Can't Hide It

Zack asked, his chest still heaving from his inability to understand how Bella was able to handle everything. "Why didn't you tell me?" Zack asked.

Bella asked with astonishment, "W-which one?"

Zack somberly remarked, "That Karen talked to you and break your heart," as Zack squeezed Bella even closer to him. He kissed Bella's forehead and inhaled Bella's aroma. Zack became irrational. Bella had that impact on him. In such a case, Bella helps him feel better.

Bella let out a sigh and raised her head against his. "Zack, I don't want to cause a problem for everyone."

Zack gave a nod. He was now even more in awe of Bella. In order to prevent conflict, she concealed the hurt and resentment.

Zack stated it all, "We're leaving here. We'll all enjoy the silence, don't worry." They eventually both moaned and gave one other firm embraces. Zack grinned. "That's right, Bella. Just us only… just tighten your embrace. " Bella bowed her head while hiding her face in Zack's chest.

Bella had at last banished the unpleasant feelings at that time, and heat engulfed Zack's heart.


"I apologize for taking so long to respond. Kate gave birth, and Bruce's child was born a healthy vampire man. " Robert declared as he took a seat. He had recently arrived, a few weeks after talking to Zack.

Robert stare at Bella, who quickly bowed. Robert chuckled a bit at her response.

"What's your plan?" Robert asked.

"We're leaving right now. I will just complete everything necessary for the werewolves to relocate to the island. Bella and I shall thereafter be on our own." Zack answered.

Bella's heartbeat sped when she realized Zack still had dreams about the island but would give it up for her. Despite knowing Zack's plan, Bella couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the events.

"Both of you could visit us. You can get assistance from Kirl's friends. Being an architect there will be useful. Concerning the validity of your name and license, don't worry about it. Kirl is capable as a result of his extensive connection, " Robert recommended.

"What do you think?" Zack asked Bella.

Bella faltered as a result of her astonishment at Zack's request for her opinion, yet she was pleased that it took her feelings into consideration "I believe that Robert's simple statement is acceptable. Are you certain? I am aware that you long for an island."

Zack started to reply, "You're my dream. There is no reason to live on the island if I don't live there with you," he was abruptly cut short.

Zack's assertion astounded Bella. As she recovered, her chest hurt. She reddened as well from humiliation. 'Why must that be said in front of Robert who is currently grinning at them?' To avoid being so ashamed, she would have simply whispered.

The final thought made her want to chuckle. No matter how Zack expressed himself, she would still be delighted. Bella glared at Zack and said, "S-stop! It's embarrassing for Robert," but inside she was once again overjoyed.

Robert chuckled. He smiled and said, "Don't worry about me. That's natural. Lala and I were like that before."

Zack quickly nodded. Zack smiled and said, "Yea, I remembered. Robert and I were imprisoned at the same time before. I gave him the key to escape since I felt bad for him at the time. He became crazy in jail thinking about Lala."

"And I recall you from a year ago when the werewolves traveled for a battle and Bella didn't show up. You already want to go home; even if the battle is not finished. You're agitated. You don't like using a satellite phone to communicate with Bella because you want to see her immediately," Robert answered back with a grin.

Zack laughed at the joke despite feeling embarrassed and his ear turning red.

Zack didn't know that Bella had been flattered; she was overjoyed; she couldn't picture Zack; perhaps it was just a blast of wind.

Bella had to really bite her lips to contain her own chuckle.

Zack said, "You're attempting to seduce me."

Robert chuckled "Bella, it's more than just that. I know—

Zack growled at the friend, "Robert!"

Bella laughed as the man's face turned scarlet.

The wind carried it off. "Stay with the werewolves. They're holding out for you," Zack said to Robert.

"Okay, then. Later, let's continue with this. Bella, you still have a lot to know." Robert pursued.

"Leave now!" Zack yelled.

Robert walked away smiling, the windswept Zack away, and he turned to Bella, saying, "You seem so happy." Zack trembled.

Bella couldn't help but smile as well "Not really... but…"

"What?" Zack said while Bella stepped back and immediately shut her eyes as it snapped and lowered her face.

"W-what ... what's wrong?" Zack spoke with barely any breath. It didn't take long for Zack, and he kiss her.

Bella was unable to open her eyes right away because she was so intoxicated from what they shared, and Bella was barely able to breathe in the surge of heat it created. She floated in a weird sensation. Zack kissed her forehead.

"There's really only one thing you need to be aware of, "added Zack.

"What is it?" Bella asked.

"I've been crazy about you for a long time," Zack said. The heartbeat of Bella accelerated."Zack…"

"I admit. When we're far apart, I can't be bothered. But I like you, I always want to see you, I always want to tease you. I always want to attract your attention. And I always want to joke with you too. So, you shouldn't be startled by what Robert would say," Zack said, touching both of her cheeks. "I've already expressed my love toward you."

Zack gave her another kiss.

Bella appeared to be rocking with ecstasy as she was entirely submerged in the man's emotions. Two people in love experience an unparalleled level of joy.

Hope they would always be happy with each other so they can always see each other lovely smiles.