Chapter 48 Ryan proved his miracle feelings for Atty. Sweety

Inside the black room, Jacky loudly heard Hanna and Sweety's argument, she felt chuffed to listen to their voices, in a slow voice," I will definitely take your heart Ryan," then she confidently opened the door, she found the sunset together with the seductive doctor. A loud voice," you can wait for me," then the doctor gave his congenial smile for her. That time, Jacky slipped back the spirit who linked her hurt to the handsome guy, she never down herself while the doctor never uttered his lying statement.

That time, Hanna slapped her daughter who blocked her way, to continue tugging the poor guy, she did not surrender unless her body still has an energy to intervene their relationship," Sweety, you're already a lawyer, you must be smartly understood my point for you," then, the lawyer intentionally pulled her mommy to the car," I'm so sorry for doing," then, the poor son-in-law pulled back his honey in his arms," don't slap your mommy, let her hands to slap you ," then, he kneeled down his feet in front of his fake mother-in-law, but Hanna pulled her shark leg to him," I don't recognize that darling, don't wait to live above the fire," and then, the lawyer confidently carried her honey to enter their new house, she actually saw her mommy to enter the nice house.

Too mad gazing at her daughter, she wanted to slap her again but Sweety would be willing to harm her mother, just to protect the poor guy, indeed she prepared her arms, just to fight her.

A harsh voice,``what did you do that to me last night?" She madly gazed at her black mother, even if Hanna plastically smiled in front of her, so far, she was not being convinced that Hanna would buy a mansion for her, which she dreamt of before. That time, the sunset finally departed the sky, so the doctor's spirit ultimately welcomed to walk on the way. He confidently visited the hotel to comfort Jacky, who silently felt hurt.

A whispered," how are you Jacky?" At that time, Hanna loudly heard it, and she understood that the guy referred to her, so she trudged the way, to search for the spirit, she planned to ask for the spirit, to abduct her daughter.

In the splendid house, Atty. Sweety exploded the whole room together with her honey, she delightedly gave this house to him. With that, Ryan fully gave his attention to her, not the flawless girl who still waited for his golden face. He actually heard Jacky and the doctor's spirit conversation, which unintentionally felt like a green-eyed monster, even though her heart already rejected Jacky except the baby, who still attached her cell.

It took six months living in the splendid mansion with full of gladness, so far both of them were taking their hot experience every night, still incomplete since Ryan can't give a child for her, despite that he still promised to give him, an awesome night, even if he felt tired, but he would be willing to make his life perfect with him.

Outside the house, Hanna felt irritated searching for the doctor, who never appeared to her silver eyes. So, she drove her car back to the mansion. Maybe the spirit ultimately waited for her awesome presence. That time, the doctor's spirit brought his spirit to the mountain where they could reflect. Here, Jacky confidently revealed his brown heart to the doctor.

"What did I tell you before?" Then, Jacky casted back what the seductive doctor trustworthily told her before.

"You must be optimistic, I'll be looking forward to the awesome night, to meet your hubby," then, Jacky got shocked listening to the information, what she finally put to her heart. After a while, the doctor gazed at the sky, which reflected the bed where Atty. Sweety and Ryan were taking their hot night again.

"Did you see them?"

"Just to be honest, I didn't see them anymore," and then, the doctor gave his miracle mirror to her. That moment, Jacky ultimately found out what the couple did, this might end her life," I can't gaze at the world without him," then, the doctor continued to touch her shoulder which might convert into ice. With that, Jacky slightly breathes, instead of not taking her breath anymore.

That night, Hanna sadly arrived in the mansion when she found out Henry and Anne who were sweetly departing in the gate. She wanted to ask something from them, her eyes were brilliantly understood that they were already building their relationship. Indeed, Anne is already pregnant, who never stayed away from her hubby, can't deny the fact that she still fell in love with him. That time, she never erased her devil plan for Sweety, because she believed her life became thirsty without intervening with them. So, she went back to the sweet land, to meet the doctor's spirit, she would never surrender if even her daughter would pull her face on the wall.

In the hot room, Ryan and Sweety were romantically taking their sexual activity in the bed, so far, their stress had finally gone, while Jacky continued to watch what her hubby did to the lawyer. With that, she tried to capture it out, but the darkness would definitely block her way, so she desired to complain in the supreme court. In that way, the lawyer will be removed from her profession.

Beside the wall, Atty. Sweety loudly heard," I will file a case for you, if you will depart out my honey," then, she solidly stared at the wall. In a silence," you can't do that to me darling, if I were you, you must look for the other guy," then, Ryan moved his hot arms to her mouth," what are you talking about honey?"

"No, I'm just talking to myself," then, the handsome guy sweetly gave his kiss to her face, whispered," I can't leave you honey," and then, Atty. Sweety accepted his cool hands," I love you, Ryan," then, their bodies were going back to the hot bed while waiting for the sunrise to appear in the sky. That time, they will be going back to the hot seashore where they will take their pleasure night.