Four: Zahra

After the waterfall, Tobyn gathered a few more berries and other supplies I hadn't known existed, then we rode around for a while. Too soon, it was time to return to meet June and her friend. I was anxious and quiet the whole way back, and I think Tobyn felt it because he didn't try to make conversation.

When we did return, Flint was there, sharpening a knife. He looked up and grinned. "Marian! Seems like Tobyn took you on an adventure! Did you have fun?"

I smiled. "It was wonderful!"

Tobyn helped me down, then tied the horse up. Afterwards, he led me over to the logs where Flint was and sat down with me. "Flint, we're having guests soon. I want you to make sure nothing stay near Marian at all times. I will take care of the guests. But for no reason let them try to take her unless she verbally agrees."

"Who are they?"

Tobyn looks to me. "Do you know who they are?"

I shake my head. "I met them last night and didn't get far when he wanted to hurt me."

"Well, I'm not letting you out of my sights," Flint announces and slips his knife away. "I'll keep you safe, Marian."

I smile at him. "Thank you."

We sat there talking for a while longer before Flint goes stiff and alert. Tobyn puts a hand on my shoulder and stands up, walking around and going somewhere behind me. Flint stands as well and comes over to sit where Tobyn had just been, holding out a hand. "You're going to be okay," he whispered.

I give him a small smile and take his hand, squeezing it.

Tobyn returns with June and the man who looks like my father, and I squeeze Flint's hand a little harder. They sit on the opposite side of the fire pit with Tobyn standing guard behind them, his eyes focused on me.

June stares at Flint with a calculated gaze while the male stares at me, sadness in his eyes. I swallow and shift. June speaks first. "We're sorry for scaring you," she says to me. "Will you hear us out?"

I nod once, feeling tiny once more.

June looks to her companion and he clears his throat. "I'm not your father. My name is Roan. There are things your father didn't tell you about yourself that you need to know. There are things he will never tell you that if I don't say, you'll never find out."

I speak with a raspy voice. "Why do you look like him?"

He opens his mouth, then shuts it again. He looks away and then back at me. I get ready to run, putting my free hand on the log beside me and preparing myself. Roan must have noticed because he holds his hands up. "Please, don't run! I swear I'm not trying to scare you!"

"Zoe," June says and I glance at her. "He's having as much of a hard time as you are. He has been waiting for this moment for a long time."

"Why? What am I to him?" Flint squeezes my hand in reassurance and I squeeze back.

"You won't believe me if I told you. You're not even believing me about not wanting to hurt you!" Roan said, and I had to agree. "Please, just let me share one thing at a time."

I glance at Tobyn who was still watching me. He didn't nod or shake his head. He was letting me decide. But he gave me a small smile that meant he was still going to protect me if it came down to it. Relaxing a little, I take a deep breath. "Fine. Tell."

Roan sighed and leaned forward on his knees, staring into my eyes. "First, your name isn't Zoe. It's Zahra. The only reason I know that is because I was there at the day of your birth. I heard the name agreed upon by your mother and father."

"You knew my mother?" I ask, suddenly more curious.

He smiled. "She was beautiful. And she loved you very much."

"Why did she die? Why did she leave me alone with my father? Why didn't she stay to protect me? Why--"

Roan held up his hands. "It wasn't her fault. She wanted to stay and watch you grow up, but someone prevented that from happening."

My eyes filled with tears. "She was killed?"

Roan nods. "I'm sorry, Zahra."

"Zoe!" I snarl. "My name is Zoe!"

His eyes close for a minute then open up again. "Zoe, you were left alone by your father and I found you at the river yesterday. Remember?"


"You're a beautiful woman, and you've grown up nicely. But you can't be on your own without weapons and some way of keeping yourself warm."

"It's not like I was left with anything!"

"I know. But I can help you."


"I know how to hunt. I know how to use a weapon. June can give you lessons on how to defend yourself. I have friends who will give you even more support."

My throat closed up and I shook my head. "I don't even know you!"

"And you know these men?" he spat.

Flint stood and took out his knife. "Watch your tone!"

"You're not her family!" Roan snarled. "You kept us from her!"

"I would stop yelling at my friend," Tobyn said calmly as he walked up. He stood beside Roan with his arms crossed. "He did nothing. It was I who kept her from you because she was terrified and ran behind me when she heard you coming."

Roan stood. "And you just take any vulnerable girl into your care?"

"Roan, stop it!" June snapped.

Tobyn came over to me and knelt in front of me. He opened his mouth, but Roan came up and shoved him away. Flint took his place in standing form and shoved Roan back. "You're not to come so close unless she wants it."

"She is my sister!"