
[Opening Precious Chests!]

[DING! Host has earned Gamer's Eye!]

[DING! Host has earned 1000exp!]

[DING! Host has earned 500000 Mora!]



[Opens Luxurious Chests!]

[DING! Host has earned the Traveler Teleportation ability!]

[DING! Host has earned 2500exp!]

[DING! Host has earned Super Regeneration!]

[DING! Host has earned 800000 Mora!]


Ren opened his mouth "0" and he was very happy to see what rewards he got.

Traveler Teleportation!

Ren didn't know if it was the same ability as the Traveler in Genshin Impact, but the point was teleportation! That means he moves from one place to another in an instant!

With the teleportation ability, his business will also be faster, because he can teleport from one city to another.

The super regeneration ability is also very useful for him, especially when he feels tired, from staying up late while making manga. With this ability, he can continue to maintain optimal body condition while working.

People might think more about wound regeneration in battle, but Ren thought more of his stamina while working. After all, he worked in the bookstore more often than fighting.

And another ability he got was the gamer's eye. He wasn't sure what these eyes were for, but maybe they were used to judge something, well maybe.

He will know after using it.

"Well I wonder where is Traveler now? Has he come to Teyvat yet?"

Ren remembers in the game Genshin Impact, the main character is from another world. The main characters are brothers and sisters, in the game a player will be asked to choose one of the brothers and sisters.

The male main character is named Aether, while the female main character is named Lumine.

When Aether and Lumine came to Teyvat, their whereabouts were discovered by the god from Celestia. Aether and Lumine were considered abnormal existences by the god, so the god from Celestia was hostile to them and wanted to eliminate them.

Ren wasn't sure who the god from Celestia was because his identity was still a mystery in the Genshin Impact game he had played.

"Wait, I'm also from another world, right? Was my existence unknown to that god from Celestia?" Ren shuddered at the idea he would come by the god from Celestia.

He apart from spreading the manga throughout Teyvat, he also had to increase his strength faster. At least when the god came to eliminate him, he could fight or maybe defeat it's the god.

Ren sighed, he wasn't really a fan of fighting. But if circumstances forced him to fight, he would fight and eliminate his enemy.

But for that... He had to increase his strength even further.


The clear sky illuminates the city of Monstadt.

At a bar called Cat's Tail.

"Hey, I ordered a special blended drink!"

"I also!"

2 customers said to a bartender who was in the bar.

The bartender was a short girl who had the appearance of a cat-man. She is Diona who works as a bartender at Cat's Tail.

She was currently sitting reading the manga in her hands. The manga is titled "Weathering with you".

Her mind was only focused on reading manga stories and not listening to the customers who ordered drinks.

"Hey Diona! I want to order a drink!" The customer said to the short girl who was reading a manga.

"Hm... Look at the book in her hand. Isn't that the new manga that just released yesterday?" Ask a customer.

"Oh! I know that manga! I read it last night!"

"Really? I only read the previous manga entitled Your Name. How about the new manga? Is it good?"

"The new manga is no less good than Your Name!"

"Is the new manga also about a place called Japan?"

"Yes! The story focuses on a young boy named Hodoka and a beautiful girl named Hina. And the most interesting thing is that a girl named Hina has the power to control the weather!"

"Does the girl have vision?"

"No, in Japan there is no vision. Actually everyone there is like an ordinary person without any magic power."

"Then why is Hina able to control the weather?"

"I don't know myself."

"Tch! I want to read that manga now!"

"I still have it at my house, want to borrow it?"

"Thank you! Then let's go to your house!"

The customers who originally wanted to drink at the bar, now left the bar.

Diona, who is currently reading, didn't realize the buyers had left. She only reads the manga in her hands and occasionally makes cat noises.

"Nyaa... Hina.. Nyaa..."

If the bar owner found out that Diona had ignored the customers, the bar owner would definitely punish Diona by slapping her butt.

Diona is a girl who has the bloodline of the Cat-Tailed Kätzlein. Its body is short and has some of the characteristics of a cat. For example, like cat ears on her head, a cat's tail on her ass and her cat-like meowing habit.

Despite being a bartender at Cat's Tail, she actually hates alcohol and will stop at nothing to ruin the Mondstadt wine industry. She often mixes drinks with strange ingredients so that customers hate her brew. But unlike what she expected, her strange drink was liked by the customers. She was often frustrated and wondered if the drink wasn't bad enough?

But she didn't give up. She continued to brew lots of odd drinks for the patrons at the bar where she worked.

Currently, Diona, who often makes strange drinks, is reading manga. She is currently immersed in the manga story titled "Weathering with you".

On the page of the manga she was reading. She sees the manga character Hodoka who is currently looking for Hina, a girl who can control the weather. After Hodoka and Hina stay in the hotel room, Hodoka sees Hina's body parts turning water. He was worried and wanted to take Hina to the hospital, but Hina refused to be taken to the hospital, and in the end they fell asleep in a hotel room together.

On the next page when Hodoka wakes up from his sleep, he doesn't see Hina anywhere.

He panics and looks for Hina outside the hotel! Outside the hotel, Hodoka saw that the weather was very clear, unlike the rain in the previous days. this made him even more panicked, because he knew Hina could control the weather.

So Hodoka's mood got worse and looked for Hina all over the place. When Hodoka is looking for Hina, he is intercepted by detectives and the police who are after him. But he refuses to be caught, and keeps running while looking for Hina.

It was then that he saw the shrine that was on top of the building. He felt he could find Hina there, so he immediately went up to the top of the building while being chased by the people who were chasing him. Actually Hodoka and Hina have become suspects of the cause of the change in the weather in the city of Tokyo.

"Nyaa! Hodoka! Run fast!" Diona screamed with her tail wagging.

She was tensed when she saw Hodoka being chased inside the building, she even saw Hodoka was almost caught by the person who was chasing him.

Diona let out a sigh of relief, luckily Hodoka made it to the shrine. Just as she was about to turn the next page of the manga, she heard the voice of the bar owner.

"D I O N A.... What are you doing? Aren't you supposed to be working? Why are you just reading a book? You're not ignoring the customers, are you?" asked the bar owner with a threatening face.

Diona's face turned pale at that moment. "N-Nyaa of course. I'm not ignoring..."

"...So you're ignoring the customers huh." The bar owner smiled warmly, but her eyes didn't smile. By the way the owner of the bar is a woman, she rolled up her sleeves and approached Diona.




And the sound of a cat's cry continues to echo in the Cat's Tail bar.

People walking outside the bar heard a cat's cry from inside the bar, but they ignored the cat's voice and walked past the bar.


(Author's Note)

Please give more reviews and power stones on this fanfic novel. I'm sad to see the number of views in this fanfic novel.

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