The rest of the day was spent with the remaining men fixing up the house, picking up the shards of plates and cups, broken chairs. Shuule sat with Anna on the sofa, her friend stone faced and stunned. Harvey went out into the yard and quickly foraged for some common herbs that he made into a tea, "to soothe the senses" as he put it.
Shuule's mind was racing, trying to figure out what her and her family ought to do next, but knew that this wasn't the day for it. This was Anna's worst hours, her heart ripped open alongside her skin. If Edgar had known about everything since before Shuule even showed up within the city walls, he wouldn't be making another urgent move tonight. This knew threat was just going to be a lingering ache over everything.
As night fell, Set and Iro came back, both of them bonding briefly over their delight in kicking Arthur out. The two harems went their separate ways, Harvey in tow with Shuule until they got to her tree.