Chapter 75 Henny used the dead body

It was a pleasant night to live in the new house, especially when the stars and wind would touch at Sweety's breast. That would turn to hot like the substance of stars, which never stopped reflecting its light to them.

In the balcony, Ryan felt down in the dumps looking at the stars, which would similar to his wife. Can't deny the fact, he really missed at Jacky's kiss, no mater how dry it was. That time, Sweety went back to the hot room; to let her honey knew what she glared at the sky.

Her eyes were slightly gazing at him. Instead of proceeding to the room, she decided to pull her shoulder," how's your night here honey?" It was very soft uttering from her mouth.

"It's so soft like your heart," he said. His voice was little different to his original voice.

"Is this you, Ryan?" Meanwhile, she confidently touched her arms, which magnet her heart," ah, why can't I guess your unfeigned identity?" And then, she attempted to kiss him again with full of awesome smile

Sharp voice," so, do you still cast back my body?" Then, the lawyer never got her lips yet, since it was so nice attaching to him. Then, she asked the guy, to back in their room; to start their honeymoon.

Such a night, Sweety romantically lay down in the bed when her honey had already removed his t-shirt. Her eyes were tempting to look at him, even if she tried to think about her problem. What she would always think, the precious muscle which elegantly showed by the hot guy.

While Ryan looked like a dead beside the sexy woman. So, her honey advised him to drink a beverage before taking their precious activity tonight. That time, Atty. Sweety got shocked why Ryan was not aggressive to take their sexual activity.

In the bed, she already removed her dress while waiting for her honey. She expected much that she would be satisfied tonight. Otherwise, she needed to bring the guy to the nearest hospital; just to check up him.

That time, Ryan happily drunk the wine alone. It was his first to take it. So, he needed his sweetheart to take their precious night together; to finish what he drunk. Unfortunately, his eyes were not to gaze the objects, even his t-shirt.

It was not his intention to take his nap on the floor, while Henny finally ended his shift. That time, he was so stressed to his patient in the hospital. So, he took his time to sleep in the cool bed. A scary voice," I have been tired of waiting for your action," he woke up and looked at the dead," oh, I see," then, he went to the dead room; to use some of their bodies.

It was very fright to enter the room, even if he has been staying for almost a year. Here, he got the handsome dead which kept on staring at the window. That dead was so dry, but the sight was looking fresh and tempting. It took a minute, the doctor got ready to seek for his admired girl.

It's already 3:00 am while the doctor was flying above the sky. His eyes were trying to figure out the new house on the island. The window was widely opened; his eyes were ultimately gazing at the hot girl in the bed. He did not know her name yet, but he got aggressive to take her body tonight.

That time, Sweety took her night since the hot guy did not go back to her bed. It was so silent insider her room, but there was a cloying hand which confidently touched at her. And then, the fluorescent has automatically turned off when the dead body reached in the room.

Instead of asking her name, Henny slowly opened the white clothes. What he finally gazed at; the sexy lawyer, who lay down in the bed. He couldn't describe how precious his day with her tonight.

He never wanted to skip such an opportunity. So, he romantically touched her chest. That time, Sweety slowly opened her eyes, what she wrongly found; a shing body which already hot to take her. Of course, she expected that Ryan did it for her.

In the bed, Henny sweetly opened her dress, while her cell wanted to touch how pretty the girl was. It was the best experienced that he had at the time.

On the floor, Ryan slightly heard the noisy inside the room. He slowly stood up, just to glance at the cause of.

When Ryan arrived at the hot room; his hands were unable to open the door. He went back to the black room; just to continue taking his rest tonight. Here, he loudly heard Joshua and Jacky's cry, that would be the reason why he could not go back to the hot room.

He wanted to skip the mansion; just to seek his family. Unfortunately, all of the lights were cutting off, and then, the rain never stopped falling on the ground. That time, Joshua had finally took his night off, but Jacky kept on crying while looking at Ryan's picture. She actually wanted to cut her feelings for him. However, she couldn't pull her heart, to forever forget him.

In the bed, Henny luckily got Sweety's virginity. He craved to wait here for her, but the lightning started to spread. It was a nice night where Sweety fully satisfied what the guy gave to her.

When Sweety stood up, just to talk with the hot guy. Unluckily, she never found the hot guy, who got her precious heaven. She kept on asking herself why the guy had gone to her eyes.

She spent her time to seek at the second room. Here, she found Ryan, who still took his sleep," hey honey, why do you transfer here?"

A sincere word," I only stay here for one night without you," then, he displayed his lonely face at her.

"We have been taking our precious night, right?"

And then, Ryan got shocked why the lawyer uttered it. So far, he could not relate what Sweety uttered from her mouth. In front of her, he just laughed at," I don't know what you are talking about honey?"

At the time, Henny happily took his rest under the tree. He would not leave the island, unless his eyes might captivate the beautiful girl again.