Chapter 68 can't hold Hanna's tears

It was a pleasant night to live with them, though Sweety never part in the family. Her heart couldn't measure how awesome she felt with them. That night, Anne made a delicious food, to pleased their visitor, while Henry spent his time to speak with his daughter, who looked inspired taking her seat. There, he told a wonderful story that he has been experienced with his real wife. With that, Sweety advised his father, to reunite his precious relationship with her mommy, an awkward voice," I am so sorry, I don't need her heart anymore."

Such night, Anne delightedly called them, to take their dinner in the kitchen. Here, the beautiful lawyer casted back how nice Anne's talent in cooking the food. It was similar with what Ryan did; indeed, her tears fell down to the floor.

A soft voice," why are you crying my daughter?"

A harsh voice," don't mind me daddy," then, her heart went back to be lazy, it was extremely thick, like how the diamond started to move its substance. However, she was just pretended that her face looked pleased in front of them.

"didn't you like the food?"

"No, it's outstanding to my dazzling heart," and then, Anne felt affright hearing the terrible knocked.

"Do you know that honey?'

"Sorry, I don't have a visitor to come tonight darling," it was very annoying in their ears. So, Anne went to the door, what she slightly saw; a mad face which looked at her," finally, I already meet you," then, Hanna confidently slapped Anne's face.

"Why do you pull it?" Her hands dragged the visitor, a terrible voice," who is that honey?" That time, Heny got astonished staring at her," why do you visit us?" That moment, Sweety quickly went to the room what she heard Ryan's voice.

When she glared at the window, what she found; her mommy together with the doctor. So, she went back to the box where she had hidden before. Here, her heart looked fresh while thinking about them. On the other hand, Jacky and Joshua were gladly celebrating their nights, however Ryan got dry to his face, including his heart.

Every time, Ryan looked at the west; his eyes were brilliantly gazing at Sweety's heart. Instead of joining his family, he asked a permission from them; to take his early sleep. In that way, he could imagine the real presence of his hidden sweetheart. That time, he loudly heard Hanna's words about him," I know Ryan is already died. I don't want to go back his flawless heart again." That time, he got befuddled why Sweety uttered such a statement for him.

Instead of following his precious heart; he took his night off again, just to meet the genuine lawyer to his eyes.

Alongside the apartment, Hanna angrily wanted to enter the room, even if Henry would not allow her. So, he quickly called the authority, to arrest his first wife. But Hanna remained stubborn to her head, a harsh voice," I don't want to leave here. I know, you are connected with Sweety."

A slow voice," Henry, would you go back to your wife?"

"No, I don't like her. I only like you honey," and then, he publicly gave his kiss for her.

It was getting irritated to reach at Hanna's heart, since she still felt love with him. Instead of departing the pad, a hot hand touched at her shadow," mommy, we don't depart here unless daddy would tell us about Sweety's current location." It was perfectly meeting with her rich son-in-law.

"You're here in my side,"

"Of course mommy, I would never stop to support my commitment for you." That time, the authority arrested Hanna and Dr. Henny, since they were not following in them. That moment, Anne finally realized that her heart was very significant at Henry's heart. Indeed, the guy would never allow her, to cry.

Atty. Sweety slowly got out her room; just to check the annoying sounds. Her big eyes were finally gazing at them again, that would be the reason why she did not like to go back in her assigned room.

Such a night, Henry narrated the entire story in the apartment. With that, his daughter finally got the information which gave a full perception of what her mommy did. To that, Henny ultimately decided to take their ten nights vacation.

That location was far away from the city. Here, Henry happily lived with his wife and daughter, who were spending their time together. After a few moments, Sweety went to the comfort room, it was getting slippery, trudging the floor.

Here, she accidentally found at Ryan's eyeglass, so far, she really amazed it. So, she confidently took it, since it was very shining to her golden eyes. With that, she couldn't concentrate to think about his slippery heart.

That time, Atty. Sweety would be willing to travel around the world, just to meet him. She was not practical, to look at the shining eyeglass. That would be the reason why she was not thrilled to mingle with them.

That night, Joshua went back to his assigned room. What she found, the lawyer couldn't move her body, can't hold his voice; he loudly shouted," father come on," and then, he quickly went back to the beach where Jacky and Henry took their pleasant night. On the other hand, Hanne cried loudly while she was following with her rich son-in-law. In short, she could not accept why her daughter and hubby have left to her heart. Still she never evaluated why they were not existing to her eyes.

When Dr. Henny glared at Hanna, who looked like a broken mirror. So far, he couldn't describe how terrible the image was! Despite that, he never stopped to find the bright ways, just to seek the lawyer, who never faded to his heart.

Can't deny the fact that the doctor might be getting insane. If he couldn't have met the woman, who never gone to his life. So far he would be willing to travel the whole earth; just to prove how imperative she was to his life.

That night, Dr. Henny wouldn't accept if he couldn't meet at Sweety, who made his night and night completed. Otherwise, he would be willing to back his second life; just to kidnap her, wherein nobody could find her except his heart.

He trudged the way, a little breath," Ryan, you may spend your time to search for my shining presence," the would be the reason why the doctor got inspired to search for her. Although he did not have enough eyes; to perfectly gaze at her.

Sweety took her time sleeping in the bed; her body looked like a dead. That would be the cause why Henry and Anne were worrying about her situation. They were finally decided to depart the awesome place; just to bring her the lawyer's body in the hospital. It was very heavy to her body, indeed the car couldn't run for a quick.

That hospital where Dr. Henny has been served for almost 20 years.

Will the doctor find her?

That night. Dr. Henny went back to the hospital; just to file an infinite leave. He might be taking his long journey to the second world. If ever he couldn't meet his special someone. It was really impossible to his mind, to look for her.

In the room, Dr. Henny insanely figured out the lawyer's image which kept on touching his arms. With that, he really got inspired to imagine how flawless the girl was! However, his eyes were still blind to gaze at her. Anyway, his heart never stopped smelling on her.

In a silence," I know you are here honey, please allow my heart to find for you," and then, his left eye glared at the beautiful woman, who trudged on the floor.

That night, Atty. Sweety kept on laying down in the bed, while Anne and Henry were waiting for the right doctor, who might check if the lawyer was still alive or not. It took seven hours to wait for, but nobody assisted in them.

When the sunset closed its image in the sky; Dr. Henny finally decided to go back above the dark tree. Here, the dark shadow pulled in his body to the sky, so far the doctor could not see anything. To that, he was regretful.

In the hospital, many patients were madly waiting for Henny's presence; just to be cured in their illnesses and injuries. A little far from the sky, Henny's ears were loudly heard at the people cry, including the lawyer, who kept on calling her words," no doctor can heal my illness except Ryan's hands." It was very annoying to his part since he already arrived in the second world.

Hanna visited at Henny's pad, to communicate with him, regarding their incoming plan. However, her eyes were finally getting shocked to witness at the dead pants which usually wore by Henny. Can't believed what she found so far.

That time, Doctor Henny waited the perfect darkness to come. He might be going back to the hospital, just to heal the lawyer's illness.

Would he heal Sweety's illness?