Remi and Ryan arrived home with a carcass from one of the last fresh kills they were going to be able to get for the cold season, a fallen doe that clearly had seen better days. Remi was immediately ruffled, but the stony face of the usually impish Iro stopped all the males from squabbling.
Shuule had straightened herself up entirely, stepping outside the back door into the cold air to shock her system back into focus, and un-puff her eyes. She had no more time for hysterics.
Remi insisted that they hadn't seen Alva outside when they had come home that night, and though his sense of smell was bad, Ryan didn't think he had scented him either. The leopard went back outside and walked around the house a few times, trying to sniff out if anyone was lurking in the shadows. He even shifted and trotted back to the treehouse to scope it out, but only found Aries, who had been instructed to watch One.
So, under the cover of dark, the two families sprung to action.