Amber's Reaction, and Greater Kindness

Inside the silent shop, the only sound was the flipping of a sheet of paper. There was a girl who was currently sitting reading manga. That girl is Amber! And she's been reading manga for 3 hours at the moment.

Amber was so immersed when she read the manga story titled "Your Name". She had even forgotten that Ren was waiting for her, and focused solely on reading the manga in her hands.

She was currently nearing the last page of the manga. And her expression kept changing as she read each page. Sometimes she is happy and sometimes she is sad to the point of tears.

In the page, Mitsuha and Taki were at the top of the hill. They were looking for each other's voices, but they couldn't see each other.

Mitsuha heard taki's voice, but she couldn't see him. She could only hear him voice.

The same situation was experienced by Taki. He could hear Mitsuha's voice, but he couldn't see her.

This scene made Amber who read the manga very nervous. She hopes Mitsuha and Taki can meet, even though they are from different places and times.

'I hope the two of them can meet before the manga pages run out!'

Amber bit her lip, as she continued to turn the pages of the manga. She saw Mitsuha disappear, and Taki couldn't remember Mitsuha's name anymore but he kept trying.

'Gaaaaahhh!' at this moment, Amber was eager to turn the table in front of her. But she managed to calm herself down, and continued reading the manga.

Amber turned the next page, then she saw the adult version of Mitsuha walking across the bridge. The bridge looks very beautiful, with the backdrop of the city of Tokyo. By this time Mitsuha had already forgotten her memories of Taki, she couldn't even remember his name.

In front of Mitsuha, there was currently Taki walking across the bridge. While walking on the bridge, Taki subconsciously looked at Mitsuha who had walked past him. Mitsuha also did the same, she turned to look at Taki who passed her.

Their gazes met. When Taki looked at Mitsuha, his gaze widened, as if he had remembered something.


Amber couldn't take it anymore, then she immediately moved to the next page. But by the time she got to the next page...

"She's Mitsuha's older sister?! And the real Mitsuha is has back to her hometown!?"

She saw the real Mitsuha in the carriage, and Mitsuha seemed to be looking for someone. It was as if she felt the person she was looking for was nearby. Then she looked outside the carriage window and saw Taki!

Amber didn't scream this time, because she learned from the previous page. But she still felt very tense at this time. This tension almost made her activate her pyro vision!

Amber has finally arrived at the manga's last page. She saw Mitsuha and Taki looking for each other. And finally the two of them met on a bridge.

This time Taki met the real Mitsuha. They both stared at each other, before they both walked past each other. But Taki suddenly stopped and turned around.

He shouted at Mitsuha. "Excuse me! I feel like we've met before!"

Mitsuha stopped and she turned to look at Taki. As she looked at Taki, she smiled and replied. "Me too, I feel like we've met before!"

And ended.

The manga "Your Name" has ended.


Amber was silent while trying to understand the ending of the manga. After understanding what had just happened, tears began to flow from her eyes and she crying on the bookstore chair alone.

When the manga has ended. She felt she was missing something, and wanted the manga to continue.

And that's when... She just remembered Ren, the one who told her to read manga.

Amber got up from the chair and called the bookstore owner's name. "Ren!"


Ren heard Amber's voice calling him from downstairs, so he came down from the top floor of the shop and saw Amber crying.

He is shocked to see her crying. 'Is it because of the manga?'

When Amber saw Ren. She immediately approached him and asked. "Ren! Tell me who made that manga?! I need to meet the author!"

"Ok, calm down.. You have to calm down first."

Amber nods and wins herself over. "So who?"

"The person who made the manga was me."

"Eh!? You're the author?!" Amber is shocked.

She initially thought Ren was just a manga seller, but it turned out that he was the author.

"Good! So I can ask you, what happened next on Mitsuha and Taki?!"

Ren scratched his cheek and said. "Well, you'll have to wait for the sequel to be released later."

"Ugh!" Amber groaned at the thought of having to wait a longer to find out if Mitsuha and Taki were together.

Seeing Amber who was very curious about the continuation of "Your Name". Ren smiled and thought he could use this situation to his advantage.

"Amber, I can tell you what happened to Mitsuha and Taki next."

"Eh!? Really?!"

Amber's eyes stared at him with sparkling eyes, as if she had seen a hero who had come to save her. Her sad smile was now replaced with a bright smile of the sun.

'Gosh her smile is too bright...' Ren felt guilty for taking advantage of the girl in front of him. But he gritted his teeth. Everything must be done for the sake of the manga! For the greater good!

'Yes! It's for the good of everyone at Teyvat!'


"Uhm.. Well, I can tell you the sequel to Your Name, but you have to help me first. How?"

Amber immediately nodded. "I will help you!" But then she got confused and asked. "By the way, what should I help you with?"

Ren smiled and said: "Help me sell manga."

Amber opened her mouth "O", then she nodded excitedly. "I'll help you! Everyone in Monstadt should know the story of this manga!"

"Amber... you truly understand the greater good." Ren smiled softly and patted her on the shoulder. He felt that the cheerful girl in front of him was very beautiful. Even though she's already beautiful, well she's even more beautiful now.

"...?" Amber doesn't know what "The greater good." But she is determined to get everyone in the city of Monstadt to read manga! She wanted everyone to feel what she felt while reading the manga!


The clear sky illuminates the beautiful city of Monstadt. On the street of Monstadt there was a girl carrying a cart full of books. The book is a manga titled "Your Name".

That girl is Amber who is currently traveling around Monstadt selling Ren's manga!

Many people who saw Amber, were attracted by the pile of books she was carrying. Because the cover of the book looks beautiful and attractive. But not everyone likes to read books, so they just glance at them for a second before they leave.

But there are also some people who like to read books, and when that person saw the cover of the book that Amber brought...

"Ara ara~ Amber, what are you doing with that pile of books in that wagon?" The one who asked was a woman in a witch's attire.

"Oh? Lisa! I'm currently touring Monstadt selling manga!" Amber said with a bright smile.

The woman in a witch outfit called Lisa, had an interested gaze on the books that Amber brought.

"Manga? The title of the book?"

Amber shook her head. "No, I mean this book is called a manga. It's like a novel, but there are many pictures in it. And the title of this manga is Your Name!" Then she continued. "This manga tells a love story between two people from different places and times!"

Lisa smiled and became more and more curious about the manga book. "Then I'll buy 1."


Amber is happy she finally got her first customer! She sold the book for 10,000 Mora to Lisa, then after that she went on to sell the manga elsewhere.

Lisa who is currently living alone while holding the manga muttered. "So this is a manga..."

She opened the first page of the manga and was dumbfounded. "Interesting... This book uses pictures and text at the same time..."

"Looks like I should read this manga in a quiet place fufu." Lisa smiled. She couldn't wait to read the manga in her hands, so she decided to go to the library to read the manga.

As she walked, she attracted a lot of attention in Monstadt. Especially the boys who saw her, they all gulped when they saw her appearance.

Lisa is a very beautiful woman with a voluptuous body. She has short shoulder-length brown hair that looks wavy, her eyes are green, her skin is milky white and she has a curvaceous body with large breasts.

If Ren saw Lisa at this time. He would definitely be horny when he saw Lisa's body which was on the same level as the MILF from the doujinshi manga in his previous life.


Happy Heaven bookstore. Inside a room.

Ren who is currently sitting while drawing manga. Suddenly received a notification from his system.

[DING! Monstadt's strongest mage, Lisa Minci has purchased the manga "Your Name". You get 100 exp!]

[DING! Monstadt idol Barbara Pegg has purchased the manga "Your Name". You get 100 exp!]





DING! Quest objective has been achieved! Host has sold more than 5 manga!]

[DING! Congrats Hosts! You have completed the quest: The first manga in Monstadt]

[Reward earned: 1 Precious Chests and 500 exp]

[Host level has increased!]



Name: Ren Kazuma

Title: Reincarnator

Level: 1 -> 7

STR: 25 -> 123

DEF: 21 -> 112

STA: 31 -> 157

INT: 26 -> 110

Vision: [Electro]


"...Amber really is my lucky star, should I officially hire her in my shop?"

Ren smiled at the notification from his system. He thought about hiring Amber in his shop, but he knew Amber might refuse. Because Amber was already working as a member of the Knight of Favonius.

"Well, I have to finish this manga sequel first for Amber's reward."

Ren decided to think about his system notifications later, and focus on drawing manga for now.

The manga he is currently drawing on is titled "Weathering with you". This manga is a sequel to the manga "Your Name"!


(Author Note)

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