
Before responding, Zack took a deep breath. His mixed response was, "I want to see you; I'm going insane if I don't do it now."

Bella kept her gaze away from Zack. What a shame. She wanted to look into his eyes, but she can't. She just simply slid into him, hugging him tightly.

"Can we just start off like this? Please don't let me go first, Ella," Zack pleaded earnestly.

Bella's heart screamed with joy, but she couldn't express it. She was overcome with emotion, and all she could do was nod. She liked Zack's idea, and she didn't want to let it go. She wanted to be confined in her hot body for a long time.

Zack quickly said, "Just come along."

Bella laughed, comforted by Zack's apparent insaneness, but also surprised because she hadn't expected it. "It's okay, I don't want to disturb you there. "

"You've never been disturbing," Zack said solemnly.

Bella shivered, but she reasoned that it would be better if she stayed on the mountain.

"I'm just here. I'll wait for you," she finally replied, kissing Zack on the cheek so that he couldn't refuse.

Then she bowed. Her cheeks were flushed with shyness. Suddenly, she felt humiliated. She has no regrets, but she is embarrassed. What is Zack going to think? Because she did that, she became even crazier!

Zack grabbed Bella's chin and lifted her. Bella held her breath. She immediately closed her eyes, preventing her from seeing him. Until Zack's lips met hers, her chest throbbed with nervousness and confusion.

And then everything seemed to come to a halt. Bella was engulfed in a strange form of enchantment. She felt so happy that she didn't know where it came from. Her entire body was charged with electricity. She was having trouble breathing and thinking. She has completely surrendered her emotions.

Zack pressed her lips together even tighter. It requests a response, which Bella promptly provides. Despite her inexperience and lack of wisdom, she did everything he could to provide the correct answer. Zack has been extremely patient in his instruction. As a result, she was able to keep up with the heat they could generate. They both exclaimed as they came to a halt.

Bella was still clinging to Zack, enthralled by the heat that Zack had given her. There, she fully comprehends why so many people are obsessed with Zack. It's as if it's a drug. Many people want to be immersed in him, and Bella is aware that she is one of them.

Zack stroked Bella's cheek and whispered, "Bella..."

Bella wrapped her arms around Zack and buried her face in his chest.


When the satellite phone rang, Zack gasped. They wouldn't have noticed if it hadn't turned into a series of noises. The call was answered after the wind blew it away. Bella assumed that Tim was on the other end of the line. Until the end, Zack's response was "yes" and "okay."

"I have to return; don't you really want to come?" Zack asked.

With a smile and a shake of her head, Bella expressed her dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs. "Go ahead and do it; I'll just wait."

Zack nodded and sighed. "We'll talk when I get back, okay?" he said as he kissed her once more before leaving.

As Zack walked away, Bella smiled and held her lips together.

Bella believed there was nothing that could take her beautiful smile away, but she was mistaken. When Zara and Karen were seen staring wickedly at her not far away, Bella's smile was quickly erased. Both of them appear to be adept at picking vegetables.

Bella took a deep breath and swallowed. She wasn't afraid of them, but she was worried. She believes it's a crack that will lead to a disaster.

After she was caught with the vegetables she got, Karen said coldly, "Zack instructed us to take care of you here."

It's been a few days since Bella last saw the two, and they've only now confronted each other. Before, different werewolves deliver vegetables and other food to her, but this time it was Karen who took the initiative. Bella was apprehensive. She wasn't scared, but she was concerned because she didn't want to get herself into any trouble.

"Thank you," Bella said simply as she took the vegetable, knowing Karen would have more to say, so she waited.

"We like Zack a lot, but don't expect him to take you seriously. Yes, we're always told to look after you when he leaves, but that doesn't mean he likes you. He only does it because you're one of the reasons why the war ended before. But that's all of it, Bella. Don't be ambitious," Karen said.

Bella pushes Karen away, saying, "If you don't have anything nice to say, go away."

"You, Bella, are so ambitious. How can a good man respect you when you can't even look at or touch him? " Karen didn't even make a single eye movement.

Bella froze until the sensation faded away. Karen is absolutely correct. Is it a pity that their vision will be impaired for the rest of their lives?

Bella's heart sinks as she realizes this. "Go away," Bella said calmly, hoping Karen would follow because she was at a loss for what to do after collapsing.

"If Zack was truly interested in you, he would have flirted with you before then. He's only now approaching you because... He's had enough of werewolves like us, and—

"That's enough!" Bella grumbled, feeling as if she'd reached the limit of her restraint, her face already red from the excessive anger.

"Zack has a woman he loves," Karen said, a corner of her lips rising. "It's been a long time since I've seen her… that's why Zack has been in Ava for a while. And why Zack isn't taking himself seriously in a relationship. You're just the same as other women who have just gone through his life. Zack is not-"

Bella slammed the door in Karen's face, unable to bear hearing such words after being insulted and hurt, but she knew there was a point.

Bella just cried because she couldn't think of anything else. Her chest went up and down in resentment. She remembered about Ava. There appears to be some truth to what Zara was saying about Zack going to Ava back then.

Karen's words shattered her faith in Zack.

Bella cried even harder; she had no idea how long she had been crying until she heard a knock; she just moaned when she heard Zara's voice, forcing her to open the door after she had fixed the blindfold.

Bella asked coldly, "Why? What do you need?!"

Zara froze until she was overtaken by the meat. Banana leaves were used to wrap it. "The werewolves are wreaking havoc. Zack had requested it, so I sent it to you. Is it possible...? Is this a problem? " she inquired, her voice trembling.

Bella nodded, then took the meat and was about to close the door when she came to a halt.

"You're not going to insult me as badly as Karen did? If you don't have anything nice to say, you can leave now," Bella said timidly. When Bella closed the door, a corner of her lips rose, and she was no longer restrained.

Bella's completely taken aback. Zara remained silent, the weight of her chest growing heavier, and simply smiling at it was grating.

Bella was almost irritated, but in the end, she decided that no one, even Zack, could hurt her!