Chapter 14 Atty. Sweety faced her mommy in the supreme court

Too smooth sauntering the way, where Dr. Henny quietly passed by, can't deny the fact that his mind still slipped back what Hanna revealed to him before, just to visit at the supreme court. Then, he slightly noticed the innocent guy who screamed to face his mother-in-law. He personally felt compassionate to the handsome man, indeed he craved to go back to his hometown; just to meet Hanna, to forgive the poor-in-law.

Annoyed at Ryan's ears, since his mind always thought what might be the reaction if Hanna may leave the supreme court. That time, Hanna got fractious waiting for the innocent guy, so she approached the great lawyer, just to give 60 minutes extension, if Ryan might not attend the meeting; she will definitely file a case for him.

In the house, Ryan's mother, still agonizing what her eyes captured, and she realized the authorities had finally brought her son to prison. Her eyes craved to face the case, just to give happiness for her son. That time, Sweety and Ryan went back to the city, just to face the case.

As the couples safely arrived alongside the supreme court. A pretty wife declined her plan for him; indeed, she let Ryan to wait in the car, too cool rising into the window, even though the flawless glass bonked by the sunlight. Such time, Sweety ultimately arrived at the supreme court, just to face the complainant. In that way, the case must be gone, her hands strongly knocking the door. Slowly, the door opened, then too mad eyes glimpsed at her.

Aloud voice," where is the fake son-in-law?" then, her hands slapped Sweety's face," hey darling, do you hear me?" That moment, the chief justice ultimately approached them," excuse me maam, do you want to talk with her legally?" Too noisy reaching at the lawyer's ears, that would be the reason why the lawyer did not trust the complainant. Indeed, he removed his formal t-shirt, just to continue his work.

A slow voice," he is still by my side mommy, I am here to face the case, I am a lawyer, I can definitely save him," then, Hanna bigly opened her eyes in front of her," what about me? You wouldn't gaze the shimmering light without me, so why are you so confident to tell that baby?"

Swift answer," he is my life, soul, and heaven, whatever you will do to his life, I'll be abnormally showing my love for him. Otherwise, I'll be dying in this world without staying by his side," she said. Meanwhile, her voice turned into tears which fell down at Hanna's heart, just to persuade how she loved her hubby.

A furious voice," I shouldn't stop annoying your life, if you won't allow the poor guy to come here," she said. That period, the great lawyer definitely interrupted," since it's a family problem, I must dismiss such a case."

Quick answer," no, you should accept this Atty," when the lawyer saw a lot of money from the complainant. His mind definitely altered to work on the case. That time, the chief justice requested Atty. Sweet to talk with her mother about their problems. He might not work on this case, if ever they could set an agreement regarding what they had started on.

A pleasant voice," I am willing to settle this problem for my mommy, however my heart hasn't understood her anymore," she said.

Aloud voice," I don't understand you daughter, you're clever, right? Then, why hadn't you understood my point; you must leave the poor guy because he could not contribute to our family," she said. The great lawyer literally understood what the flawless guy revealed for him, but his heart emotionally linked what he had experienced before, indeed he wouldn't like to work his profession without staying with his girlfriend.

To end up their argument, Hanna commanded the awesome lawyer, making a statement which certified that Ryan would be wanted person, while Sweety went out the supreme court; just to go back the hotel where she had agreed to meet with the fetching guy, instead of visiting back the car where she had placed her honey.

Such period, Hanna wrongfully passed the way, she could no longer follow her daughter's car , despite that she wouldn't leave the city unless she didn't know where her daughter currently stayed in. On the other hand, Henry dreamt that his wife had an accident at the ugly road, even if he did not like to visit the city, he eventually rode above the wind; just to search for his wife.

When Henry passed the cross road; his eyes unexpectedly gazed Ryan who was so lonely, he craved to comfort him at that time. However, his golden heart still casted back about his wife, although he has been conflicting since he begun to haunt her, can't deny the fact that his heart really loved him.

When Atty. Sweety safely arrived in the apartment; her heart excitedly craved to tell the news for him. She might not be a perfect wife, at least she could always protect him.

Her hands loudly knocked the door, then noisy voice," I'll be meeting you Ryan, it's not better to live a dejected life, though I'm just a helper at rich family, but my golden heart is perfectly loving you," her ears madly listening to, she wanted to meet that girl, just to file a case for her.

When Sweety ultimately entered the room, her silver eyes did not behold the eye-popping guy. Her feet went back to the car, just to check him, but her ears loudly heard her mother," finally, you're staying in this apartment," that moment, Sweety felt affright if ever Ryan may appear in front of her mommy.

Too slow," I just visit here tonight," she said.

Harsh voice," really darling? I would not leave this apartment unless I can bring the innocent guy to the prison," she said. And then, her hands trembled to hold her.

As of now, Ryan felt scared going back to the apartment, too slow a voice," darling, don't meet me tonight," he never followed such a statement that he believed that Sweety was still in the supreme court.

Will Ryan meet Hanna in the apartment?