New manga release day

"This technology... Is this just the author's imagination? Or is it really real? This image is made in detail, as if the author has seen the technology, in the real world." Muttered a brown-skinned man with bluish-black hair.

He was currently relaxing while reading the manga in his hands. The place he was currently at was at the Angel's Share Tavern.

He sat on a tavern chair while reading quietly. He had actually reread the manga in his hands 7 times by now.

Apart from being interested in the love story of the characters in the manga, he is actually more interested, in the advanced technology images that are in the manga.

He is interested in technology that often appears on manga pages, especially things called smartphones.

In the manga, the smartphone it seems to be used by people to communicate over long distances. He often wonders if the smartphone is just a work of fiction?

Not only smartphones, but there are also means of transportation called motorbikes, cars and electric trains. In addition, the design of the city buildings in the manga looks very new.

He knew there were stories in history books, which contained stories about technology that were similar to manga stories.

The story came from a history book in the Knight of Favonius library. The book tells about a country that once developed advanced technology.

The country was named Khaenri'ah, which at this time the existence of that country no longer exists.

Khaenri'ah is a godless country, not because it has a god who dies or abandons them, but because it never had a god in the first place. It was a powerful nation, built purely by humans, a rapidly developing and glorious civilization that was unprecedented.

That country is the pride of mankind.

Khaenri'ah is best known for her role in the catastrophe 500 years ago. During this time, monsters created by the alchemist Rhinedottir, also known as "Gold" poured out of Khaenri'ah to attack Teyvat, and Khaenri'ah was eventually destroyed by Celestia and the gods. After that, many of its inhabitants turned into monsters which eventually formed the Abyss Order.

"Khaenri'ah... I've always felt a connection to that country, but I'm not sure."

The brown-skinned man closed the manga in his hand and sighed while glancing at the other people drinking in the tavern.

He drank the glass of fruit juice he had ordered, then rose from his seat.

"Thanks for the drink Charles! I'm leaving now!" The brown-skinned man said to the bartender.

The bartender named Charles nodded and said. "Sure, Sir Kaeya!"

"Hahaha I'll probably come again back later tonight for a drink, goodbye~!"

The bartender smiled wryly. "Yes, yes please come again Sir Kaeya."

After the brown man came out of the tavern. He smiled looking at the clear sky in the city of Monatadt. The brown skinned man's name was Kaeya Alberich, he was the Cavalry Captain of the Knight of Favonius. He was highly respected by the people of Mondstadt, even with all his idiosyncrasies and secrets.

As Kaeya walked the streets of Monstadt city, he heard whispers from passersby.

"Hey let's go to the Happy Heaven bookstore! I heard a new manga has been released there!"

"Eh? New manga?! Let's go quickly! I want to read a new manga soon!"

"Yes! By the way, can I borrow your money first?"

"*Sigh* Yes... I don't mind, as long as you return it."

"Of course! Let's go to the bookstore now!"

Kaeya watched the people leave with a big smile on him face.

"New manga? Looks like I have to go there too hehe. Ah! I also have to talk to the manga writer about the technology in manga!"

Therefore, Kaeya also followed the previous people to the Happy Heaven bookstore!


Happy Heaven bookstore.

"Wow so many people are buying manga." Said Amber who was amazed by the long queue of buyers in the bookstore.

"Yes, today is the day the new manga releases so it's only natural. By the way, thank you for being willing to help me serve buyers."

Ren said to Amber with a gentle smile. He was very grateful to her, for helping him in the bookstore at this time.

Seeing the growing queue of shoppers outside the store. Ren thought he should immediately hire someone to help him.

Otherwise, he would be overwhelmed to manage his bookstore alone.

"It's okay Ren! Besides, I'm free at the moment! So I don't mind helping you hehe."

Amber smiled brightly as usual.

It was true that she was free at the moment, because she had finished her work on the Knight of Favonius early.

So this morning, she went to the bookstore to see Ren. But when she came to the bookstore, she saw that the bookstore was very busy.

It was normal for Ren's bookstore to be busy, but today it was even busier than usual. As she entered the shop, she saw Ren who was overwhelmed with serving the customers alone.

So she took the initiative to help him serve shoppers at the store.

And here she is now.

She and Ren were busy serving the many manga shoppers who came to the bookstore.

"Thanks for the purchase!" Ren.

"Thanks for buying the manga! Amber.

"Please come again customer!" Ren.

"Thanks for buying! And happy reading!" Amber.

The two of them continued to serve the queue of buyers who kept coming with smiles on their faces. Although it was tiring, they were both happy, having sold a lot of manga to people.

Ren was happy that he was getting faster to complete the quest objectives, and received the rewards of his quests.

While Amber is happy because many people will know the story of the latest manga entitled "Weathering with you".

She had read the manga "Weathering with you" earlier. And she knew what a manga story was like.

She smiled imagining the reaction of readers of the manga "Weathering with you" later.


While many people are waiting in line to buy new manga.

In the office of the Knight of Favonius.

"Why?! Why now?! Ugh... I can't go to buy a manga with all these piles of documents!"

Jean is currently complaining in her office. She was currently eager to run to the bookstore to buy the latest manga!

But she couldn't, because she had a lot of work to do first.

She stared at the pile of documents on her desk, as if she saw an enemy she had to slash with her sword.

At times like this she was very jealous of the other members of the Knight of Favonius who didn't have to deal with paperwork like she did.

Not like her working in the office. The other members of the Knight of Favonius had more freedom, as their work was outdoors.

For example the Cavalry Captain of the Knight of Favonius, Kaeya Alberich. Job was to train Cavalry soldiers, and usually always worked outside.

That person actually has more free time than work.

Jean gritted her teeth remembering how much free time the other members of the Knight of Favonius had.

"Isn't there a faster way to finish all these paperwork!? If there was I would---"

*Tap* 2×

"WHO!?" Jean shouted angrily, at the person who knocked on her office door.

"It's me Jean~"

Jean sighed at the sound of someone behind the door.

"Please come in Lisa."

"Fufufu why did you scream earlier?" Lisa asked while giggling.

Jean didn't see Lisa and continued working on her paperwork. She says. "What are you doing here? Is it about manga?"

Lisa smiled widely and said. "Yeah~! I've already bought a new manga from the bookstore!"

The corner of Jean's lips twitched. She wonders if Lisa came to her office, just to show off for buying a new manga?

"So what? You just came to show off?" Jean looked at Lisa flatly.

Lisa knew Jean was very upset right now, so she immediately took something out of her bag. And put it on Jean's desk.

"This is for you, I have bought 2 new manga before."

"..." Jean widened her eyes at the new manga, on her desk, then she looked at Lisa who was smiling at her.

For the first time she felt very happy to have a good friend like Lisa.

"Fufufu why are you silent Jean?"

"Th-Thank you!" Jean stuttered, shoving the new manga into her desk drawer.

"Ara-ara~ You're welcome. Then I'll go now."

"You're leaving right away?" Jean asked in a bit of disbelief.

"Yeah, I want to read the new manga in the library soon."

"Oh, OK, happy reading!"



The office door closed and Lisa was out of her office.

Jean looked at Lisa who had left, and smiled broadly. She immediately took out a new manga from her desk drawer and looked at the cover.

"The cover is no less beautiful than the previous manga. The title of this manga is Weathering with you. Hm... That's a good name."

"Just reading it a bit while working is fine, right?" Jean asked herself.

She thought it was okay to just look at a few pages, then after that she would continue with her work.

"Just a little..." Then her hand turned to the first page and she began to read it.

Today no one knew that Guild Master Knight of Favonius was slacking off reading manga in her office instead of doing her work.

Except for one person.


In the library of the Knight of Favonius.

Lisa smirked as she stared at the crystal ball in her hand.

On the surface of the crystal ball. She could see Jean who was reading manga secretly in the office.

"Pffft hahaha! Look at her expression!"

Lisa tried to hold back a laugh with her hands in the library. She was currently really amused to see the crystal ball showing Jean's expression while reading the manga.

What Jean didn't know, Lisa had put a magic spell on the manga she was reading.

The magic spell acts as a camera that connects the manga with the crystal ball in Lisa's hand!

So Lisa can now see Jean's expression while reading the manga, as if she was watching a livestream.

She laughed at Jean's constantly changing expression while reading the manga, especially when Jean cried while reading the manga.

"Gosh! Gosh! This thing is great! I have to use it a lot fufufu."

Right now the Knight of Favonius library was very quiet and the only sound was Lisa giggling alone.

If anyone else saw Lisa right now. Well... They didn't do anything. After all, who would want to annoy Monstadt's strongest mage, and make her angry?

The answer is no for most of the people in Monstadt.


(Author's Note)

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