The Stage is Set.

In the middle of a large clearing, Marduk was surrounded by a hundred Chimmons divided in small squads each led by a couple of Superior Chimmons.

'They are a lot… and much better organised than that time, but something feels wrong… Well for now let's focus on suppressing them without killing.' Marduk thought as he bolted towards one of the groups.

He used the explosiveness of his thunder magic to quickly close the gap between himself and one of the two Superior Chimmons.

'I should focus on the commanders first to break their formation. I'll go easy on them.'

It took less than a minute for Marduk to knock out an entire squad of Chimmons.

Then, as he turned, a huge golden hand hitted him right in the face. Marduk reacted quickly, grabbing the arm of the beast, knocking it off balance and striking it with his palm technique while it was still in the air. The attacker was sent flying by the tremendous force behind Marduk's attack. The beast was a large Golden Ape with a scar on the left side of its abdomen.

While the Ape was still coughing blood, the plain and calm voice of Marduk sent shivers down its back.

"Eh, did you really believe that you could take me by surprise just because I was turned the other way? Well, a monkey you were a monkey you remain, I guess."

A shade of terror contorted the face of the large Golden Ape, when it realized that Marduk didn't even flinch at his full strenght punch, it instantly understood the difference in power and technique there was between them.

"Oh, now you are scared? Don't worry I'll neither kill you nor fight you. After all, you weren't strong enough one year ago and you aren't strong enough today. Stop making a fuss in the forest and we'll all be happy. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

"YES! Me understand. Me no fight more!"

"Well I'm a little disappointed in your weakness, but now I can go back to my training, bye bye, Scar."

Marduk's training was coming to an end. He and Zarke were, now, both much stronger than before.

"Well tomorrow we'll go back home, Zarke. I'm curious to learn why the old man wanted me to go back so early… Well, we'll find out tomorrow, there is no rush."

At that moment, Lord entered the cave in his human form.

"I'll walk you out of the forest tomorrow, and I'll take part at your party."

"Well, you are more than welcome."

"To thank you for your hard work doing my job, I have prepared a big present, look forward to it. So did you two talk about what types of magic would suit Zarke and could assist you better in fight?"

"Yes, for now I'll ask Jane to teach him light magic, I already have some very useful spells in mind that I want to try myself."

"You never take a break, do you? Well first you need to learn light magic which is one of the most difficult types of magic to use."

"And one of the most powerful and versatile.The higher the difficulty is the juiciest the reward."

"Well, that's true. All right, sleep tight, tomorrow will be a tough day." With those words Lord left the cave going back to his rest.

Meanwhile in Mint, Kayden was putting the final touches to the party he would host the next day.

"Shen, is everything ready to go?"

"Yes, Boss."

"Perfect! I'm excited to see Marduk's face when he meets them!"

"It will probably stay as plain as ever."

"I bet you a month of vacation, that you are wrong!"

"What if I lose?"

"Well if I win you will have to fight Marduk."

"I accept. I already decided to test him when he was back."

'You underestimate Marduk too much, like that fool of a son I have. That's why we will lose Marduk sooner or later, it is unavoidable.' Kayden thought, shifting his gaze to the forest and sighing in disappointment.

The next day came fast, Lord and Marduk, who was riding Zarke, set off at the crack of dawn.

"Well it was short but intense." Marduk complained.

"I'm tempted but I won't say it!" Lord said while holding back a loud laugh.

"What do you mean?" Marduk said with an innocent and confused face which was very rare for him.

"Nothing, let's get moving or we will be late."

"Well, ok. But someday you will have to explain." Marduk said annoyed, showing one of his rare moments of child innocence.

It took them a couple of hours to reach Mint from the centre of the forest.

Kayden was waiting for them at the gate, with him there was a determined looking Telia.

"Hey old man, how are you?"

"Well, we've been busy organising your party."

"What party? Who did you invite?" Marduk's tone suddenly became serious.

"Just a couple of people…"


Marduk felt unsettled during this short exchange.

Marduk never liked to meet new people, the wound caused by his father's abandonment was very deep and still fresh.

"Marduk!" A cheerful high pitched voice tore Marduk out of his thoughts.

"Telia! How was your training? Oh you grew much stronger this last year…"

Marduk took a pause in his speech to look at Telia stats. "Did that witch treat you well? Should I go and talk to her?"

"My master treated me very well, and stop calling her like that! She is very kind and a bit strict but she does it for my sake."

"Hmm, well whatever, I have to talk to her anyway."

"Marduk, when you have time, can we have a spar?" Telia was so anxious when she asked, that she was nervously playing with her hair.

"Of course, one of these days I'll spar with you. You don't need to be this nervous, you are my one and only friend, you can ask me whatever and whenever."

"Zarke too, stronger now!!" Zarke proudly screamed.

"Zarke! I was so focused on the conversation that I didn't even notice you were so big now!" Telia screamed while leaping at Zarke's neck.

"Well I'm going with the old man, you two should catch up in the meantime." Marduk said while walking towards Kayden.

Meanwhile in the skies of the Licht dukedom, a carriage pulled by four Pegasus was moving at high speed towards Mint.

"Dear, why are we going to that child's birthday? He should feel honoured that you didn't disown him…"


The sudden slap thrown by Duke Axel van Licht, broke the calm atmosphere bringing tension and anxiety with it. Even the two children who were playing on the other side of the carriage abruptly stopped and turned their attention to the adult's speech.

"How dare you! Be careful about what you say in front of me. He is still my son. I sent him to Mint to protect him from the public judgement not to abandon him. Anyway, my father asked me to come to the child's party. And careful with what you say at Mint, we are highly disliked there, since I sent Marduk there." The deep voice of the duke warned his entire family.

"Anyway we are aristocrats, what can they even do to us?" replied the lady arrogantly while caressing her reddened cheek.

"Mary, I warn you to drop that attitude right now. My father is a man who hates that superior and arrogant behaviour typical of nobles. He loves his family way too much and I'm sure Marduk already entered that circle and he will cross hell for him if necessary. And should I remind you, who we are talking about? The Soundless Demon of the battlefield, is the nickname the enemy troops gave him during the war with the elves."

Hearing that title a shudder went through Mary's body.

'Father, what did you mean when you said I made an unforgivable mistake? Did you refer to Marduk? Is your love for him blinding you? There is only one way to find out.' Axel thought for himself.

The silence fell again in the carriage, this time for the rest of the flight.

'The preparations are finished with and the guests are on their way. I can't wait to see those faces full of regret, the stage is yours now go and punish those idiots however you deem fit.' Kayden thought letting a sneer escape his lips.

" You are really creepy when you make that face, you know?" Marduk said with a hint of disgust and uneasiness.

"Fair hit but painful." Kayden said just before laughing heartily.