Meeting the protagonist

"Ren! Did you know there's a traveler from another world coming to Monstadt?" Amber asked.

"You mean, the blonde girl wearing all white?"

"Yes, she came yesterday while accompanied by her little mascot, and asked the Knights of Favonius for help."

Ren turned to Amber while walking and said. "Asking for help?"

Ren actually already knew what problems the traveler from another world had. But he pretended not to know, and let Amber explain further. Besides, it was fun talking to a beautiful girl while walking in this beautiful city of Monstadt.

By the way, the two of them were currently on their way to the Adventure Guild. Ren wants to make a quest in the Adventure Guild, the content of his the quest was to find the materials he needed. As for why Amber was following him? He met Amber while on the way.

Amber said she had finished her daily patrol, so she was free and wanted to follow him.

"She asked for help to find her older brother who was lost in this world. But at that time, Acting Grand Master Jean was on vacation, so the Knights of Favonius couldn't officially help her without permission. Her name is Lumine, and the little mascot that always follows her around is named Paimon!" Amber said.

Ren nodded. "So that's it."

However what Ren noticed from Amber's words was about Jean. Well, the reason Jean was on vacation yesterday was because Jean and him were dating at that time!

He still remembered the soft sensation of Jean's lips on his cheek that time...*Cough* *Cough*

Ren shook his head, and then continued walking in silence.

Amber's lips twitched. "That's it? Aren't you interested in meeting travelers from other worlds, Ren?"

Ren shook his head slightly, grinned and said. "Instead of thinking about travelers, I'd rather enjoy our current date."

Amber blushed. "D-Date!? Aren't we just taking a normal walk?"

Amber walked while holding her flushed cheeks with both hands. She didn't dare to look at Ren and walked while gazing at the cityscape.

Ren chuckled at her reaction.

"We walked together while enjoying the city view, chatting cheerfully, and before that we also stopped by Good Hunter for lunch together. Isn't this a like a date?"

Amber then remembered what the two of them did today. And indeed, this could be called a date. Her face was getting hotter, she was sure her face was very red at the moment.

Although she was a cheerful person, bold and full of confidence. She was always shy when it came to romance, especially when her heart started beating fast when she was with Ren, just like now.

She knew what this feeling meant, but she...


At a time like this, he would stammer. "I-It's... D-Don't tease me like that Ren! I... If not, I... "

"Hm~ If not, what~?" Ren tried to peek at Amber's face which was still flushed. He grinned, and felt happy to tease her like this.

He should do it more often!

He had to end this teasing session however, as he had arrived at the Adventure Guild.

"Ad astra abyssosque! Welcome to the Adventurer's Guild."

Ren heard a familiar tone, and made him nostalgically recall the Genshin Impact games he had played in the past.

"Hi Katheryne, I'm here to make a quests." Ren said. As he observed the appearance of the guild receptionist, named Katheryne in front of him.

There was a question that Ren was thinking about inside his mind at the moment. That question was: 'Is Katheryne in front of him a human or a robot?'

But he soon knew the answer, when he noticed a small keyhole in an ornament attached to Katheryne's chest.

"What are you staring at!"

Amber's voice interrupted him from his thoughts, and he felt his ears being pulled.

"Aw! Aw! It hurts, Amber! Why are you pulling my ear?" Ren looked at Amber who seemed to have returned to normal and was not blushing.

Amber glared at him and let go of his ear. Then "Hmph" while looking away.

She doesn't like it when Ren stares at other women, especially with attention on the breasts!

Amber was jealous, and didn't bother talking to Ren anymore at the moment.

Ren smiled wryly at Amber's jealousy. He wanted to tease her, but Katheryne's voice interrupted him.

"Can you guys not tease each other here?" Katheryne asked with a flat expression.

"Who's teasing each other?!" Amber yelled with a red face.

"Ma... Ma... Calm down Amber. *Cough* By the way, as I said earlier. I want to make a quest, can you process it Katheryne?"

Katheryne nodded expressionlessly. "Of course, it can be done. Please fill out this quest form."

Katheryne handed over a piece of paper that was a quest form.

Without asking any more questions, Ren started filling out the quest form with the quest objective, quest reward and quest time limit.

Then she handed the completed quest form to Katheryne.

"The quest will be posted on the Adventure's Guild quest board. Thank you for using the Adventure's Guild services."

Ren nodded. "Sure Katheryne. Now let's go Amber."

Ren turned to Amber and pulled her hand gently.

Amber didn't resist her hand being pulled by Ren. However, there was a slight blush on her cheeks. She didn't speak along the way, as she wanted to pretend to be angry at Ren.

Ren was amused at Amber's sullen face, then he asked. "Do you want to stop by the bookstore first? I'll give you free ice cream from my bookstore as a thank you for accompanying me."

"Hmph!" Amber snorted, instead of answering his question.

Ren smiled and continued. "How about an extra package of fried chicken, fries and free drinks?"

Amber was a little tempted by his offer. Since she had tried the food from his bookstore before, she knew the food sold there was very good.

But she still maintained a sullen face. "Hmph!"

Ren's lips twitched, not successful?

He then used a trump card. "I'll also let you read Kimetsu no Yaiba's advanced manga chapter early."

Amber's eyes lit up. Her sullen expression was instantly replaced by an excited expression, when she heard that.

"Okay! Let's go to your bookstore right away Ren!"

She agreed without hesitation and pulled Ren's hand to walk faster.

Ren smiled wryly and let himself be pulled by the excited Amber with a bright smile on her lips.

'As expected of Amber's smile. Her smile is too bright that it makes me want to protect that smile.'

It might sound cringe, but he meant what he thought.

After a few minutes of walking, when they were about to pass through the city gate. They saw a blonde girl and a small creature floating beside her.

Amber, who saw this, shouted while waving her hand. "Lumine, Paimon!"

The small floating creature also waved. "Amber!"

As for the blonde girl, she just nodded slightly at Amber without speaking.

Ren's eyes widened when he saw the two of them. Yep, he finally met the protagonist of Lumine and her little mascot which named Paimon.

"Where are you two?" Amber asked with curiously.

"Hehehe, we just did a quest destroy Hilichurl's camp in the forest!" Paimon said proudly, as if she was the one with the achievement.

Lumine gave Paimon a flat look. She was actually the one who worked hard to destroy Hilichurl's camp, while Paimon just floated on the side watching and cheering. She was too lazy to correct Paimon's words, so she just leave her at that.

Her gaze then focused on a man standing next to Amber. The man smiled and looked at her, as if he knew her.

"Um..." The socially awkward Lumine was at a loss for what to say.

Amber and Paimon watched Lumine and Ren back and forth and nodded.

Amber smiled and said. "Introducing, this is Ren! She's the owner of Happy Heaven bookstore and a manga writer!"

Lumine and Paimon were surprised. They were surprised that the man in front of them was the manga author!

The manga that made them cry all night last night!

"So you're the author of that manga!" Paimon shouted while pointing at Ren.

Lumine didn't shout, but she continued to stare at Ren with an interested expression on her face.

Ren smiled, and said lightly. "Hey Lumine, Paimon. I'm Ren Kazuma. Would you guys like to stop by my bookstore first?"


(Author note)

I post new chapters faster on my pâtreon. What are the ffs I'm working on on my pâtreon?

- Genshin Impact: Reversed World

- Become a Mangaka in Genshin

- My Neighbor Angel

- Kiss Note (Love Tyrant ff)

- Tycoon Author

- Highschool DxD

- And other ff.

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