Chapter 9 Sweetly magically got out from the coffin

Anna mournfully witnessed the family sadness, her mind filled with ecstasy when her eyes were not seeing what she thought recently. At the back of her," hey Anna, did you close the gate?"

In a quick," yes ma'am, I did"

"Why did my daughter die?" Hanna voiced slowly to her ears. Beside her, Henry angrily stared at his wife," if you have allowed your daughter to grab her hubby, this would not happen." His wife did not accept the consequences which led to their arguments.

That time, Henny craved to use his talent as a doctor, however he could no longer open the coffin. Beside him," my son-in-law, let's bring her heavy body to the hospital."

" Alright, let's hope that her body is still alive," Henry said. Unfortunately, his wife contradicted his plan," never just seek the cause of her death."

"What caused her death? You can evaluate your action," Henry madly voiced.

To make the long story short, the doctor and Hanna brought the coffin to the hospital, while Henry investigated Anna regarding the consequences.

In the hospital, nobody confidently opened the coffin because they thought their lives would be in danger," whoever will open it, I will give a reward for you," Her son-in-law promised to heal Sweety's life, as soon as the coffin might be opened.

Who can open the coffin?

Third POV

In the hospital, nobody would volunteer to open the coffin, even though the medical doctors would feel horrified to touch it. It took twelve hours guessing if Sweety was still alive.

Hanna, the mother bravely approached the coffin, when she touched the coffin, her body shuddering to the floor. As Dr. Henny saw what Hanna reacted beside the coffin that time; so, he approached her.

"Let's wait until the right person may open it," that moment, Ryan successfully got out from the underground, though Anna disliked his urgent decision," I'll seek my wife before I will get back my heart for you." That could fall down what Anna schemed with him.

Going back, there were two doctors who courageously approached the coffin, while Hanna heeded her daughter," get out from the coffin if you want me to respect you all." When Sweety checked out her clock, it's still 2 minute before she would die.

(I wished to kiss the suited guy who will carry my coffin to the mansion. Perhaps my life will be extended tomorrow.)

Will Sweety die forever?

As the two doctors touched the coffin, but two hands were pulling their bodies to the next laboratory, then the voice spread," I am only looking for my husband, not you."

In the night, Henry madly looked for the helper, yet he had not found her anymore. Instead of banging her room, he called her over the phone, his ears were not mistaken to hear the innocent guy," who is he, Anna?"

No response," Anna, are you still there?" his mind believed such a voice had been rounding in the mansion. He curiously longed to know more about him. Then," actually sir, he is my cousin.``

A prompt response," when will you go back to the mansion?" he asked. That time, Henry still envisioned the coffin that he had found tonight, thought it involved his daughter, but he still felt scared to look for it. In fact, it was just the t-shirt of his daughter. So, he came to the gate to talk with the security guard. On the other hand, Hanna kept on calling to her hubby to be in the hospital; to remove the dead body from the coffin. Unfortunately, her ears still heard such a voice which would be linked to the poor son-in-law. So, she stopped calling her husband to accommodate her problem.

Her feet went back to the table nearby the coffin, she commanded her rich son-in-law to open the coffin. But Henny's feet were quaking to approach the coffin, when the two doctors came back to the coffin. Unexpectedly, Sweety emerged out her face beside the mirror.

A ghastly voice," can you bring my body Ryan?" her eyes pointed out to Hanna, but Henny approached her," why are you looking at the poor son-in-law? Why not me, Sweety?" He bravely pulled back his hands to the mirror which aptly broke it. In that way, his wife may come out from the coffin," do you hear my request? Don't approach me, Henny! I only need Ryan, not you."

Ryan still laid down on his bed, but he loudly heard," I only need Ryan not you," when he turned on the lights. Fortunately, he found his sweetheart beside the doctors, who kept on proving to them that her body was already dead.

Would he seek his awesome sweetheart?

He rapidly stood up from the bed, he perfectly realized that it was a dream, but it was seemingly real. Indeed, his heart still felt grief upon staring at the mirror. He craved to disclose such dreams to the kind helper, however this hotel was extremely far from the mansion. So, he went back to his bed just to make the dreams twist. Although he loudly heard the screams beside his bed," honey, could you bring back the coffin to the cemetery?" Meanwhile, he whiffed a huge coffin which was invisibly displayed beside his arms. He raised up his arms just to turn on the lights, indeed he found a flawless woman who was facing the mirror. Too excited, his feet trudged the smooth floor," hey Sweety, please enter the room?"

As he moved forward in the mirror, he found his mother who screamed regarding his loss. He fell down his interest in the rich woman, however he got conscience if ever Sweety was pregnant.

In the hospital, Hanna sternly touched the coffin, even if her backbone fully attached too cool hands which symbolically the dead persons who were needing their families, while Henry too relaxed sitting in the car.

Too clumsy living the coffin in her body, this would be flawless alright, if ever the poor-in-law would get her body. Her eyes were disgusted, staring at the doctor who sweetly showed his smile for her! Unknowingly, the two individuals began opening the coffin, while Hanna wished that her daughter would force her heart to love the doctor. After an hour, the two individuals did not succeed in opening the coffin, especially when the brown bird quickly slapped their faces. They directly disclosed what they had observed over here.

Dr. Henny warmly decided to bring this coffin to his mansion which had been expensively bought by his mother-in-law for the family. Happily, Hanna supported the doctor anyway they could bring two persons who were opening it again.

Sweety still drove the flawless wind which intentionally carried her body. Her heart actually got astonished observing that her environment was different. After a while, a shining light forbade her from continuing driving the car. Her eyes glanced at the ground, casted back when she first met the guy, they had started their love, while Ryan quickly woke up after he found over his dreams that his one million dollars prize for winning the basketball contest had fallen beside the light which sincerely taught his innocent heart to meet Sweety who indeed heaven for his heart. He speedily trudged the way while the sunlight was still marvelous.

Will Sweety and Ryan meet there?

If yes, would Ryan bring her to the hotel taking a romance for her?