
A day went by since the battle between me, Ataraxia, and Mona. We rested at a hotel in a city named Kazuchi. The city was well modernized despite it being built from mostly Wood and Earth.

Snowflake mumbled as she held onto me as I dragged her to the bathroom. "But I wanna stay in bed and sleep with you..!" She whined and mewled.

"Come...ON! I'm not missing this chance to hang out with my new daughter!" I grunted as I pulled Snowflake to the bathroom.

"Nuuu.." She mewled and meowed. She chomped on my hand.

"Ow!" I exclaimed then growled and used my telekinesis to forcefully take her off me. "Why are you so against this?"

"Because!" Snowflake started then looked at me with jealousy in her eyes. "The sexual tension between you and Ataraxia is more powerful than ours..."

I sighed and pulled Snowflake to me with my telekinesis then pecked her lips. "My fluffy wife...I promise you I won't favor one other the other. There's no need to be jealous. Besides you'll have Kokoro and Ishido with you..~ Think of it as babysitting."

"Wha- NO! I don't wanna babysit! I wanna be with YOU at all times! Like it always was." Snowflake said.

I could tell how attached she was to me. She was getting separation anxiety. To think it's only been a week and some change since when we first met. I couldn't lie, I was also very attached to Snowflake. Her gentle and skittish nature contrasted my own destructive nature.

"Listen, it's only for a few hours. You can survive that can't you?" I smiled at Snowflake.

Snowflake puffed her cheeks and just accepted defeat. "Okay.."

I dragged her to the bathroom with me and set her down. "You already know the drill."

Snowflake blushed a bit then began to strip down then squeaked when I suddenly pinned her against the sink counter. She held onto me then looked into my eyes.

I sat her on the counter then kissed her lips. Her ears folded back and she kissed back, gripping my shirt. We began to french kiss and started to deepen the kiss. I could feel her breath hit against my face as she panted softly. I rose her shirt and pulled away from the kiss.

"Sera..~ What's-"

"Shhh..~ Just let it will enjoy it..~" I softly said then took her shirt off, exposing her breasts.

Snowflake watched me intently. I kissed her neck while groping her breast. She tilted her head, closing her eyes and biting her bottom lip. Her tail wrapped around my wrist and she began to grow more aroused. I brought my kisses from her neck to her collarbone then her breasts. She moaned as I kissed and sucked on her erect nipples. I began to slide off her pajama pants and panties. I made her lean back then spread her legs.

"Sera..~" Snowflake softly moaned then gasped as I touched her wet womanhood.

"I'll be gentle..~" I said then slowly rubbed her clit then kissed her neck.

Snowflake made soft sounds of pleasure and held onto me. I slid two fingers inside her sacred hole then began to finger her. Snowflake gripped my shirt and her breathing deepened a lot. I bit down on her neck and began to thrust my fingers inside her faster and harder. She moaned and grunted with pleasure. The ecstasy I made her feel drove her crazy. She was finally living out one of her greatest fantasies.

"Haah!~ Sera- Ahhaahn!~" Snowflake moaned, not being able to finish her sentence.

"I can tell you're close..~ Release all of it for me..~" I moaned in her ear.

Snowflake panted heavily and watched my fingers penetrate her pussy with high interest. She was growing close to her biggest orgasm. She had a tight grip on my shirt, slightly ripping it. She squeaked loudly as she began to squirt. I took my fingers out and quickly rubbed her clit as she began squirting a lot of her love fluids. She threw her head back and her body began to shake. She began to grow weak and leaned forward against me.

I held her and chuckled lustfully. "I wish we could do more..~ Maybe later tonight..~"

Snowflake nodded and panted as she rested. "I'd love that..~"

I smiled then used my telekinesis to pick her up. "Let's get ready, I don't want to keep them waiting any longer."

"O-Okay." Snowflake panted.


Ataraxia stood at a post sign and scrolled through her phone as she waited for me. She looked up then looked at the time. She sighed a bit softly.

"Mama, I don't think she's coming." Mona said as she sat on Venerus, who was in Ride Mode.

Ride Mode Venerus was a mechanical beast with white armor and bright blue eyes. Her attack power is lower in this Mode but her speed and nimbleness allowed her to have quick reflexes in this form.

I hurried over to them, carrying my purse with me and dressed in modern casual clothing for a woman. "Sorry I'm late! I just wanted to make sure I was perfect for you all."

Ataraxia smiled at me then held her arms. "You are already perfect the way you are..~"

I smiled then held her hand. "Thank you, my serenity..~"

"Hmph! You were late on the first date! Mama Ataraxia has very high standards and I do too!" Mona said.

To be fair with Mona, she was only 11 so I could understand why she acted the way she did. It was cute to me on how protective she is over Ataraxia.

"My humblest apologies, mor- I mean, Uhm...daughter." I said.

"Daughter?" Mona asked, sounding offended. "Why am I just, 'daughter'?"

"Uhm- Oh!~ My little artist~" I said.

Mona blushed then looked away. "M-Mmph.."

Ataraxia smiled and gently rubbed Mona's head. "She'll warm up to you soon..~"

"There's no rush in this." I said and smiled at Mona.


"Kokokoko Punch!~" Kokoro yelled and punched the punching bag, scoring a 1,723.

The elven people looked impressed and clapped for Kokoro. Kokoro placed her hands on her hips and gave a triumphant smile.

"Kokoro, can we go now?" Ishido asked as he had his hood on.

"Not until Snowflake gets here." Kokoro said.

"But I am here." Snowflake said and her ears flicked.

Kokoro gave a scared squeal and got in a defensive pose, looking at Snowflake. "When- When did you get here?!"

"Maybe like five minutes ago. You were charging up your Koko..Koko Punch for a while." Snowflake smiled and her tail swayed.

"No no! It's Kokokoko Punch!" Kokoro said. "Like this!"

"Kokokoko!" Kokoro started and swung her arms in a circular motion quickly. "Punch!"

She punched the punching bag and scored a 2,391 this time. The elven people clapped and we're impressed once again.

"Let me try that." Snowflake said.

Kokoro got out the way then Snowflake took her spot at the punching bag. She got in a battle stance then took a deep breath then exhaled. She focused on the punching back then palmed the punching bag directly in the weak spot. A powerful gust of air followed behind the strike then the punching back broke off the machine.

Kokoro, Ishido, and the elven people looked surprised. Snowflake exhaled and stood up straight then looked at her score. It said 'E R R O R' on the screen.

"Whoops!" Snowflake nervously laughed and rubbed the back of her head.

Snowflake realized how much stronger she had randomly become. Her strength was boosted greatly and her body felt more relaxed and tranquil.

"That was freaking amazing! You struck the bag with such precision and broke it off the machine! You're super uber strong!" Kokoro said with excitement.

"Her strength is comparable to that of a Common Demigod. That was amazing." Ishido said.

Snowflake smiled and held her arms then offered to fix the machine and the elves allowed her to help with the repairs. Once it was repaired, Snowflake took her leave with Kokoro and Ishido following behind.


I walked along side Ataraxia and Mona as we traversed the bustling side of town square. I noticed Mona still wasn't very fond of me. I contacted Felola and she answered.

"This better be important." Felola said.

"It is, let me borrow your system real quick." I said.

"What? You can make your own. You have every power known to man." Felola said, crossing her arms.

"Felola? Who is that?" A male voice said then walked into the frame. It was Shiro.

"Shiro Moji." I said then crossed my arms.

"Seraphim Crimson. Isn't this a nice surprise. What can we do for you?" Shiro asked.

"Who is on the line?" Ataraxia asked then looked. She smiled and got on the frame. "Hi, Shiro!~ Hi, Felola!~"

"Mr. Shiro and Granny Felola?" Mona said then was picked up by Ataraxia.

"Well, what are two Infinity Council Members doing with an Overlord who nearly destroyed the Human Realm?" Shiro asked with a smirk.

"You mean my wife and child?" Ataraxia asked.

"WIFE?!" Felola asked in shock then Lust-Z began to fly around frantically. Felola stood up and tried to calm Lust-Z down. "Get back here you stupid phone!"

I sighed and placed my forehead against the palm of my hand. I looked back up and noticed Felola had finally gotten everything situated. "So can I borrow it or.."

"Sure, yeah whatever fine." Felola rolled her eyes and began to type on her keyboard. "There it's sent."

"Thank you, darling~" I smiled.

"Whatever, parasite." Felola said then hung up.

"What did you borrow from her?" Ataraxia asked.

"It's a secret~" I smiled.

Ataraxia giggled softly. "Fine, keep your secrets..~"

"Come on, I'll treat you both. And as in treating you both I mean you're paying, my love~" I smiled and walked ahead.

"What a deadbeat.." Mona said.

"Agreed." Venerus said.

"Come on~ Give her a chance..~" Ataraxia said.

"I understand your love for demons but come on.." Venerus said.

"Okay...I will give her ONE chance." Mona said.


"Kokokoko Kick!" Kokoro yelled and kicked a venting machine and the drink that was stuck fell to the bottom then got stuck once again. "Aww.."

Snowflake smiled and walked to the venting machine and used her tail to get the stuck drink then handed it to Kokoro. "Here you go~"

Kokoro smiled and happily took the drink and opened it. She began to chug it all down.

"H-Hey! Slow down!" Snowflake said.

Kokoro lowered the drink and coughed. She smiled and wiped her lips then sighed loudly. "Refreshing!"

"Such a kid." Ishido said.

"Like you're any better, otouto-san~" Kokoro teased.

"How old are you two?" Snowflake asked.

"I'm 17 and Ishido is 16. I'm about to turn 18 in a month!~" Kokoro smiled. "How old are you?"

"23." Snowflake answered.

"E-Ehh? How old is Seraphim?" Kokoro asked.

"Like thousands of years old but she appears to be only 26 years old." Snowflake said.

"Oh yeah, I forgot she was an Overlord." Kokoro smiled.

Snowflake walked ahead then Kokoro and Ishido followed. "So your parents, what happened to them?"

"They were killed by the Corrupted. We fled all the way from the capital. The President of Floragrance is already on the move to rid this state from the Corrupted." Ishido said.

"It made me sad when I watched a giant Corrupted grab our parents and eat them alive. From that point, I vowed to fight against the Dark Lord and rid the Realm of it's evils!" Kokoro said.

Snowflake looked at both Kokoro and Ishido. "Believe it or not, Seraphim will help us defeat the Dark Lord. She's more powerful than she leads on. She just restrains herself so the fights can be more interesting."

"She is a Supreme Deity. She's basically Omnipotent." Ishido said.

"When she was watching you two, I could sense some of that motherly instincts within her. Between us, she's grown softer because of me~ I showed her that there's more to life than destruction and conquering...~" Snowflake smiled.

"Motherly instincts? Like she wants to adopt us?" Ishido asked.

"She might...She seemed pretty excited to take care of Mona." Snowflake smiled.

Kokoro looked at Snowflake and noticed her gentle, caring smile.

"And since I'm her wife, that would make me your mother as well..~" Snowflake said then ruffled Ishido's head and smiled.

Ishido grunted softly and blushed. He looked up at Snowflake and saw his mother in her. His heart grew heavy and he broke down for the first time and hugged Snowflake.

Snowflake smiled at him then hugged him back. She looked at Kokoro and pulled her in for a hug as well. She closed her eyes. "I know what it's like to lose family. I lost my grandmother who was the only family I had left...It hurt and still does hurt to think about, but I promised to remain strong. This satchel is all I have left of her."

Kokoro listened to Snowflake and closed her eyes. She felt Snowflake wrap her tail around her and Ishido. She looked up at Snowflake then saw her mother in Snowflake. Tears began to form in her eyes then she broke down as well.

"You can be vulnerable around me..~ Let it all out..~" Snowflake smiled and watched them let out there bottled up emotions. She teared up as well then held them closer. "I'll protect you from the Dark Lord and all other adversaries we may obtain...~"


I looked at my interface and looked back at Mona.

[Mona's Trust: 7%]

"Uhm, so how about we go shopping?" I asked and walked backwards. "I'm sure I can help you pick some nice clothes out~"

Mona looked at me and crossed her arms. "I guess...I just don't want anything, your style."

"Oh! A sassy firecracker. Okay, I'll be sure to pick things your style." I smiled.

'Come on you stupid system! Tell me what Mona likes!' I thought to the System.

[I'm working on it damn! This shit takes time!]

'Bullshit! I've seen you register women in an instant!' I thought.

[Well sorry to burst your bubble, but Mona is a child. I don't feel-]

'You're about to not feel anything in a second. I know you systems can feel pain as well! If you do not help me, I will rip your code straight from you and rewrite you as a fucking-'


Name: Mona

Age: 11

Likes: Art, Cute Things, Flowers, Ataraxia, Infinity Council, Animals, Plushies, things like that.

Dislikes: You, Qiao Zhi, Terminus, basically anything that is the opposite of cute shit.

'Wow, you could've given me just the important bits. Now I'm literally going to kill you.' I thought to myself.

"Love! Where are you going?" Ataraxia called out to me.

I looked back and noticed I walked right past the clothing store. I hurried back to them and we walked inside the shop. Mona hopped off Venerus and she turned herself into a mechanical bag for Mona.

I held my hand to Mona and she looked at me. She was hesitant, but Ataraxia reminded her that there was nothing to fear. She held my hand then together we checked out the kids section of the clothing store.

I pointed at some of the cute clothing and Mona looked at them. I picked a few out for her then she went to try them on. I looked at her with each outfit and chose the ones she personally liked. She struggled to put on her shirt and I helped her.

She watched me then looked at the mirror. "Why are you like this? You used to be a name everyone feared and now you're...someone people like to be around.."

"Can't a villain redeem themselves..?" I smiled and tied her shoes.

"A villain who's killed more people than the recorded largest number? I personally don't see how you could ever redeem yourself." Mona said and watched me tie her shoes.

I smiled and tied her other shoe. "I personally say the same to myself. A villain like me is too dangerous to be alive, but here I am."

Mona stood up and looked at me. "I like this softer side of you despite everything. If Mama was willing to marry you, I'm willing to give you a chance."

[Mona's Trust rose to 20%]

I smiled and picked up her clothing using my telekinesis. "I'm glad you're giving me this chance."

Mona and I walked out of the dressing room and found Ataraxia. We settled on what we had and stopped Ataraxia from paying then summoned my wallet.

"What happened to I'm paying for everything?" Ataraxia smiled.

"I've had a change of heart." I said and slid my card to the cashier.

The items were paid for and he handed me my card back then I took the bags and the receipt. We headed out of the clothing store and walked around the time square area once again.


Snowflake, Kokoro, and Ishido were strolling around time square, enjoying their ice cream. Snowflake had already grown attached to the two just as they've grown attached to Snowflake in a short time span.

As they walked, they ran into me.

"Sera!~" Snowflake called out.

I looked back from a table then smiled. I waved back and watched them walk by as they were heading to the shopping district. I looked back at Ataraxia and Mona as they were playing games together on her phone.

[You've really grown super soft. It's amazing how kindness can change a person.]

'Shut up and let me enjoy this moment..' I thought and watched them.

I wanted to learn how to be a Mom. That's why I've had so many husbands. I wanted my own baby...but giving birth to a child...due to my nature...I would die after the labor. I wouldn't even be able watch them grow, but Mona...she's forever 11 and I although I can't watch her grow, I can learn how to be a mother for her.

Ataraxia peeked at me and smiled. "Don't be shy, my love..~ We are playing Word Battle and we are stumped.."

I got closer to Mona and sat next to her. I looked at the screen and noticed they were losing. I decided to help them with my knowledge of every word known to exist. Soon their losing battle turned into a winning battle.

"Yes! We won!" Ataraxia said excitedly.

"Thank you!" Mona said happily.

I smiled at them and looked at Mona's happy smile toward me. "You're welcome, my little artisan..~"

[Mona's Trust rose to 48%]

After we played another round, we decided to get up and go see a movie together. I bought the tickets and the snacks then we went inside the theater to watch the movie Mona wanted to see. The movie was some cliche princess movie, it wasn't really my style...but I toughed it out with Mona and actually enjoyed it.

Mona talked my ear off about the movie after we finished watching it. I enjoyed listening to her rambles. After a little walking around the lobby to stretch our legs, we went to get ice cream.

Mona happily licked her ice cream and hummed happily. She gently pet Venerus as she rode on her back. Venerus gave a gentle, mechanical purr as she was pet.

As we turned the corner, someone ran toward us and bumped into Venerus, causing Mona to lose balance and fall off her back and her ice cream hit the ground.

Mona looked at the ice cream and teared up. "My ice cream.."

Ataraxia looked worried and crouched down to make sure she was okay.

"Stop! Thief!" A guard bellowed as he rushed toward the bandit.

The bandit shoved me out the way and ran, but I used my shadow to trap him. I grit my teeth and looked back. My eyes shined and ominous aura began to flow around me. The bandit noticed he couldn't move and looked back at me and nearly pissed his pants.

"You caused my daughter to hurt herself and drop her ice cream...and you think you can get away with that..?" I asked and my heart thumped. "You will pay.."

The bandit tried to escape and groaned as two dark spikes went through his leg. I walked toward him and watched him fall to his knees. Black aura surrounded my hand and I was ready to drain his life force from his body.

Ataraxia's Serenity Aura overpowered my ominous aura and her aura immediately calmed me down. "My love, it isn't worth it.."

Mona watched me as she was being healed by Ataraxia. I looked at Mona and she shook her head.

I looked at the bandit. "Count yourself lucky." I said then shackles made from my dark energy detained him.

I made a perfect duplicate of my ice cream and bent down to hand it to Mona.

[Mona's Trust rose to 65%]

Mona took it and squeaked as I used my telekinesis to place her back on Venerus's back.

"Master, are you okay?" Venerus asked.

Mona nodded. "I'm okay.."

The three of us left the scene and the city people watched us leave. They were surprised that I detained the bandit instead of killing him, but they had Ataraxia and Mona to thank. I didn't intend to let him live.


"I think we're gonna call it a night~" Ataraxia said as she stood in front of the hotel. "I had a lot of fun with you."

"So did I." I said then leaned forward to kiss her cheek. I looked at Mona then crouched down. "I hope you had fun as well.."

Mona nodded and smiled at me a bit. "I did actually.." She said and yawned a bit.

"Get some good rest okay..?" I said then placed my forehead against hers then gave her an eskimo kiss.

Mona blushed and nodded. I stood up and waved, watching then walk into the hotel. I looked back and my eyes shined a bit.

"That alleyway...I sensed some powerful energy from there. I should check it out." I said then walked off.

To Be Continued...