When we started our first Sunday service at our new church my pastor made a love offering for us to our coming wedding. I recieved just a small amount of help and appreciated it so much. I know it was very hard for them to give even though they were deeply in need too. I thanked them so much for supporting us financially because i know that a wedding really cost. I am laying it all to God for everything i need. We invited all of my family in church and i am so glad that they really came. The reception was only at our house and we rent a jeepney near us. I am glad that my father provided that jeepney service and payed the driver. He also bought us a whole lechon for my wedding. That night before my wedding i am so happy that God sent me a designer and a make up artist too. She was my neighbor Angela and she is a very talended woman. She and her cousin helped me prepare the decorations and many things for my great day. Jayson and i actually had a practice for our gospel concert in Balirong before my wedding but we asked our pastor to have it next time. I composed two worldly songs to godly songs to present it for our live concert before the month of october ends. I am so excited to perform sooner!
We were really busy preparing for our wedding and i am glad that many helped us. Even Jayson went to his brother Ramil in their province. They haven't met each other for a very long time that is why he pursued to be there because nobody could help them too in getting the pig and slaughter it. Jayson wants to help and thank his brother for providing the meat for our wedding. They only ride with a motorcycle together with his older brother Junjun and it takes three hours to travel there. They were very tired because the pig weighs 60 kilos and it was very hard to force and control the motorcycle. They were both so weakened when they arrived in the midnight and i let Jayson rest so much until the day. Jayson's family also helped us in cooking the dish and they also gave us a sack of rice. God really blessed me so much and provided me everything! Angela started my make up and hairdo. That was my first time to be treated that way and it was really beautiful to look at myself. I felt like i'm a princess or an angel coming from above. 🤍➕️🤍 We only borrowed simple outfits for our wedding because we can't afford to have gowns and suits. Many go with us into our mother church in Cebu City. When we arrived there pastor Charlie and her wife sister Sally welcomed us so much as well as our family and relatives. His sermon was really great and funny about a married life. They also share Jesus in their lives and let the unbelievers to also live in holiness and not in sexual immorality. We let them accept Jesus and repent of their sins. They all prayed laying their hands towards us too. Jayson and i were holding hands together and putting on the rings. He was very nervous because his hands were shaking. 😅😂🤣 It was shaking because the pastor lead us to a prayer in english and he didn't know english language so well. He was so afraid to make a mistake to follow the speech and so tense in speaking the words of commitment. When pastor announced us husband and wife Jayson kissed me very fast. They laughed at him because of excitement and when we saw the videos they tooked when we kissed they laughed again. Even Jayson laughed at himself so much. 😅😂🤣 When we ride on the jeepney going to the reception we passed by a lot of people and they congratulated us even when we don't rrally know them. We have seen my family in Christ too who didn't attend at the church because their kids have studies. They were near at the municipal hall and we let them ride with us. The jeepney was very full as well as our house. They people looked hungry and we started the celebration. After we prayed for the food i wasn't able to ate with them because there were so much people inside and out of our house. I took care of them first before i eat even if i was hungry and wanted to eat a crispy lechon. We also look like a celebrity because many wanted to took photos with us. 😁😅 My family in church was the best shot i'd like the most. When they were all gone i opened the gifts they have given to us and we saw a photo and it was truly a sketch. It was great and so amazing! We recieved a bedsheet too and it was the one we were wanting for that God has given to us through other person. I am so happy for my wedding day! For what God has given and doing in my life from the start until this very present. Now i am free from sexual immorality and never ever condemning myself again. I have a great faith and hope that i could see a victory from the Lord. That the way i live my life before was wrong and God corrected it. He wants me to be righteous and i have nothing to offer to God but the time i left on this earth. I would never stop sharing Jesus and let everyone know that he has a plan for us. Plans to give us hope and a future! This is only a wedding from the world and i would always remember that the most important wedding we should have is Jesus as our groom and we are His bride. That would be the best wedding ever! 🕊➕️🕊