Chapter 60 Jacky can't breathe without Ryan's hands

Too hot laying down in the bed together with the sexy lawyer, who romantically hugged the attractive guy, it was a fun night where Ryan delightedly kissed the woman, not only that but also, pushing his lips for her perfectly. That time, both of them were finally removed their t-shirts together; a loud voice," mommy, open your eyes, I would never leave you," that would perfectly distract in them, instead of continuing their hot night, but Ryan couldn't concentrate to give a perfect sex for her. So, he quickly came out the room; to check what currently happens.

His eyes found out Joshua who slowly carried his mommy to the car. That period, Ryan got astonished why his son did that. He swiftly ran to the car, to drive it for them, a harsh voice," what did you do earlier father?"

A little smile," I just go busy making my story for you."

A mad voice," story? I don't think so," then, Joshua strongly pulled his father to the right side, and then, he personally drove the car, even if he was not mastered it. Indeed, he just drove it slowly, while his mind got worried if his mommy would die. Based on what he had promised himself; he would no longer accept the apology to his father, if ever his mommy will die.

That time, Atty. Sweety quickly came out from her bed, to invite Ryan taking their sex again, to complete their nights. It took seven hours, to search for him, but her eyes were unfortunate to gaze at the wall.

Where did Ryan go?

He quickly drove his car to the main hospital in the city. He got conscience if ever Jacky will die, though he did not love her, still that woman contributed to his life. After a while, he decided to call his son over the phone, a strong voice," why did you call me?"

A soft voice," where did you bring your mother?"

A whispered," you've been engaging with the lawyer, then why do ask my mother's name?" That time, Joshua rudely dropped the call, though his heart still wanted to talk with him. He quickly went to the operating room, to know how Jacky's life. Here, the doctor revealed that Jacky might not sure, if Jacky will survive to her complicated situation. That moment, Joshua couldn't concentrate what he did in the hospital, even though he just walked on the floor; his mind was out of place.

In the bed, Jacky slightly shifted her body, did not mean that she could survive to her situation. That time, Joshua went back to his room, to take his rest, while Ryan did not stop to call his son, until the handsome guy will answer the phone call. On the other hand, Sweety never went back to her mansion, she just spent her time; to wait for the seductive guy.

The doctor's spirit felt pity to look at Jacky's body on the bed. He longed to use his power, just to link with her, what he always thought if Jacky would die. That situation, he did not have enough hope, to happily live at Sweety's life. So, he never stopped thinking what he could contribute to her current life.

In the car, Ryan decided to drop his car, just to check if his wife stayed in the main hospital. Meanwhile, the lawyer kept on discouraging him, to search for Jacky," I can give you whatever you want honey," then, a fluffy voice," indeed you can honey, but I must respect my first girl in life."

A demon voice," first girl?" Atty. Sweety would break the mirror or burn the house, if Ryan would not go back to the white house. She would just wait until 10 hours to his presence. Otherwise, she would definitely do what her mind pulled on.

Finally, Ryan arrived in the entrance door. Here, he tried to ask about his sour woman. Happily, the personnel guided him, to the room where Jacky currently lived in; his image face down while trudging the floor. He just wanted to ask an apology while the shadow attached to his head.

He slowly knocked the door, a harsh voice," finally, you're here daddy, look at the situation of my mommy," that time, Ryan fell down his tears to gaze at his wife, he couldn't force his heart; to stop crying while gazing at the innocent girl, who lay down in the bed.

With full of plasticity, Ryan hugged at Jacky's body," I am so sorry honey, I can't force my love for you. If I were the king, I would definitely teach my heart, to fully love you." And then, Joshua disallowed him to stay longer in the room, unless his mommy would definitely alive.

In the bed, Ryan still wanted to give his cloying kiss to her, yet his son candidly uttered his worst words to him," how many times do I ban you?" That moment, Ryan left the complicated room, just to fall down his tears to the floor, while the people looked at him. He couldn't force his heart to love her, even he has been tried it for her including the request of his son. Consequently, his heart got bloody, to cast back Jacky did to him. It was pretty living to his life, however that could not support to his copper heart at that time. On the other hand, Atty. Sweety went out the white house, to wait for the seductive guy. It was unexpectedly walking on the way, where the harsh hands slightly touched in her," how's your night darling?"

"Stop calling me,"

"I would never stop because you're the only girl in my heart," then, he happily displayed his face which abnormally linked with the beautiful lawyer, who stood up beside him," hey girl," then, the lawyer slapped in his face," you can't live my life, I swear." That time, the doctor's spirt uttered his sincere words," wherever you will go, I would never stop to follow you," then, he shamelessly hugged the beautiful girl. He felt over the moon attaching his arms to her.

It was so nice linking her hands with him, yet the beautiful lawyer was not satisfied to be attached by his heart. So, she swiftly went back to the white house, just not to be touched by the doctor's spirit, can't deny the fact; her minds casted back how imperative the guy was, yet her heart couldn't stop thinking about the ravishing guy, who still passed to her nose.

It was insulted linking at the Henny's heart, yet he just attempted to adjust him. He just hoped to meet the girl again since the dawn started to appear its flawless light. He promised himself to go back this house, to finally kidnap her, since the woman still flashed to his way. On the other hand, Ryan felt famished while sitting in his car; he quickly went back to the complicated room; to say goodbye to his wife, no mater what the reactions to his son. Anyway, he never stopped to support him financially and emotionally.

So far, he never found any in-charge in the room, so he slightly kissed at Jacky's face, which would definitely serve as goodbye. Unexpectedly, his eyes witness how Jacky's hands moved to his body, though it was slightly moved. He couldn't describe how happy he felt with her, a soft voice," don't leave me darling,"

A shocked response," I can't guarantee for that, what I only want, to respect and comfort your complicated situation," he just gave his awesome smile to him; to make Jacky's dazzling.

Such a time, Joshua fully closed his eyes in the bed, he really felt tired thinking about his mother. In that night, he dreamt that his mother and father have connected their relationship, he really excited to witness how their relationship worked.

Such time, Atty. Sweety explored the entire white house, to check how Jacky gave her good environment to Ryan. She found many pictures on the wall; her mind was unintentionally slapped it, not only that but also, to fire it using her sharp nails. That time, Jacky felt down in the dumps while gazing at the shining wall in her assigned room. She just wanted to ask for an explanation from her hubby, but Ryan was gone to her eyes.

Ryan took his nap beside his son, who slept in the green bed. He just gave his precious time with him, like how he gave his night with the lawyer. That time, Atty. Sweety finally threw the portraits to the trashcan; then, she went back to her hot room, to wait for the hot guy.

While sleeping in the bed, Hanna called her daughter, but the call was being cancelled to her. She might be dying if her heart could not ask for an apology, regarding what she did to her. Alternatively, she went to the terrace, to wait for the doctor's spirit, to ask an apology instead.

What she hotly saw, a precious man, who flew to the north side. Her eyes were not mistaken to interpret, that guy was the doctor's spirit. Indeed, a raucous voice," I would fight my love for your daughter," she felt over the moon, to heart what her rich son-in-law has been committed for. That night, Atty. Sweety opened the window while she just took her sleep, she assumed that Ryan might carry her body to the hot bed.

Will the doctor's spirit finally abduct her?

It was a precious night arriving in the white house. Indeed, the doctor's spirit really touched his invisible hands to the objects which looked like the lawyer, who never came out from his heart. That time, Ryan decided to go back in his house, just to take an agreement with Sweety, so that Jacky would absolutely got okay laying down in the bed.

Will he still meet the hot girl?

A hot head arrived in the window which blocked the wind; to fully hit at Sweety's body. That time, the seductive doctor confidently carried the lawyer's body. It was successfully reached in his wings, then, he happily brought her precious body in the dark house. Here, the doctor ultimately thought that Sweety would be his forever girl. He can't accept the veracity, if ever someone might take at Sweety's heart. So, he never opened the doors and windows, though it gave extreme hot to the entire house.

That time, Sweety felt too warm in her body, she attempted to stand up, just to talk with anyone, however the room filled with dark. With that, she could never find the tempting guy, who stood up to her way. At this time, the doctor's spirit gave his cool hands to the woman.

It was very cold attaching at Sweety's dress which definitely reach in her body. She just expected that the handsome guy might take her night. That time, Ryan removed his t-shirt while going to Sweety's room, he felt excited to gaze at her. Unfortunately, his eyes never found the woman, who stared at her.

What he alternatively thought, maybe his precious girl went back to the mansion. So, he quickly went to that place, just to take his nap with her, no matter how far it was. On the way, Ryan received a call from his son," daddy, come back to the hospital," his voiced seeming an urgency. So, he changed his direction.

In the hospital, the doctor could not comprehend why Jacky unable to breathe in, if Ryan would gone. That's why, he advised Joshua, to bring back his mother in the white house, but Joshua disregarded the doubt.

Upon arriving the hospital, Ryan quickly entered the door, what he found the doctor and Joshua were making a mountain. Here, the doctor kept on observing if Jacky would move her shoulder, as Ryan touched it. Eventually, it was highly pumped up, like how the air carried the shark in the sky.

A cool voice," honey, if you're okay, do prove your good condition," then, Jacky slightly opened her mouth," I'll be dying if you'll leave my presence," that time, Ryan couldn't believe what Jacky uttered in her mouth. He couldn't respond what his wife needed for him.

A soft voice," I am here to support you," he never mentioned whom should he gave his hot love, since Jacky couldn't breathe well, especially when he tried to pull out his hands from her neck. That time, Atty. Sweety froze her body attaching at the wet t-shirt, but her mind thought negatively living in the room. Here, she sometimes heard the doctor's voice, "Ryan, am I still staying in your house?" That question, it would incredibly reach at Ryan's ears.

Will Ryan leave Jacky?