Seven: Zahra

It was a month and a half later before I was able to run and explore. Roan never went far and I never felt in danger. He showed me how to hunt, taught me how to shoot a bow. I learned how to start a fire and cook food as well as sew. The cave became my home that I never wanted to leave.

But Roan wanted to go to his home at some point. He said we would stay a few more days, but eventually, I had to enter the village he lived in. I told him I wasn't comfortable with so many people, and he told me that we'd take it one step at a time. I didn't have to meet everyone right away. After the conversation, I felt a little less anxious about leaving.

It was a week after that conversation when I saw June in the forest. She smiled at me and I led her to where Roan was preparing a goose. Letting them talk in private, I went into the forest and wandered, making sure I always knew where I was.

I felt the person come at me from behind before I heard them. I whipped a knife out and spun, seeing a familiar face I couldn't put my finger on. He skidded to a stop right before my knife entered his chest. "I was not expecting that coming from the girl who didn't see me in her path a while back."

I narrowed my eyes. "Who are you?"

He bowed. "Aspen. And who are you, if I may ask?"

"Zoe," I said, unwilling to give a stranger my other name. I had finally accepted that name and used the name my father gave me as a cover.

Aspen's blue eyes sparkled and he said, "Well, Zoe, I apologize for dropping you. I beg forgiveness."

"Too bad," I say and start walking, looping around to head back towards Roan and June. I didn't want to be alone with this man much longer.

"Zoe, wait!" He came up beside me and smiled. "I am looking for someone. She's important and was wondering if you might have seen her or know of her?"

"What's this woman to you?"

He hesitated. "She's my sister."

I stop and stare at him, then the knife is at his throat before he can move. "You're lying. What is this woman to you?"

Gingerly, he pushes the blade away from his neck and I see his eyes turn dark. "It's none of your business. She is important. That's all you need to know."

"Who is she?"

Aspen stares at me for a minute then says, "Zahra."

I furrow my brows. "Zahra?"

"Have you heard of her?" he asks quickly.

"She was with a man with very dark eyes. They were north of here and if you don't hurry, you'll miss them."

"Thank you!" he says and backs away. "You have no idea what this means to me!"

I smile as he disappears.

When I make it back to my brother, I don't hesitate. "Why is someone after me?"

He blinks up at me. "What do you mean?"

"Unless you know of another Zahra in this area, why is someone after me?"

June asked, "Who's looking for you?"

"Someone named Aspen."

Roan and June glanced at each other and I knew they knew Aspen.

"What? What is going on?"

Roan put his head in his hands. June said, "Obviously you didn't say who you were, so what name did you give this man?"


Roan shot his head up. "I thought you got used to Zahra?"

I sat down in front of him and shrugged. "Just because I'm used to Zahra doesn't mean I'm going to give it out freely. I learned that mistake."

They both blinked then Roan explained, "Aspen is the son of Lucas who is a very bad person in this part of the forest. We don't know why Lucas sent Aspen to find you, just that it's not for anything good."

I watch his face for a moment, having been able to study his expressions for a while now. "What's wrong? Why do you look like you're in pain?"

June went to answer but Roan held up a hand. "Aspen used to be a friend. He was like a brother to me until his father came and he betrayed us."

"He didn't betray you!" June hissed.

"If turning on us and killing innocent lives that trusted him isn't betrayal, I don't know what is."


He snapped his head towards her. "Enough, June! I'm tired of this conversation every time he appears!"

I'm confused. "Why do you two not agree on this?" I looked at Roan. "You said you always agree on things."

"She thinks there was something I hadn't seen. She believes that Aspen did it against his own will."

I look at June. "Why do you say that?"

"Because I fought him that day, and I saw the look in his eyes. I saw the internal fight he was having with himself."

"You were hallucinating!" Roan growled.

"I know what I saw!" she said back evenly.

There was dead silence until I sighed and stood up. "Whatever the reason for wanting to find me, I sent him north. Maybe he'll freeze his smile right off!"

I walked to the cave and crawled into my blankets, wondering who was right. I had saw Aspen after all, but he seemed...cocky and too happy. I hadn't noticed it before, but he also seemed relieved to hear something of my whereabouts, even if I lied. But him being an unwilling participant in his father's plans? I wasn't sure. He seemed willing to me.

Later, I wake to the sound of my brother and June talking softly towards the back of the cave. I kept my eyes closed and listened. Roan said, "I know, I've seen them too. But I don't think she realizes she's doing it."

"Why haven't you said anything?"

"I just started gaining her trust, June! I'm not going to lose that by making her think I'm crazy!"

"You and I both know the sooner she learns, the better. You were terrified when you learned about your strength, and you were ten. Normally, ten-year-olds are excited about having predator instincts."

My heart stopped and I almost shot up out of my blankets to run. But then Roan replied, "She may not be terrified of what I would say to her, but she'd think I'm crazy."

"Obviously telling her isn't going to cut it. You're going to have to show her. Show her what you can do, why you're so good at hunting."

"She's still going to think I'm crazy, June!"

"Maybe, but at least she'll know. And she may not be so shocked about her ability to disappear. Who knows? We can only hope and see what happens."

It took me a moment to process the word disappear and understand what she was trying to say. I pulled my hand to my face and concentrated on going invisible, only nothing happened. I squinted, willing myself to do what June says I can do, only to gain a headache. It was hard to believe, but I decided not ask until I knew for certain.

The next day, I told Roan I was going on a walk for a while. He said to not go far and I told him I wouldn't. When I was far enough away from him and the cave, I stood in place and waited for my hand to go invisible. But nothing happened. Getting frustrated, I put my hand down and glared at the tree in front of me.

"Looks like you're having a bad day."

I whirl around comes out of my hands. A man lunges behind a tree barely in time and I stare wideeyed at my hands. Half terrified, half amazed.

"Well, I wasn't expecting that."

I look up at the young black haired man with gray eyes. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that!"

"No harm done. I can see it was a shock to you as it was to me." He smiled and leaned against a tree. "My name is Loki."


"I'm guessing that was your first time seeing that?"

I nod. "I had been trying to do something else, but you scared me and somehow I did that instead."

Loki nodded and straightened. "We have company."

I spin and see Roan and June running up. I put my hands behind my back as if I were a child who had just stolen some sweets. "Zoe, are you okay?" June asked.

"Yes. I was just meeting Loki." I gesture to the man and smile. "He and I were just talking. Why? What's wrong?"

Roan stared at me for a moment, and I could see he didn't believe my whole story. I wouldn't believe me either because I was stiff and wouldn't take my hands from behind my back, nor would I turn around and face Loki.

"We thought we heard something," June said and stopped beside me. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"I'm fine," I snap.

"Look," Loki interrupted, "I'm leaving. I'm sorry if I scared you, Zoe. But it was nice to meet you."

I look at him over my shoulder. "I'm good. You're good. Like you said, no harm done."

He smiles and walks off.

"What's going on?" Roan asked as soon as Loki was gone.

I back away. "Nothing."'

"Zahra, you can tell me."

I glance at June and then back at my brother. "Please don't get mad."

"Why would I get mad?" he said and came closer. "What's wrong?"

I back away even farther. "Stay there!" I put my hands up slowly and sigh in relief when nothing comes shooting out.

"Zahra, just tell me what's wrong," Roan said again.

I look at June. "Can I have a minute with him, alone?"

She nods, watching me warily before turning and leaving the area.

Roan has his eyes narrowed on me, but he just seems worried. "Zahra..."

"Just promise me you'll stay there. Don't come closer."


I look at my hands and feel myself trembling. "I didn't know! I swear, Roan."

"What is it?" he asked, this time, his voice is soft and gentle.

I put one hand down and hold the other up, and as if on cue, fire appears in a ball in the palm of my hand. Roan's eyes widen before he smiles. He starts to come towards me but I jump back and shoot my hand out. The fire is thrown and he has to dodge to his knees. "I'm sorry!" I gasp, putting both my hands behind my back again.

He stands up and holds his hands up. "It's alright. Don't be scared."

"I don't want to hurt you!"

"I'm not hurt, Zahra. Just calm down. Let the fear melt away."


"Breathe. It's alright. Just breathe and calm yourself."

I close my eyes and do so. Slowly, energy leaves my body and I'm left exhausted. Arms wrap around me and I try to push away, but Roan doesn't budge. "You'll get hurt," I breathe.

"I'll be fine, Zahra. Rest. You need it."

"How?" I asked, because I knew he understood.

"I'll explain when you wake up. Don't worry," he whispers, then kisses my head. "I"m proud of you."