Catch The Cowboys

Suddenly, Sakume woke up after a long night of sleep. The hand cloth on his head fell off as he sat up. "Shit!!"

Merla came into the room. "Oh master, you are awake."

"Merla, please bring me my clothing. I must get to headquarters at once!"

"Oh...ok...right away."

"Sakume, are you sure this is a good idea?" asked Saito.

Sakume said, "Of course I am sure."

They were hiding behind a wall. It was night time, and police enforcers were disguised as regular citizens, scattered all over town.

Saito: "So, why are we doing this, again?"

"The other day I ran into the kidnappers. They tried to get me, but luckily my skills helped me escape. But I am sure they will be back."

"Yeah, back to collect more bodies for the vampire."

"Vampire? No. I think they are selling people as slaves."

"I thought only little children are sold as slaves."

"Anyone can be a slave."

The cowboys showed up. One of the cops, pretending to read a book, saw them, and left immediately. The cop hurried to Sakume. "The suspects in question have been sighted at point A."

Sakume said, "Excellent. Continue monitoring them."

A drunkard wandered about in the alley, carrying a bottle of alcohol. The cowboys followed him steadily, then put a bag over his head and hit him. Suddenly, a bunch of cops with swords showed up. The drunkard set himself free, drew his sword, and pointed it at Joe. "Freeze, police!"

The cowboys were bewildered. "Crap...this was a trap."

Sakume, Hirata, and Saito arrived at the scene. "Looks like we've got them."