
When we enter the den, nine pairs of eyes looked at me. Actually, nine adult pairs of eyes and four pairs of tiny pup eyes. Loki was still beside me and I was unsure of what to do except silently admire the different coats of each wolf. There were two that were brown, one being Jimmy. A white wolf, a silvery white, a grey, a grey and black, several plain black, and a reddish wolf that almost looked.

Before the adults could do anything, the pups hopped up and scrambled towards us. Loki knelt and was allowed to be tackled by the young, ruffling their fur on their heads and pulling ears. He looked up at me and teased, "Unless you think you can't handle it, get down here and play!"

I glance at the adults who were still watching me, but a pup tugs on my trousers and I can't resist the golden eyes peering up at me. Kneeling, I hold my arms out and the pup's eyes go vibrant as it jumps into them. It was a small thing, but it was heavy and knocked me backwards beside Loki. Laughing, I get more pups licking my face and begging for attention. Soon, they are all on me and Loki sits up, laughing at me as I am overwhelmed

Before I know it, there are several adults joining in the fun of introducing the new visitor. They weren't as rough as the pups, but they did plenty of licking and several lied beside me in the end to be petted.

Two wolves disappeared somewhere in a cave and came out as a man and woman. I stared at the man with wide eyes. He was well built and had amber eyes, but his face was hard and unforgiving. I stopped petting the wolves and readied myself for a fight, grabbing my knife just in case.

Loki stood and said, "Mother, Father, this is Zahra. She's the one I told you about."

"What is wrong with her?" the male asked.

Loki glanced at me and hesitated. "Um..."

"Graham, leave the poor girl alone," the woman scolded. "Loki brought her here to have fun. She won't have fun if all you're going to do is be alpha and interrogate."

He looks at her and hums deep in his throat, then turns back to us. "You are welcome to stay as long as you need, Zahra. If you need anything, Cinder and I are always available and are usually with the pups. Make yourself comfortable and if the boys are getting too close, growl and they'll go away."

The last statement made him less scary and I smiled. "Thank you. I think I will enjoy it here."

Graham smiles a warm smile then looks at Loki. "Your brother Sawyer has prepared a living quarter for her. It is next to yours so that if something happens or if she feels uncomfortable, she doesn't have to go searching."

"Thank you, Father." With that, Graham and Cinder left to go outside. Loki looked at me. "You can put that away now."

I glance down to see my knife still clutched in my hand, then slide it in my belt. The wolves nudged me to pet them again, but I shake my head. Whining, they get up and go away. I smile at them, but stand up and look at Loki. "Can we talk somewhere alone?"

He leads me into one of the caves like the one Graham and Cinder were in and I had to hold onto him as it was dark. He came to a stop and opened a flap of some kind which revealed a small room with a torch and a bed. At the end of the bed were extra blankets and clothes I was sure were too big. "If you walk straight to the other wall, you'll find my room," Loki says, pointing across the narrow path.

"Did you tell your brother I was a girl?" I ask and pick up the shirt.

Loki chuckled. "Those are in case you need more warmth. It gets cold in here sometimes unless you have fur."

I nod and sit on the bed. "Your father is..." I search for the right word to describe him.

"Intense?" Loki offered.

I smiled. "Yeah. Is he always like that?"

"No. He is just protecting the pack by demonstrating who is in charge." Loki watches me for a moment then adds, "He won't be doing it again towards you. Maybe towards one of us or another wolf who is intruding, but he will be his usual self with you."

"I am not sure I won't be grabbing my knife every time he approaches," I say honestly.

"What is it about him that scares you?" he asks and sits beside me.

"He's just so intimidating. I mean, Raven is scary as shit and I can handle it, but your father is terrifying. I can feel power coming off him and it honestly feels like if he gives a command, I might obey it."

Loki nods. "You're scared of being controlled again?"

"I guess? I mean, I know he's not Lucas, but his demeanor makes him seem like it."

"My father will never control you. You aren't pack. You aren't a wolf. You're going to be immune from his dominance as Alpha."

"I don't feel immune," I whisper.

"Maybe it's your body just responding to a power similar to Lucas's?" he offered.


Loki is silent for a moment then says, "Okay, if there is a command and my father is making it, then I will make sure he makes sure to not include you in it. He isn't going to understand why I ask him, but he'll do it as long as it makes his guests happy."

"Thank you," I say.

"Don't thank me yet," he says and stands. "You haven't survived the worst my brothers can do. They can be quite demanding when they want attention from a woman such as yourself."

I smile. "I've noticed!"

Loki grins. "Are you ready to see how wolves have fun?"

I definitely did see how wolves have fun. Kenyon, a silver gray wolf, decided he wanted to play tag and I was to catch them. Being human, I was as slow as a turtle compared to them, but they didn't go too fast. Derric then decided it was time to play hide-and-seek, and I asked Loki if I could use my invisibility. He said yes since they had better senses and I ran into a hiding spot and went invisible. Richard was the one to find everyone else and continued sniffing my hiding spot but seemed confused and ended up going somewhere else. In the end, Loki had to tell me to come out because Richard had given up. I appeared and the black wolf's eyes turn wide. I smile and then laugh when they all started howling.

Felix and Luca were twins and always stuck near each other and the one that was Sawyer was more watchful and calm compared to the others. He was kind though and occasionally nuzzled me in an affectionate way. Loki usually was watching me, but I also saw him playing and wrestling with the others when he knew I was okay. After a while, the pups came out to play and the air was full of puppy squeaks and howling and whining. I eventually couldn't run and play anymore and held little Ralphie on the sidelines. He stayed curled up in my lap, his head on one arm and his ears up. His eyes were closed, but I could tell he was listening to everyone else. He was a cute little black and white wolf with one foot white while the others black.

Eventually, the sun was setting and the play had calmed down so much that all the wolves were now laying about, either sleeping or cleaning their paws. Loki came over and sat beside me, scratching behind Ralphie's ear for a moment before sighing. "You seem like that was the most fun you've had in a while."

I smile. "No one is as wild as your family. It's definitely something I never thought I'd get." I look at him and he's looking proud of himself. "Thank you, for bringing me here. I didn't know how badly I needed it until now."

"Don't thank me, Zahra. Wolves are family animals. We look after those we care about. My family does not mind one bit playing with you." A wolf comes up to him and they have a silent conversation before the wolf goes away. I believe it was Sawyer. Loki stands now. "Your brother is waiting."

I lift the pup off my lap and hand him over so Loki can lay him with one of the other wolves, then I stand and follow behind him to inside the den where I see my brother. Roan smiles when he sees me and I return the gesture. Loki's father is there too and I hear him say, "She's welcome any time. The pups love her."

Roan thanks him then walks over. "How are you?" he asks.

I hug him. "Exhausted!"

Loki chuckles. "My brothers and the pups have been keeping her going all day. She almost has the stamina to play as long as us."

Roan laughs and asks where the two of us can talk. Loki leads us to my room then leaves. I sit on my bed and wait for my brother to do the same. He smiles at me. "You look like the old Zahra."

I smile. "They have too much energy! I'm not sure if I will last a few more days."

He chuckles. "Does this mean you are enjoying yourself?"

I nod. "They are all nice, even though I've only met Loki's parents and spoke to them. The others have stayed in wolf form, but they're not too rough and little Ralphie likes to lay in my lap and sleep."

"Has anything gone wrong?"

"No. Loki's father is intimidating, but I don't think he's too bad." I then tell him about the power I feel coming off Graham and how my body wants to respond, saying it felt like Lucas's power. I told him what Loki promised and that I wasn't too worried since it was only the man being protective.

Roan nods in understanding. "But you feel safe?"

"Yes." I surprise myself when I answer him, but it's true. "They are wonderful, Roan." I pause and look down. "But I still want to go home."

"You will soon," he says softly. "Just give me time."

I nod. "I'm happy to see you."

"I'm happy to see you too," he says and embraces me. "I should go now."