Chapter 18 Sweety pushed knife to Dr. Henny's breast

Too hot sun hit the glass which was nearby at Ryan's body, what he thought that his wife had visited for him. He swiftly stood up from the soft floor," Sweety, where are you now? I still need your hot body, I'll be fine touching it," he further pointed out, even if he lived sadly in the prison. With such a hot light, it made him alright. His friends have advised him to forget his awesome wife, but Ryan never took it, what he always put to his copper heart; he might meet him soon.

In the mansion, Hanna still waited for the news from Dr. Henny, her heart remained guilty about what had happened in the hot hotel, even though she would deny it, but her heart tugged at her; to correct such unethical action. Her brain definitely understood what might be the aftermath, yet she couldn't accept if Ryan would take her daughter's heart, while Henry felt ennui waiting in the hot hotel, his mind still figured out his daughter's image. He desired to trudge through the entire hotel, however his feet felt the incredible pain. After a minute, the rain fell down together with the strong wind. It would move forward her body to the car. So, he decided to go back to his mansion, instead of waiting for his wife.

Too clumsy lay down in the bed with the hot guy, Sweety hurriedly stood up beside him, a heavy hand pulled out her," is this you Ryan?" and then, a harsh voice," I still want to take your precious body tonight," his voice was not similar what he had been heard last night. This built Sweety's distrust gazing at the black guy, her mind was getting curious to behold him.

The sunrise exaggeratedly climbed up the door; just to help the exquisite girl. He yearned to shift the girl's mind through turning on the lights. Hence, the luminous scattered the entire room. Sweety got astonished to glimpse at Dr. Henny who got her virginity. So, she slapped him using the thorns," how dare you Henny? I am a lawyer, why did you do this to me? If my mommy were able to file a case for Ryan, now I would be the one to do this for you," her voice pulled Hanna's bed. Indeed, her body fell down the floor. It was the first time, it happened, so she asked herself why it occured to her life.

A cool voice," I do apologize what I have done for you Atty. Don't worry, I'll definitely take my responsibility for you," he said. And then, he let his body come closer to her. He was so shy to face the lawyer, but he couldn't decline what Hanna had requested for him.

Quick reply," I would never accept that," interruptedly," hey my daughter, you must accept the current situation, don't worry, Dr. Henny will give his sweet love for you; indeed, he comes back from Europe; just to give the best love for you, it was the evidence that his heart really suited to your heart, since your previous hubby had already gone in the world," Sweety yelled," Ryan, come down the earth and kill my body, I don't have a right place where to live peacefully." Then, Hanna quickly pushed her daughter to the bed," you must accept his offer, I know your silver heart will be great for him," she said. Then, Hanna left the room; to give more nights for them.

Enraged voice," I am not chuffed to live with you Henny," she said. Then, she kept on slapping Henny's arms. A cool response," you can kill me tonight, if you really need to, I will always support you honey. You may use this knife, I know this might give perfect satisfaction to end my life," Sweety ultimately held the knife, she bravely pushed it. Dr. Henny's body. Thus, Henny's body dropped a lot of blood on the floor. Then, she loudly roared" mommy please help me,"

It was the time to lay down," mommy, please help me," Hanna hurriedly ran to the room; just to check the couple, what she nervously found, much blood scattered the whole floor," why did you assassinate him?"

Quaking voice," sorry mommy, I did this to him, my silver heart might explode," then, she ran away from her. Hanna called the personnel to bring Dr. Henny in her car. She was trembling her body while driving the car. At that time, the blood was still scattered inside the car.

Henry felt starved taking his breakfast, he hurriedly went to the kitchen; to independently cook food for himself. His food seemed sweet and honey, can't deny the fact that his nose whiffed a lot of blood. He swiftly turned his eyes to the right side; the blood scattered the whole floor. He went to the mirror, whether his eyes were fake or not. A boomed voice, sorry father, I am already a criminal,"

Swift replied," why? Can you please explain it to my daughter?" In a minute, Sweety had expounded about the occurrences in the hot hotel. It had clearly arrived in Henry's mind, so he blamed himself why he had approved what Hanna had requested from him," I'm so sorry to hear your situation, daughter."

Now, Hanna finally arrived in the hospital, many doctors have treated such an injury. It made much tremble to her heart, if ever Dr. Henny will die, she thought maybe her family might not accept her anymore. On the other hand, the authority search for Atty. Sweety, to face the aftermath.

On such a night, Ryan found a cute girl who gazed at him. He felt anxious to behold her, especially when much blood fell down into the floor, it incredibly arrived to his body.

Beside the gate, the authority whiffed about Sweety's image. So. they would take an investigation, while Hanna went back to her mansion; to reveal the information. Her mind drew Sweety being captured by the authority, then they will place her daughter in the prison where Ryan stayed in.

If this might happen, will Sweety still give her love for Ryan?