皿 Donna's Captive 皿

Donna shut the wooden door behind her and was making her way toward the keep, the rubbles, and ashes earned the spotlight as the day keeps breaking waiting for the sun to heat the earth. She walked past men clutched in chains, and their captives greeted her with a bow. She did not put interest in their greetings nor did she reply, she simply aimed for the keep to see her prisoner. Her casual dress which was a long, blue, silky gown covered by her shiny breastplate matched the serious look painted on her face.

She approached the large open space that served as a prison where her captive was kept.

"How is my prisoner doing?" She addressed one of the two guards who stood guard at the door post of the cell.

"He has awakened." One of them answered, and they opened the door for her to meet with Cameron.


"What do they call you?"

Cameron was startled, as he had never heard a clear word like that since he woke up. He was sitting right up, examining himself and uncovering his wounds before she interrupted.

He puffed out, staring at her, and she raised an eyebrow.

"A prisoner should have no identity or name." He stated plainly, ignoring the question. He discovered a quiver hanging at her back, and then he asked,

"Why did you spare my life instead of taking it?"

She sat on a wooden stool next to the bed, "You're alive because of how you manoeuvred my men, a young man against two ripped soldiers with a rusted sword.

"I wondered who trained you, was it the great Lucius Marcellus or Hercules or Hector?"

"What do you want?" Cameron inquired, with a look of annoyance pinned on his face. She smiled mischievously and got on her feet,

"You will find out." With those words, she opened the door after her and walked out, leaving him with suspicions in his mind.


Later on, he found himself in shackles, hands, and feet bound together, and he was pulled out of his cell to the prison yard. When he was led in front of the keep, he saw the crowd, some were restrained like him and wore a sad look and the others in their armoury jeering and laughing at him. He ignored them all and turned around. His steps faltered, however, when someone grabbed his shoulder and twisted it to get him facing them once again. It was Donna, he sighed and asked, "What am I doing here?"

"You're here because you have been granted another chance to live, and this chance has your life staked on what decision you make this moment" Donna replied while looking at him intently as if she is expecting him to say something.

"And if I refuse?" He asked coldly.

"I can assure you, if you continue resisting, I'll send for Naevus, and he'll personally end your life," She said in a low voice.

He stared back into her icy blue eyes and knew that she would not hesitate and even though he hated the idea, he knew that he would be better off dead than live without any hope.

"Fine. What do you propose?"

"Nice choice, English boy." She stepped backwards, while the guards came to take his shackles off.

"I hate to admit it," She continued, while she sat on a round platform, placed in the middle of the yard. "Your fighting skills were remarkable; however, they're of no feat to mine."

Cameron stared at her sceptically, but made sure to maintain his expression.

"Rone has the best-trained fighters and the greatest army to ever exist in Italy, we pick men like you to fight for the greater course"

He gave her a hard stare and replied coldly, "If you think that your army could defeat us on the battlefield, you've overestimated your abilities."

"But we just did, we won you."

"That's because you had an inside man, Naevus."

"That is called 'strategy', now that's enough."

Cameron scoffed and said, "So you want me in your army?"

"Exactly" she nodded. "You won't have much chance to improve if you don't join my cause!"

"Why would I risk my life to join your rebellion? You're the enemy!"

"We're the enemies?" She repeated mockingly while laughing. "Oh come on, surely you're exaggerating! We are allies!"

"I'm sorry, but you need some convincing," He stated firmly.

She became silent and glared at him. However, she finally spoke, "Whether we're the enemy or not, you will fight for us. Recall that you have your life on what choice you make." with those words, she got on her feet and starts to walk away.

Cameron puffed out, feeling uneasy about the whole exchange, he thought for a moment, that this could be an opportunity. If he trains under the Ronans, it would help him, and although he has no plans to join their army, he one day could escape and return to his love. But his love, the Queen and her son. His head jerked up as he knew he had forgotten about them, he can't tell whether they are alive or not, whether the Ronans had caught up with them and might have prosecuted them. But this lady hasn't mentioned anything concerning Valeria.

He turned in her direction and called out, "What about the Queen?!"

She stopped and threw a grimace at him, "We'll get them soon." She leaves.

With the answer, he was relieved of the panic that was growing in him. Now he is prepared for training and waiting for that day he will reunite with Irene.