"Zara! What is it?" Karen cried and pulled her by the arm. Zara let her go when she gave Karen a dangerous glare. Karen stopped complaining. Zara also saw a little nervousness in her. It was good. Since Karen already knew what will happen when she fights Zara.
Karen knows what she did to Sally. Many times Zara brought her to Sally's dungeon and tortured the vampire to show what kind of werewolf she is when it comes to fighting. Whenever Zara gets frustrated because she doesn't see Zack, Sally is the one she hits too. Zara didn't kill the vampire. She prefers to torture her forever. This serves as her outlet. It's a good thing that she didn't think of killing Sally because she could still be used to give trouble for Zack and Bella. It's a pity though that Bella and Zack did not separate.