The Awaiting Fight

"We need your help," Tim said coldly.

Edward was stunned. Couldn't believe what he heard. He stared at the man and saw the determination in him. Suddenly he burst out laughing. Does he want to ask for help now? This bastard had the guts to ask for help after what he did to him?

"And why would I help you? You think I'm an idiot?" Edward asked, pulling out a caliber gun from inside his polo shirt. Without hesitation he pointed the gun at Tim who didn't even show fear.

You need our help. You need the immortal's help. We've encountered the enemies and believe me, you can't handle them even if your hunting equipment is advanced," said Tim and explained what happened at Mount Sitio.

Edward stopped and thought. He saw how his enemies killed his parents so he believed what Tim said. They are cruel. But just now he found out that even immortals are not hallowed by them. He hesitated but didn't show it.