The Greatest To Be Alive: Part Two

Bottle after bottle spun, and dares after dares were completed when around three in the morning did the party come to a conclusion. Karashi was in the living room vaccuming the debris and scattered crumbs on the floor. Kimi was clearing up the evidence of alcohol by dumping the bottles in the front bins.

They came to a finish at four that morning, where they crashed into their bed exhausted. Kimi wipes sweat from his forehead and pulls the blanket over his and Karashi's head. They cuddle and fall asleep, to awake at seven to Karashi's alarm ringing off. Karashi gets up groggily and slaps the alarm and it stops beeping. He walks back to the bed and falls back into the bed with a huge sigh. "Kimi.. wake up" he said yawning. 

Kimi wakes up shortly after Karashi leaves the room. A horrible hangover awaited him, with a throbbing headache following after. "Fuckkkk" Kimi groaned rubbing his head, with his eyebrows furrowed. "Hangover?" Karash said suprisingly. "Besides the fucking hangover a goddamn headache to make shit worser" Kimi groaned. "My legs also hurt because of you last night.." Kimi added bending forward to rub his thighs.'

"It ain't my fault.. it was a dare and I took it" Karashi said. Kimi stared at him bluntly. "You could have said no.. before you so happily took me to your parents room and railed me" Kimi said. "Dumbass you were drunk as fuck and you fucking begged me to give you my cock" Karashi said staring into his eyes. "I don't remember saying that—" said Kimi.

Last night, approximately at 12:30 in the morning ——

The bottle spun and landed on Kimi. A dare was blurted out of someones mouth. Then the feeling of being yanked out that room and the feeling of being dragged into a room. The feeling someone teasing me. Then the sudden thrust from below and peppery kisses along my neck and collar bone while a sob escapes my mouth. The continous pouring of tears down my face. 

"I never really knew why you cried last night" Karashi said making eye contact with me once again. "With you I'm a beautiful mess.." Kimi said looking at him as he grab his clothes. And then Kimi's eyes fill with tears leaving them red. "Hey.. Kimi.. baby come here" he said. Kimi falls into Karashi's arms. "Baby.. what's wrong?" he asked rubbing Kimi's back. "I'm what's wrong.. I just can't do anything right... well right now.." Kimi said. Karashi says nothing further and continued rubbing Kimi's back. 


Kimi had left Karashi's house shortly in a pair of shorts and one of Karashi's t-shirts. He catches the bus home in tears. Kimi thinks to himselve when will his mental health get any better.. He looks out the window while the bus loads out on to the road. Karashi was standing infront of his house and waved goodbye with a smile. 

Kimi reaches his house.. just as a car loaded out. The car stops when it sees Kimi. "You're late from his house.. also parent-teacher interviews are today so get into the back of the car." Kimi opens the door and climbs in before slamming the door shut, making the car rumble. He plugs in his headphones and looks out. The bush changes into buildings. They reach the perimeters of U.A. and stop the car before walking out together. Aizawa catches eyes of them both before taking them into the interview room. 

"So.. I think you know why we're here Kimi" Aizawa said looking at Kimi who was slouched in the couch. "Let's begin with GRADES" Aizawa added. Kimi jumps and stares at the wall.

"So far, Maths, English and Science are leading with B's whilist, Language Studies, Physical Education, and Visual Arts are leading with D's. And I think Kimi knows why" Aizawa said staring at Kimi.

"Attendance to class has been low as well.. he is atleast fifteen minutes late even though he gets here an hour earlier and I am presuming it is also because of Karashi.." he added. Kimi scoffs under his breath. Kimi looks around and sees Karashi interviewing another teacher with his arms folded.

"Karashi has always been one high achiever but I think over the past months, his connection with Kimi has been giving him struggles with his assignments and coursework... let's not forget how he's always fifteen minutes late with Kimi running behind him even though he also gets here an hour earlier along with Kimi" he said. Bullshit, Karashi thought scoffing. "I think Karashi will know the consequences" Kirishima said staring at him. 


"Karashi you're grounded from seeing Kimi until your assignments are finished and you catch up with your coursework" Kirishima said. "Are you fucking kidding me?!" Karashi yelled. "Kimi will also have the same punishment, and that shouldn't be the way to talk to me" Kirishima added, holding up a message on his phone screen. Karashi reaches for his phone, plugs in his earphones and texts Kimi who reads his message immediately. They text, and surprising Kimi was also grounded.

Kimi texts back "It's all because of us hanging out too much and not doing shit at home.. also the sex part". Karashi's mouth lets a surprised laugh wobble out. Kirishima turns his head to look at Karashi.

"Give me your phone" Kirishima said. "If you don't you'll be further grounded even after you complete your coursework and assignments" Kirishima added. Karashi holds the phone close to his chest. "You're going to look through my messages and I'm not letting that happen at all" Karashi added keeping a firm grip on his phone.

"Fine. You're grounded till next term and I'm cutting off the argument here" Kirishima said looking ahead. Karashi groans and continues texting Kimi about what had just happened. He appears offline. Karashi sighs and looks out the window.