
I watch my sister go with June to practice for control with her gifts. Since Zahra returned a week ago, her spirit has been high and her smiles frequent. It was amazing to see. I was happy Loki and his pack gave her the joy she lost when Lucas destroyed it. I had begun to believe she would never get back to her old self.

But now as I think about it, she's better than her old self. She's alive and glowing with joy and pride. She's less fearful of her surroundings, more confident in herself. Zahra had become the true version of herself, the version I had glimpsed while being in the cave with her.


I turn and see Sorrel. "Yeah?"

"The boy wants to see you."

I raise a brow. "Do you know why?"

Sorrel shakes his head. "He only said that it was important."

I nod and go see Damon. The boy was calmer now than when he first arrived. Damon usually sat apart from others and kept to himself, but would engage in games with other children. I first believed he was about seven summers old, then found out he was just over eleven. He was small for his age, but was becoming strong the more I taught him to fight and hunt.

"Damon, what's wrong?" I ask as I enter Sorrel's shelter where the boy stayed until he was trusted.

Damon looked up at me with wide brown eyes. "I saw him, Roan."

"Saw who?"

There was an audible gulp from him as his eyes filled with fear. "The man. The one who is said to have ordered my family dead."

I was shocked into stillness for a moment. Then I nod. "What did he do?"

Damon shook his head. "He didn't do anything. Just stood in the forest, staring at something."

"Were you with anyone?" I ask, sitting on the bed beside him.

"Raven. He said he didn't see anyone but June and your sister."

I rub my face hard and sigh. "Thank you for telling me, Damon."

"Is he going to take me? Is he coming for me, Roan?" he asked in a shaky voice.

"I don't think you are his target." I don't give him time to say anything before I leave and run to Raven who was currently sharpening a spear.

When he looked up, he said, "The boy wanted to tell you. I let him. He saw Lucas. I didn't."

"And Zahra?"

"Finx hasn't heard any signs of struggles." He paused. "Except for the ones with June."

I nod. Taking a deep breath, I go about my business and try not to worry. However, when the sun set and my sister returns with June for the night, I lose that worry instantly as I see her run towards Cat with excitement. Zahra is animated and joyful, and i let myself relax as June walks up to me with a warm smile. "She's better. Definitely more control and has more focus."

I nod. "That's good. Very good."

Later, as I head towards my shelter for the night, a body jumps into me from behind with arms about my shoulders. I reach behind me and grab her legs and carry her inside. She sighs, resting her head on my neck, her hair falling to the side. When I carefully sit on my bed, she lets go so I can move cover and look at her. "Can I stay here tonight?" she asks, sleepily.

I chuckle. "Since you're already here, I don't see why not."

She grins and lays down. "You're the best brother ever!" After a moment, she yawns and falls asleep. I shake my head, smiling, then get in beside her. Kissing her head, I do the same.