Work in progress: Chapter undergoing editing


That was the only thing I was able to think of before someone else stole my thunder. I had intended to explain o the others about the separating part. 

I wouldn't disclose the side mission that Fifi and I have. But I was going to make some excuse about it. 

However, a certain monster chose that moment to come out. 

The ground around us shook, and two round dots appeared before us. I realized they were supposed to be eyes when they blinked and moved, searching for a target. 

It landed on me. 

Fifi grabbed my arm and pulled me away from where we were standing. We would have been monster snacks if not for her quick sense of danger. 

Sharp white but crooked teeth appeared a few distances away from the red dots. A thin line took its place, and I assumed that it was the monster's mouth. 

Whatever this monster was, it wasn't going to be friendly.