Jean is not in a good mood

[DING! Archon Geo, Morax has purchased the "Angel Beats" manga. You get 200exp!]

[DING! An exorcist from Liyue, Chongyun has purchased the manga "Angel Beats". You get 100exp!]

[DING! The captain of the Calvary Knights of Favonius, Kaeya has purchased the manga "Angel Beats". You get 100exp!]

[DING! Yuheng of Liyue Qixing, Keqing has purchased the manga "Angel Beats". You get 100exp!]

[DING! Monstadt's strongest mage, Lisa Minci has purchased the manga "Angel Beats". You get 100exp!]

[DING! Outrider Knights of Favonius, Amber has purchased the manga "Angel Beats". You get 100exp!]

[DING! Archon Geo, Morax has a deep impression on your manga! You get 200exp!]

[DING! An exorcist from Liyue, Chongyun has a deep impression on your manga! You get 100exp!]



"..." Seeing the list of system notifications that continued to grow, Ren was satisfied and immediately checked the quests from the system. He did know an important character like Archon Geo read the manga from the system notification, but he didn't think much of it. Because what's important now is...

[DING! Quest objective has been achieved! The host has sold over 2100 copies of the manga!]

[DING! Congrats Hosts! You have completed the quest: The third manga.]

[Rewards obtained: 2 Luxurious Chests, New system bookstore, and 2500exp]

"Yes! This is what I've been waiting for!"

Ren hurriedly looked at the new system bookstore in his system inventory. He wanted to see what his new bookstore looked like, and what the description would look like.

He could see a system screen showing his new bookstore. The bookstore looks like a very tall building with a modern design, and most of the color of the building is painted white. He could also see the inside, which contained many bookshelves, chairs, tables and many other modern items.

Ren smiled broadly at his new bookstore, which looked modern and grand. He then read the description of his new bookstore, and he was dumbfounded.


-- System bookstore --


A bookstore specially created by the system. Made from high-level materials that are scattered in the multiverse. This bookstore is so durable that it cannot be destroyed, even by the highest power in the world of Teyvat. In addition to high durability, this bookstore also has special features.

Special features:

(1). Anti-theft. All items inside the bookstore cannot be stolen.

(2). Everyone inside the bookstore will receive a healing effect. This means that anyone who has a disease, when entering the bookstore, their body will recover quickly, from all the diseases they suffer.

(3). The bookstore owner can forcibly evict the people inside the bookstore by teleport them out of the bookstore.


"This is the best reward I've ever gotten from the system."

Ren was so happy right now, actually the main reason he was happy was because he could live in a nicer place. It wasn't that the bookstore he was currently living in was ugly, it was just that his current bookstore was too simple.

He wants to live in a more modern place like his new bookstore. Inside the new bookstore there are many other rooms, such as bathrooms, bedrooms, kitchens, gyms, swimming pools, and many other modern design rooms. He couldn't help but be happy thinking about how comfortable his new bookstore would be.

Ren then had an idea. 'Should I take the ladies to try the swimming pool in my new bookstore?'

He then envisioned Amber, Barbara, Lisa, Jean and other beautiful women in the town of Mondstadt wearing swimsuits.

A lecherous grin appeared on his face at the thought. "I might have to try inviting them to the pool later."

"Hm... Let's think about that later. Next I want to open the new chest I got."

Then two silver-colored box chests with golden stripes appeared in front of him. those two box chests were the Luxurious chest, the second highest ranked chest in Genshin Impact.

You might be wondering, how many ranks are there chest boxes in Genshin impact? Well the rankings are like this;

1. Common Chest

2. Exquisite Chest

3. Precious Chest

4. Luxurious Chest

5. Remarkable Chest

The rankings are like this if ordered from the lowest ranked chests to the highest rank.

Ren currently had two Luxurious chests ready to open in front of him. He puts his hands together and prays.

'Please give me something nice.'

Then he said. "System, open the two chests at the same time!"

[Okay, Hosts!]


While Ren was busy harvesting rewards from his system. Inside the Knights of Favonius office. Jean was currently sitting while working on her paperwork, but if anyone looked closely. They would see Jean's eyes were red and slightly puffy, as if she had cried a lot before.

It was true that Jean had cried a lot before. And it was all because of the latest manga she had read earlier. She kind of regretted reading that manga while at work, because after reading the manga she felt really not in the mood to work.

But still, even though she wasn't in a good mood. She still forced herself to work, because that's how she was. Often forcing herself to do her work.

"I wonder what happened to Kanade? Will there be a sequel?" Jean muttered while working on her paperwork.

"Should I ask Ren?"

She remembered the manga writer named Ren. The manga he wrote always made her emotional, and the most recent manga she had read that brought her to tears before was the one he wrote. A few days ago, she had even had a chat with him.

When I first saw Ren's appearance. She was a bit surprised, because her appearance was younger than she thought at first. Well, she had also once asked how old he was? And he replied that he was 17 years old. That means he is 3 years younger than her. Even so, he looked more mature than his years, and she had to admit that Ren was very handsome.

Of course she didn't think anything out of the ordinary about him. She simply admired his looks and talent in writing manga.

Talking about manga.

The manga she had read earlier was titled "Angel Beats". The manga tells the story of people who live in a world after death. Initially manga stories are like comedy stories that make readers laugh, but after reading further...

The people told in the manga disappeared one by one, not that they were kidnapped or anything. It's just that their souls have disappeared from the world after death. Those who disappeared were people who had no more regrets in their lives. That means people who live in the world after death, are people who have regrets before they die in the world of the living.

Jean wasn't sure what happened after people died. Will their souls go to the world after death, or go somewhere else? She didn't know, she just wondered to herself sometimes after reading the manga "Angel Beats".

Of course not only that, she also felt emotional after reading the manga "Angel Beats". Especially when many of the characters in the manga disappeared. Because they have no more regrets in their lives.

The scene that saddened her the most was when Otonashi and Kanade spoke for the last time under afternoon sky. She cried a lot after seeing that scene, because after Otonashi and Kanade confessed their love for each other. Kanade disappeared from Otonashi's arms, she disappeared because she no longer had any regrets in her life.

Jean saw Otonashi crying while trying to hug the empty air, which was where Kanade was before. At that time she felt tightness in her heart when she saw that scene, and she cried a lot in her office.

Unlike the previous manga stories entitled "Your Name" and "Weathering You". The story of the manga "Angel Beats" greatly affected her emotions, even the farewell scene between Otonashi and Kanade still echoed in her mind.

Jean currently felt like complaining to Ren, for making the ending "Angel Beats" like that. But he knew such an action was a bit unreasonable. After all, manga is just fiction.

She sighed, then looked out her office window.

"Eh? Is it night already?"

Jean just realized that she had been working in her office until the evening. She had previously been so lost in thought while at work, and had not realized that her hours were long over.

She then got up from her chair and walked out of her office. "Okay, time to go home. I'm sure Barbara is home early."

Barbara is her younger sister. Unlike her who worked at the Knights of Favonius, Barbara worked at the Church of Favonius. They both lived in the same house, so Jean wondered if Barbara had come home yet.

She knew Barbara also liked to read manga, she also wondered how Barbara would react after reading "Angel Beats"?

What Jean didn't know was that this afternoon Barbara had come to Ren's bookstore to complain about the ending of the manga "Angel Beats", and she was even told a bit of the follow-up story of the manga by Ren.

If Jean knew this, she would have run home by now, and asked Barbara immediately. Because she also wanted to know what happened to Otonashi and Kanade after parting ways on the last page of the manga!


(Author's Note)

In ancient times there were 7 gods who created a world. Each of them had powers based on the 7 elements. That means 1 god represents 1 element. The 7 elements are;






And Electro...

All those gods combined the 7 elements to create the core of the world. The core was as small as a basketball, but with the passage of time. The core grew to the size of a planet, and turned into a world.

The 7 gods nodded to each other, and they left the world they had created. To be honest, they had just made the world for fun, but before leaving they had agreed to give the world a name.

And the name of that world was "Teyvat".

"..." The author sighed looking at the chapter he had translated so far. He then left a note to the readers.


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