Oryon part 2

Tollista, Oryon, Kashjai, and Harrith. 

Before they were divided, the Universe was just a vast space, and people randomly set up camp to provide shelter for their families.

It was a fend for themselves kind of thing. 

Others shared their goodness and helped others out. 

But it was mostly a man for himself and his family only.

Then, these great four leaders decided, no, we can't go on like this. Thus, each set out on a journey to find a place where their people could thrive and build something.

At least, that was how it was told to me. I couldn't be sure if it were true or not. What I know for sure is that each place was named after its founder.

I know I should feel ashamed and horrified and maybe show Mister Oryon a tiny ounce of respect. But despite his name reveal, I find the man disgusting and not even worthy of it.

He hasn't earned my respect at all.