Chapter 24 Sweety takes her adventure with the seductive spirit

Too rough a road passing by Dr. Henney's feet, including the strong light which aggressively pulls at his diamond eyes. His heart is getting furious stared at them, especially when she familiarizes their faces. He wishes to express his warm feelings to the lady, who still sparkles to his silver heart.

When Dr. Henny ultimately arrives at the shimmering light; his eyes eventually gazed at Sweety, who perfectly gives her the perfect kiss for the seductive guy, who makes his feet clumsy approaching the couple.

Above his head, the rain shows its empathy to him," you must prove your feelings for her," then the water scatters its substance to the entire ground. Such thing, it feels Ryan dejected staring at the rain.

Below the rain, Dr. Henny emerges with his flawless face, too slow voice," hey! Is this your second life Atty. Sweety?" Then, the fetching girl glances at him," why are you here? Where did you place my body?"

"Why do you involve her honey?"

"It's a long story honey," then, her image has perfectly faded around their eyes. Alongside the rain, the supermoon gives its signal to the rain; to depart from the land. And then, the rain revealed its purpose why the prepossessing woman has gone to the world physically, although Atty. Sweety is still following the wind, but she does not have enough time; to display her beauty to the charming guy who is suited to her heart.

Early in the morning, Anne is getting irritated reporting to the hotel. Her day is not completed without gazing at Ryan who makes her night lighter. Such time, Ryan leaves the shining land, since she could no longer glance at his wife, he wishes to meet her again in life, maybe his night might be better again together with her.

When Ryan lately comes into the green hotel; his eyes seem to block glancing at the room. He slowly walks the floor, just to know the reason for it. Here, he quietly begins his daily task in the office. After a while, too lighted attach to his eyes, then the door is widely opened. It follows Anne's face," hey, why didn't you join me in the hotel?"

"I just had a sweet night with my cat."

"Really? How I wish to be a cat."

"We might not meet again in the hotel, since we would definitely take our day here."

So, Anne invites him to take their night swimming in the sea, yet Ryan seems quite listening to her, it does not mean to disregard it, but to take it as irrelevant. Indeed, he just laughs at her.

Every time Ryan glances at his master, he might complete his day, due to the humor that he takes from her. With that, Anne is secretly getting enraged at him," how to win your heart Ryan?" She never stops hankering to own his flawless heart, while the sun is still reflecting to the entire world, she always prepares herself just to be given attention from him.

Such time, Atty. Sweety transparently appears out her image in the mirror where the seductive guy is getting busy, to do his task, if she can witness her helper who approaches to her hubby, she would definitely feel green with envy, even if she takes it as a joke, she is wishing to go back the world; just to live with him again.

In full moon, the supermoon craves to make a date with Ryan and Sweety for almost 30 minutes below the moon, however the typhoon takes the whole Asia.

Dr. Henny feels dejected laying down in his bed; he sometimes feels how hot the lawyer is! After a minute, his phone vibrates many times which scatters the whole room. So, he slowly gets his phone, a harsh voice," how is the result of your experiment?"

"I'm sorry to tell you about that, she has already passed away, I'm wishing to abduct her spirit."

"Though it's extremely impossible darling."

"You will know the outcome of my plan in the near future."


And then, the phone is quickly cut off, even if the signal is great. So, Hanna wants to visit the mansion, Dr. Henny, to verify such a matter, while Henry still wishes to meet his wife, to reconcile with her.

One night, the moon reaches its awesome light to the hotel, including the thunder which feels Anne affright. So, she runs away from the hotel, excluding the charming guy.

Her feet just saunter the way, then her eyes largely behold the beautiful girl who is similar to Atty. Sweety, she feels mad glancing at her, especially when she feels in love with the handsome basketball player. She would be willing to give her dollars for him, just to make sure, to live with him.

Ryan walks the dark way, so far, he never beholds what Anne sees. He is longing to visit the seashore, maybe to meet his attractive wife. Although the moon never materializes its image in the sky.

In the seashore, Ryan feels smooth walking the whole sand, his ears loudly hearing the waves which would be similar to Sweety's voice. He really falls in love with his wife, even if it takes two years not to meet her personally. On the other hand, Dr. Henny can't longer move her body after he does not take his 50 nights without taking water and food. His body seems identical with the stone, especially when the stone hits the wall.

That night, the black moon emerges in the sky, so far, it's the first time to visit the world, just to bring Dr. Henny's dead body to the third planet. Such light is perfectly attaching at the dead body, then the harsh wind clenches the window; to aid in bringing the dead.

Alongside the giant stone, Ryan gazes at the black moon which carries the dead. He feels frightened to perceive such an image, which implies his future anxiety. He wants to ask the supermoon, regarding this matter, however it's still too dark around the world. Incredibly, he can glance at the sand, waves, and stars, excluding the dark spot.

Too hot, spreading the whole stratosphere, including the black dead. This makes the great lawyer complete her night sitting the dark object, what she perfectly expects, it's flawlessly coming from the seductive guy. Indeed, her heart looks like warm water which needs to be transferred to the glass. Her mind thinks that the awesome guy makes her night perfect as the rain, she wants to feel how hot the bed is together with him.

It takes six hours sitting in the dark spot. Her spirit feels the guy who slices her arm before. So, she swiftly runs away from the spot, but an awesome image is enticing to her invisible arms. This looks fascinating to her at night; so, she never flies away, just to acquaint with it.

Beside the green stone, Ryan also feels what Sweety perceives, his nice eyes are getting furious staring at the dark spot. Although his brain thinks, it's just an object which runs along the way. After a while, he slightly beholds the object which turns to Dr. Henny, excluding the superlight. He jumps many times, just to touch the clouds, but his height is too flat for the earth.

The invisible woman opens her cute eyes; she perfectly finds the seductive doctor who has been slicing her body since she was living on the earth. So far, her madness has definitely gone to her heart, even if it was!

Such time, Atty. Sweety can't define why she admires the spirit, even if it's just one sight. Her brain contempt to recall everything before, what she could recap the better experience that she had with him. This might be ironic to her classy ears, she heartedly jumps up and down, just to search for the better night.

Her left eye beholds the shining guy who sits on the sand. She hankers to fall down her body, just to meet him, but the seductive spirit seriously looks at her face.

"How do you define contentment?

"What do you ask?"

"I just put it in my mind"

"I am a serious type of person, so please answer my question seriously, okay?"

"I don't have enough time to discuss with you darling.

"Darling? I feel lovey-dovey listening to it."

"Can you please repeat it again?"

"No thanks darling" she feels too hot attaching the whole body, although it's just a shadow, but it makes her night romantic like the cloying wind. With that, she can't leave her life with him.

Too silent around the stratosphere, even though the thunder is too loud spreading its voice to the entire universe. This makes them unite their hearts again; indeed, each of their hearts shines like the dazzling star.

The sun begins to appear its dazzling light to the sky, it flashes to Ryan's face; to depart the seashore, since it's the time to start his work in the hotel where Anne is madly waiting for his sparkle presence.

It's too hot staying on the seashore, indeed the sand is complaining; to depart in the sea. It would be fairly attached to Ryan's t-shirt; it may perfectly imbibe his skin. Unquestionably, he never feels the hotness of the sun.

In the office, Anne is hopefully waiting for her admired guy, though it's quietly boring staying in the room. After a while, her phone is loudly ringing, which she anticipates, the call is coming from the guy, who is still sweet to her diamond heart. But it's coming from Henry, who offers his dazzling heart for her. Otherwise, he can't survive his illness.

Although it is against Anne's heart, she feels conscious of what Henry had contributed to her life before. To visit the mansion, it does not mean to accept what Henry had offered for, but to build her connection with the dead lawyer; to assure if she can take the handsome guy.

It takes two nights attaching to the green spirit in the stratosphere. This builds up Sweety and the seductive spirit; indeed, both of them seemed craving to make their hot night into three hundred perfect days.

When the twilight disappears in the flawless sky; Sweety is finally waiting in the hot cloud where she had met the spirit before. It takes two hours to wait for him.

A fluffy voice utters the beautiful girl," how's your night baby?"

"It seems okay, to stay with you baby,"

"That's perfect to hear you."

"Oh my god, I might want to touch your hips, but my appearance is still incapable of touching it for that."

"I might be alright if you can dance with me above the moon."

"What 's a fascinating idea." Immediately, the supermoon emerges its light to the sky, it gives unlimited happiness to the handsome basketball player. And then, the cloying hand brings the invisible lawyer to the moon. Here, both of their ears have loudly heard the splendid songs which make their night unblemished.

"It's our sweet night honey," then, Sweety turns her eyes to the seashore, so far, she never glances at the awesome guy. Her heart expects that the seductive spirit would be Ryan's body. Indeed, her eyes have perfectly judged the way that her hubby has dissolved.

Ryan transparently beholds the two persons who are dancing in the sky. Alongside the mountain, he gazes at the supermoon; his mouth loudly asks for the clarification, regarding such a matter, but the supermoon did not recognize his request. His tears fell down to the sand," honey, when will I meet you again? My tongue feels dry without attaching your cool lips." Then, he is hoping that the supermoon may give him another chance to date his wife.

Alongside the invisible lawyer slowly hears the cry, she thinks, it's originally coming from the cloud or ocean, but her diamond heart imbibes how hot the sand is! She begins to move backward, but the green spirit sweetly touches her chest, which falls in love with her heart for him.