Chapter 55 Dying feelings

Too quick moving out the room, just to know the reason why the mirror broke, his mind has perhaps disregard the cause of, but Atty. Sweety never got out from his heart which made him crazy.

He finally opened the door, footstep marked on the floor which similar to his dream girl. He loudly called," honey, allow me to gaze at you for a second," that time, Jacky confidently approached him," who are you looking for? I never sleep tonight without you," then, she pulled Ryan's shoulder to the room, a thick voice," don't force me to go there," then, he madly got crazy, to stare at her. He never wanted anyone to change his decision except the lawyer will comfort him.

Wherever Ryan would sight his golden eyes, he can definitely find the woman's breast which inspired him, to urgently look for her. He spent his night to explore the whole black house, just to be given a chance, to touch her. After a while, he sweetly heard," Ryan, come to our dating room," he contemplatively crossed his mind about it, what he automatically put to his cool mind; underground. He quickly got out the room, just to search for the door, however the shadow controlled in him, he angrily faced ," you are still following my movement! How many times do I tell you?"

"Tell you for what,"

"I don't have a feeling for you, I just stay with you, to respect our son," his statement exaggeratedly pulled Jacky's feet to her room, of course her tears began to fall, a feeling that she never felt before, like how the mirror attached to her imperative eyes. That time, Atty. Sweety directly left the hot room, just to seek the shining ring. He never mind the doctor who still needed her body in the bed.

In a silence," I'll do all of my best, to find him, even the way is too dark," she quickly moved to the next room where he hotly took her dating with Ryan before. She just trudged the path, yet her ears amazingly heard Ryan's pledge," I'll fight the storm, just to prove my love for you," she got inspired recalling the statement, so far, she never got tired mentally and physically.

The doctor's spirit got befuddle to contemplate about his forever girl. He just followed the way where the lawyer took, yet his eyes could not see the way clearly without smelling her awesome body. So, he merely took his rest, though it was not really efficient, while Hanna excitedly went to the door of underground, just to prove how she supported her daughter.

Alongside the door, her ears loudly heard the annoying voice," I would never stop seeking the way, just to respond Ryan's love," she got irritated to hear such a statement, she wanted to open the underground. However, she forgot to locate the key where she placed it.

Such time, Jacky went to the kitchen, to prepare her delicious food for him. In that way, Ryan might addict how amazing her food was! Although she got discourage to concentrate how to make her food awesome like heaven, still she pushed herself, just to be given attention to the hot the guy.

At the back of her, the child seriously asked about his father, it took several seconds," he is just stayed with us," then, her son wrinkled his face while staring at the window. That time, Ryan got distracted what he did in the family, he quickly came out to the room, to hug his son, a cool voice," don't worry, I'll never leave you," then, his son delightedly responded his hands to him," I hope, you will be in the room tonight with us," can't deny the fact that Ryan planned to skip out the black house, just to extend his time, to look for the ravishing lawyer. That moment, he sweetly smelled the food which helped him to slop back how awesome the lawyer was.

Jacky confidently uttered her words," let us take our breakfast together," then, Ryan showed his respect to his wife, just to save his good relationship with their son. Indeed, he plastically talked with Jacky, though his mind fully thought how Sweety gave her food for him.

The child just requested both of them to stay closer together; to complete his day. So far Ryan never declined it, can't deny the fact that he disliked to smell Jacky's shoulder, what he madly waited for, of course the lawyer's odor.

"Why are you too silent?" the child asked. Then, Jacky turned her eyes to the right side where Ryan took his seat," how's my food honey?" A whispered," so far, it's really awesome like you," that word," awesome," which definitely shook up Jacky's body," thank you for the compliment darling," and then, he gave his kiss to his wife. That time, their son gladly watched what they did, he just hoped that his parents would forever take their awesome feelings.

Beside the third door, Atty. Sweety kept on moving her nerves and mind, it seemed like the earthquake had definitely transferred. That time, she stopped trudging the floor, just to know why she felt it.

Alongside to her chair, the doctor's spirit confidently touched her,' what did I inform you,' then, Sweety suspected the doctor, who had made this tribulation. So, she quickly slapped his face," stop touching my body, I don't really need you," then, the doctor shook up his eyebrow while recalling how the sexy girl gave her response what he did to her. I was really sweet taking their sex in the bed, he took his time to think why the lawyer had changed her mind.

An echoed voice," I only need her, indeed she also needs my love not you," this gave a perfect energy to the beautiful lawyer," indeed, he is right, do you hear it?" Then, the doctor loudly answered," I don't believe him because I didn't see his image, you must love because I already beside your heart," that time, Atty. Sweety speedily ran away from the guy," I don't need you, okay?"