But I Know Right Now, That Probably Doesn't Even Show

"Shhh, it's okay, you're worried over nothing," Ukko cooed, hugging the girl, so strong but still so much smaller than himself. "That idiot cat was wrong, you know that. I would never betray you like that!"

Shuule shook her head, sniffing hard. "It's not that I think you'll betray me, I just want you to know! Set takes up a lot of my time, but he also has to hibernate soon. I think he's... " She trailed off, knowing the snake could hear them above - and Harvey down below, no matter how hushed she was. "... fearful of leaving me for so long. Three months is all we knew each other before we came here. It's a long time to be closed off. But there's no biological way he can prevent it, so we will have ... time while he's sleeping."