Stolen Clouds

Iro hissed at Harvey's interpretation. "He didn't steal her," he snapped, but Harvey also had his ears pulled back, crouching low to the ground as if he was ready to turn into his leopard.

"He took the most beautiful female out of the village for himself, and the only remaining bloodline of the Tiger King," the doctor roared. "And don't act like I don't remember that you and your siblings helped him!"

"An'An?" Set asked, his eyes darting between the two angry leopards. Anna had stepped back to stand next to Shuule, who was watching with curiosity but not concern.

Iro, not threatened by the unmarked leopard's aggression, easily turned his gaze away from his spitting opponent to question his snake brother. "How do you even remember her? You were all worms when you were set free."

Set diverted his eyes, looking over at his mate, who's nostrils flared. "It doesn't matter," he answered. "Is she dead?!"