Chapter 5 Sweety got pregnant

Ryan was shocked looking at the environment, which was physically different to the black room. He still whiffed the harsh sounds, which imbibed to his nose and mouth," Sweety, please remove the clouds above my head," slowly attached to his ears," just be silent, perhaps Hanna might lend you."

Quickly," are you hiding from me?" his voice trembled the whole floor, which Anne got nervous if Hannah might reach the room. That time, Henry found the two knives above his head," Hanna, did you place it over my head," it would be too dangerous if that fell down to his head. So, he spent his time seeking his wife to explain the matter.

When Henry crossed the second floor, he surprisingly saw the killer who had brought the knives, which he found above his head earlier. In fact, it's just the shadow which is reflected from the black room.

The killer and Hanna sadly found out that Ryan was not dying, but it was the artificial clothes that had closed to their eyes, a long voice," what are you doing there, Hanna?"

Slowly turning her head," don't intervene us because it's just a private matter," the killer had held the sharp knife, which passed beside Henry's stomach," why are you entering this kingdom?"

Mad face turned up," don't interfere with my plan," the killer hand Hanna left beside Henry's feet. That time, Anne quickly reached up to the kitchen; to prepare food for them. Her mind was worrying if Hanna might take an inspection to the room. After a while, there was a brave footstep that approached her shadow.

"Anne, do you see an uneducated son-in-law?" Her voice had scattered to the room where Ryan occupied at that time. He also felt nervous regarding the chaotic problem," how to skip this mansion?"

"No, I did not find that guy," she further explained that Ryan had finally gone, which was removed from her memory.

"Really? If I can see that you had hidden him, I will kill you instead," Hanna said. Her eyes were literally judging the helper when it came to her reaction, the way answering the question, including the mouth and eyes. So far, she moderately distracted her.

Sweety woke up early in the morning; she unfortunately saw Henny already sat beside her, without proper orientation. Her fake loved one was still sleeping, but she had lost her professionalism to adjust him," Henny, why do you sleep in my room? You are not my genuine husband?"

Slowly answered," what are you talking about? As you had noticed, your mother had always moved forward to my decision." He explained his reason to avoid confusion to him," what?"

Henny slowly came out from the room, then someone informed her to be in the kitchen. Sweety actually declined it, however Hanna arrived at her room; to bring Henny and Sweety to eat together as a new family.

On the table, Sweety and Henny closed their chairs, who had awkwardly eaten their foods, while Hanna at the front side of them," Sweety taking time to talk to your flawless guy." Her eyes were very proud looking at the rich son-in-law.

When Henny gave a viand at Sweety's dish. Unfortunately, that girl had rejected it through flashing the other side. Then, she had left them with heavy footsteps which moved backward to Hanna.

Hanna explained her son-in-law, adjusting Sweety's attitude, that could be negotiated to him, that while Henry still sought up the presence of Ryan, he wouldn't have believed his poor son-in-law had gone. Alternatively, he found the CCTV camera, however he couldn't see anyone in his assigned room," Ryan, if you are there, please approach me," his intention to give allowance and fare, so that the family will live happily, though he loved to choose with him.

When Ryan lent Henry's concern, he finally concluded that his father-in-law really liked him. That would motivate his heart to join the family, when he looked back to the table. Gladly, he had found the delicious food that was prepared by Anne for him.

Anne had reached her room; then, she took her time to comfort the guy that could challenge Ryan handling that situation.

Whispered," thank you for being here in my life," that could give a romantic movement to the helper.

" I'm glad to help you," she craved to tell her feelings for him. However, she advanced thinking of Ryan.

In the night, Sweety did not take her to sleep because she had noticed that the baby was walking to her stomach. That time, Hanna looked at her in the CCTV camera. She asked herself why her brother kept on crying, while she had requested her rich son-in-law to approach him.

Henny knocked the door loudly; to alarm his wife. But Sweety did not do that, alternatively Henny had used the master key," please tell me your other problem, aside from you not like me."

Her sweety did not respond to him till she unintentionally took her to sleep on the bed. That night, Dr. Henny checked up on the woman, when he checked out the result. Unfortunately, Sweety got pregnant," is he my baby or the other guy?" That time, his father requested him to go back in the house; to check up on his health.

He did not inform Sweety and Hanna that he thought that his father might be dying in the hospital. That night, Sweety made up her mind to reach up to the kitchen; to drink her water, perhaps she believed that her abnormal illness would be forever gone.

When she opened the refrigerator, she smelled the arms of Ryan; indeed, the shadow attached to her leg gave too much cool," what's going on, Sweety?"

Her heart filled with unexplainable happiness that couldn't be explained by," I miss you, Ryan, I've been waiting for you so long," while her heart had felt scared if Hanna might see them.

Anne took her sleep well, especially her dream guy who had already taken his sleep below the bed. Her nose felt awkward as she had not smelled him, but she literally considered it as a dream.