up behind Bella.

"Are you mad at me?" After that, Zack's hot breath healed Bella's hair. She snorted. Her stomach felt like it was getting a tickle from it. As it whirled around, she had trouble breathing.

"What's the point of being mad?" Bella inquired, her voice trembling.

Zack groaned and added, "Because of what you hear and... what you think, I'm always misleading you. Um… I only want to see you happy, that is why I'm always making jokes with you. When you remember something and merely smile, I'd like to see it." Bella couldn't stop smiling, she bit her lower lip so hard. Her heart was racing.

She had to confess that she felt fantastic. She, too, was ecstatic. She ignored Zack's joke completely. She was apprehensive because of the significance of what he stated.

Bella snorted and said, "You're always teasing me."

"It's not teasing. I'm sorry if it's bothering you, though. That's not my objective at all! Give me a chance, okay?" Zack said modestly, "I'll take it back."

Bella burst into laughter. She felt apprehensive, but not because she was afraid. Surely, she was ecstatic with what she heard from Zack.

"I don't know." Bella narrowed her eyes and said, "You don't have to do that." Also, she doesn't want to come out as disrespectful.

"I mean it."

She smiled slyly. "What made you so serious, exactly? A number of ladies have been in your life. I've also seen them just squeak by. Clearly, you weren't being serious. A large number, they remarked, particularly while you were still in Europe."

The lower lip of Bella was severely bitten. For what reason, did she makes that statement? It is embarrassing when she asks about Zack's personal life, Zack may assume she interrogating him.

Zack cracked a smile. After that, Tim looks at them. Fortunately, he doesn't ask anything.

Bella's face started to turn red. Bella growled, "Zack!"

"I'm terribly sorry. I had a good laugh when I heard what you had to say. I'm sure you know that I have a lot of children," he quipped with a chuckle.

Bella's head immediately ached. She'd become engrossed in the meaning. "That's enough," she growled.

Zack started to get serious. "You're right. There have been a lot of women in my life, Ella. I'm sorry. However, I did not become a father. That's not something I'd ever consider doing myself. There is no doubt in your mind that we've known one other for a long time. You should be aware that I am not the same kind of wolf you are thinking of."

" Z-Zack…"

Zack breathes deeply. "Everything I do has a purpose. One day, I will tell you why."

Bella was taken aback and wondered aloud. She was engulfed in a wave of curiosity. She was sad, yet he was also happy. Zack intends to reveal more of himself to her in the future. It appears that a surge will be required. Though, Bella was amused that Zack trust her to keep his secret to her.

And she'll be patient as he awaits it...


"Don't move. Please." Irish said, Renz's wife. She asked whether they could be the topic of her drawing. They've taken a seat in the hammock. The solar panel on the opposite mountain is visible from where it is attached to the old trees. It was Irish's favorite spot, so Renz built a hammock there. Zack and Bella could all fit comfortably in the cradle.

"He is in his workroom, Renz is just about finished with the painting. The exhibit will be brought to another city for his new exhibit, therefore he stated it needs to take precedence over that. After all, he had promised to go back to you as soon as everything was finished," Irish said.

Since Bella and Zack arrived three days ago, the two of them have become even closer. Bella observed Zack's unusual proximity to her. Aside from that, his wild looks scare her, so Bella runs her sight away from him as quickly as possible.

And at times, Bella was annoyed because she sometimes want to look at Zack but she is afraid that something might happen to him, and she knows she couldn't even handle that.