Some necessary info.

Necessary info on the word of Lexia.

First of all the level partition of talents:

Scrap level talent: (1/10000) essentially useless, unable to even learn the most basic level of the appointed field in a human lifespan;

Low talent: (3/10) able to learn the basic level of the appointed field in a human lifespan;

Average talent: (7/10) able to learn the middle level easily and with hard work able to reach the middle high level of the appointed field in a human lifespan;

High talent: (1/1000) able to learn middle high level with easy and with hard work can reach the high level of the appointed field in a human lifespan;

Super high talent: (1/100000) able to learn high level with easy and with hard work can reach the very high level of the appointed field in a human lifespan;

Deity talent: (1/10^7) can reach the pinnacle of the world in a human lifespan.

The ranks of people and beasts are:

Low rank

Midium rank

High rank

Super high rank

Deity rank

The difference lay in the fact that every rank has three stages: the initial stage, middle stage, final stage.

The rank of the equipment are:







The talent system is applied mainly to three fields which are:

Martial Art;

Bend Magic, which is that supported and recognized as the best and the only type of magic, is the branch of magic in which a person or a beast use his mana to bend his surroundings, at the basic and low stage a magician can only use an already existing element and bend it at his will, instead at superior stage they can form new matter with their magic (aka matter magic);

Fusion Magic, is the type of magic witch in the past was deemed useless and so it was forgotten by humans, this type of magic is the one that is used by magicians to infuse themself and object or equipment (the infusion of object and equipment can be performed by bend magician but is more difficult and inefficient compared by an expert of fusion magic, and even the quality is lower, that's why fusion magician are better forgemasters and blacksmiths.