The Outcome

"You go first!" Louis ordered.

Along with Renz, Kirl, his wife, and some vampires went to the enemies-infested area. They were content to leave the area because the allies were there to prevent the enemies from reaching the vampire's place.

Renz's chest was pounding as he sped to the enemy'sq nest. He couldn't think of anything but the intense longing to see Irish again...


"W-What's going on?" Irish asked in surprise as she noticed that the enemies with them had decreased in number. After she finished painting, Brent immediately asked her to return to the cave. She still has no idea if what she painted came true because to this day there is still Secret Paradise on the canvas. What she expected was that the Secret Paradise would come out of the canvas and the painting would become blank again.

Kate smiled sweetly and hugged Irish tightly. "Many, many thanks," she said.

That was far from the expected answer, so Irish frowned.