Filled with the Holy Spirit. .

Our Divine Service is on Sunday morning and in the afternoon. We also have Wednesday fellowship only in the afternoon. Monday is only our free time on not going to church because my pastor made that schedule too for a family day. I am always going with them during street preachings and bible studies. I am always attending because i am hungry for the word of the Lord. I felt weak when i can't go there and being with them is so different when i am at home. I want to stay there for more like i wish i could live next to our church. It was Wednesday service and when i got home i go to my room alone and prayed to God again. I started to pray normally for my daily devotion. First was praising, repenting and thanks giving but when i was about to pray for all the people i was out of my mind and i can't say a prayer. That night i felt i was possesed because something came in inside of me and i could tell i was not myself anymore. There was a different feeling until i had spoken a different language for five minutes. I don't know what it means and what is really happening to me. I'm a bit afraid but i was just calling the name of Jesus and then i continued it. Until the morning came, my mother told me that she heared me last night and she told me that i might be going crazy. Then i opened my Bible and i read in Acts about speaking in tounges. It was when the disciples of Jesus was filled with the Spirit they spoken different languages and the people who heared them said that maybe they were drunk but the apostles refused and prophesied. I also read in the word of God that the unbelievers would say to us that when you have the gift of tounges and they heared us they will call us crazy. So i told my mother, "Mother, i am not going crazy listen to this chapter." So i read her about it and listen but she only nod at me. She still doubts her only daughter because she was very devoted into her religion. When i came back to church i asked my pastor about it and he said to me that it was really speaking in tounges. He said i need to enhance that gift because it was not me speaking but the Holy Spirit to God. It is your great love for God and being filled with the Holy Spirit. Pastor Ian told me that speaking in tounges could help also during temptations and difficult situations that would happen in the future. The devil couldn't understand it because it was between God and the Holy Spirit. Sometimes i doubt if it was really from God or only myself who made that language. But i saw a message appeared on my phone, "Don't neglect the power of the Holy Spirit who lives in you." Then that was the time i didn't doubt anymore and i asked God for forgiveness again.

We have a neighbor named Crystal and she had a damaged heart and lungs. She's very weak and could hardly breathe that time. I heared my neighbors talking about her that morning and then they left and i was alone. Then i was shocked that i heared a little voice saying, "Go to her. Her life is in danger. She is near to death now and her soul i so pity." I did not follow what i heared because i don't know what to do. When i went back to church in that afternoon, the pastor's sermon was about the Holy Spirit and that you will hear a still small voice. I know i was convicted that time but i was only afraid. When i got home my brother told me that our neighbor was already in the hospital. She needs a heart transplant but the doctor said that her life just have a little chance to survive. They needed a big amount of money but still they can't afford it. The night came and i can't sleep well because i was thinking about her. I include her in my prayers but i know i need to do something too. When i opened my facebook i saw her lover online so i chatted with him. I said to his partner, "Lanry, someone told me that Crystal's life is in danger. Do you believe me?" He replied, "I believe you Ivie, what do we do now?" I told him that i can't help them financially but only just a prayer. I told them what they need to do is to repent, accept Jesus as Lord and Saviour then they confess the prayer i wrote. I made a long prayer and they followed it heartily but after three days she died. She was so happy she was still alive in her son's birthday and hers. They celebrated it with their family but still she died. Then i saw her in my dream and said to me, "Thank you Ivie, I have a letter left for them. Please tell my partner and our kids that i love them so much. I am now in a beautiful paradise." The night came and i went to their house and she was crimated because the hospital made her a covid 19 patient. I talked with her family and sisters and they told me that they have read a letter from her. My dream about her really come true about the letter she made. They called a woman to pray for her dead body but i told her mother that she don't need to do that because her daughter is already in a paradise. What they have to do is to pray for the living and not the dead because when a person dies they cannot hear or repent anymore. They can't even eat or talk or anything but only the living! We are the ones who needs prayers. 🙏➕🙏