Chapter 41 The doctor surprisingly meets Sweety in the hot room

Too strong wind hits the hot room which pulls the doctor's spirit to Sweety's arms which sweetly holds her, a soft voice," hey why are you holding me? I don't need your arms," then, the invisible doctor slightly kisses her face," ops, stay away from me, I don't need your lips," and then, she locks the window, like how her hands closed the heart, to fall in love with the guy, who had broken her dazzling heart, a soft voice utters," sorry, I would never depart from you, unless you'll hold my hands," which might make his heart perfect like the moon," may you live my heart darling?" That time, Sweety covers the thick clothes on her eyes, just to take her to sleep at night, so far, her side begins to have a peace. After a minute, she casts back how Ryan clenches her body, especially when she allowed him to take her wet body at night.

Alongside her room, Dr. Henny secretly waits his honey, he might go back to the sky, unless Sweety would stop thinking about the poor son-in-law except his flawless heart which might stand as a star exclusively for his kingdom, while Hanna smells the shoulder of her rich son-in-law, she really misses how Henny values his promise, to marry the beautiful lawyer, even if he might not really fall in love with her. So, she moderately glances at the window, just to verify what she whiffs of, so far, the eyes haven't seen somebody in the balcony.

It's too cool laying down in the bed together with their babies who make their night complete. With the handsome kid, Ryan temporarily forgets his star lawyer, who sits beside his arms, unlike before, while Jacky feels over the moon staring at her hubby, who seems inspired gazing at the guy, she is longing for the forever love between their hearts. In that way, the invisible doctor might not disturb her anymore.

Ryan slightly stares at the sky, he finds the woman who looks crazy laying down the bed. He does not have any intention to stay on the balcony, his baby wants to join him, but he eventually disregards him. That time, Jacky seriously asks him about his purpose, nevertheless, the attractive guy never looks back to him. Instead of holding her arms before letting the feet to leave the room, while Henry and Anne have sweetly taken their nights, both of them expected to have a better night, to produce handsome kids, especially when the watch the handsome baby, who persuade their minds, to copy or draw the image which similar to Ryan's portrait.

The dawn might appear its light after one hour; the seductive doctor finally detects to round the whole universe. So, he slowly knocks the door like how he touches the woman's heart. That time, Atty. Sweety softly heard her hubby," Sweety, I'm here to heal your pain," she intentionally stands up, to search for his voice, otherwise she might be getting insane.

Beside her body, the door is slowly opened even though body pulls it, and he concludes that the seductive guy gazes at her. At the back of the sexy shoulder, she feels something new, indeed her body lays down in the bed, even if her stomach is full. Meanwhile, a splendid song is being played which completes her nights, an awesome face which romantically materializes," hi honey, it's my second time to visit your life," it wraps to the lawyer's eyebrow, upon gazing at the twinkle star which falls on her bed.

"You again, I don't have any interest in haunting your life."

"Whether you like me or not, I will forever live in your golden heart."

"Oops, I can recommend the exquisite woman who is well-suited to your bronze heart." And then, the lightning holds their arms together which might link their hearts again, even if the storm might tug it, how they build up their heavenly feelings. Such time, Atty. Sweety slaps the seductive shadow who keeps on touching her chest, can't deny the fact the enticing shadow which tempts her heart to attach with him, however her heart is secretly watching Ryan's face in the balcony which reflects in the bed.

"I know, I can't make your life more than perfect, but I can make your life honey." He slightly shows his eyes which start to fall down the tears, this might wipe the messy in the ceiling.

"Sorry dear, I can't go back to my heart for you because Ryan's shadow is still linking my way," indeed the shadow slightly hugs. In fact, it's just the light which Ryan holds by Ryan, while looking at the moon. At the back of his shoulder, Jacky touches her hubby's shoulder," our baby is searching for your hand, he will not sleep unless you sleep beside him." This pulls Ryan's feet, instead of staring at the princess girl, who never leaves his way.

In the bed, Ryan is hugging his kid, and can't deny the fact that his right mind is still thinking to the lawyer who never comes back to his life. He hankers to meet her, to live his life fruitfully, while Jacky wonders why her hubby still incompletes his day. So, she puts her hands on his chest," I love you honey," and then," I love you too baby," can't explain why he wouldn't give his full love for her, what he still slightly thinks, the woman who gave satisfaction in the bed. On the other hand, the doctor's spirit comes back to the black sky, to take his rest since he is disappointed with the ravishing lawyer. He wants to shout loudly, but he casts back that his mouth would no longer acts like a human being, despite that the moon secretly sends its message, to persuade him to go back Sweety's life, while Hanna transparently finds many footsteps on the floor, she guess, it's coming from her rich-in-law, she hankers to meet him personally, to continue what she has been schemed with him.

Will Dr. Henny allow Hanna to gaze at his presence?