Chapter 78 Ryan happily lived with Jacky

It was still rainy night, can't be attached to the wind anymore. Despite that, Jacky never lost her hope, to achieve her new dream for this night. Her son kept on reminding Jacky, to go back her room; just to take her early night off.

Jacky kept on promising to her son; to sleep beside him tonight. Her mind insanely thought about Ryan, who never stopped to look at the sky. With him, she couldn't take her sleep, not only that but also, to lost her energy anymore. Indeed, she could never move her body, no matter how long she shifted it.

That time, the rain had stopped falling its water to the ground. And then, the wind slightly touched at her flawless body," what's your problem dear?"

And then, Jacky uttered her problem in front of the wind. It was so soft being attached to the flawless wind," I keep on looking at the way, just to hold the handsome guy." That moment, the wind fully understood what Jacky uttered to her mouth," I might go back to my room yet," wind said.

While Sweety kept on calling the wind, star, and moon; just to ask a help from them. Unfortunately, the celestial objects never listened to her words anymore, no matter how loud it was.

At the back of her, Henny laughed to look at his honey," what did I tell you?" And then, he plastically comforted her dazzling heart. In fact, he felt over the moon noticing her real situation.

A whispered," don't intervene my heart honey," then, Henny forced put his cloying arm to the lawyer. Hence, her body ran to the bed with him. Here, he spent his time, to speak with her.

Above the wind, Jacky successfully ride, just to save the flawless guy, who has been calling for her shining heart. It took three minutes, the wind arrived to the cool place where Ryan couldn't stand.

That time, Ryan actually took his night off; just to forget his bad situation. He wished to change his life as the sunrise appeared in the sky. He actually got mad to think how terrible his situation, but nobody came to his life; to save him.

It was a cool night attaching at his chest and cell. So, he slowly opened his brilliant eyes," hey Jacky, how blessed I am to have in my life," his eyes couldn't be described while looking at her.

"I'm here, to comfort your pleasant heart."

"How astounding I am, to be given your unconditional love," Ryan said. He was unintentionally falling down his tears, while he uttered his words for her. Interruptedly," you must love your flawless wife not the complicated lawyer." It was extremely pointed to his heart. That would also touch his eyes and heart. Hence, he fell down his unmeasurable tears to the ground.

"That's how I give my love for you," then, her hands were shiningly accepting at him. That moment, Ryan couldn't measure how pleasant his feeling to have her. He has been wishing to live his life for the lawyer, however it was not happened to the reality.

Would he still accept the lawyer if they might meet again?

In front of them, the wind happily noticed their heavenly felt. So, the wind left the island, just to take its rest somewhere in the sky. That time, Ryan ultimately walked on the way through the wind's hands which secretly linked with Jacky, who romantically accepted at the flawless guy.

"I can't stop to hold you honey."

"I hope you would value your words"

"I already hugged you honey. That would be the evidence that my feeling still attached with you." As Jacky heard it, she automatically forgot what Ryan did to her flawless heart.

Since its still night, Ryan brought his honey to the island where he took his date with Sweety. Here, his honey got amazed to view the different awesome objects which captivated to eyes, like how she was attracted at him.

That night, Joshua visited at her mommy's room, but he never found her. His mind perfectly thought that Jacky might be going back to the hometown; to look for Ryan. His heart was complicated to understand his mommy, who abnormally gave his love for the guy.

He wished to meet his father personally, just to utter his frank words. He did not like what Ryan did to his family. Indeed, his life was affected to touch at their terrible problem in life.

That time, Sweety felt clumsy to take her sleep beside Henny, who kept on giving his romantic kiss for her. She never appreciated it, no matter how sweet it was. What she madly looked for; Ryan's hands, to carry her bed in the bed.

Her eyes were just looking at the wall with no picture. But her heart could picture out how attracted Ryan was. That would be the reason why she did not have a peace of mind, even if the place was very cool.

Every night, Henny gazed at the star, to ask for more memories with his honey. He was hoping that his appearance might convert into a star. In that way, Sweety would eventually glared at him.

That time, Sweety physically abused the guy, who sat beside her bed. She would never stop to hurt him until Henny would quit his feeling for her. While Ryan happily took his date with Jacky, who insanely touched her hands at Ryan's hips. Both of them were hoping to build their feelings forever, even the wind might not pull it.