
I felt something cold damping on my skin. In a moment of panic, I slapped away whatever it was and came in contact with a soft gel texture.

My eyes snapped open at that moment, bringing what I caught in my hands to my face.


It was a slime.

Sitting upright, I threw it on the ground. My memories came back a little later, making my head spin.

"Ah," I mumbled. "I died?"

The question was left hanging in the vast open field. Grass flowers surrounded me, tickling the exposed skin.

The bright sunlight made my eyes squint a little. A cool breeze blew past, favoring me a good breath of fresh air.


From my right side, I found Fifi wrinkling her nose, fighting off another sneeze. She and I caught each other's gazes.

"Uh, hi?"

"You're not—achoo!"

She muttered several curses in her language, covering her nose and holding her breath.