
The next morning, I go outside and see my brother talking to June. I watch for a moment. He's glowing with happiness, comfortable in a way that's intimate, he's even sitting close to her. While I know Roan and I have been close, this closeness with June is different. It's like how I am with Aspen, but more.

I smile and shyly walk over, hoping they don't stop because of me. Because they're so engrossed with their conversation, they don't notice me immediately. I sit down opposite of them and listen.

"I truly think swords are better for different people. While some can lift it, others can't. For me, I would rather have two knives than have to carry around something so heavy," June remarks.

"But that's because you're slim and fast," my brother comments. "I've seen females with a larger build who use a sword with perfect poise."

"That's great, but your sister is not one of them."

I blink, having not realized this was about me. "She could use a sword if she trained."

June laughed and shook her head. "Roan, not everyone can be like you! Don't force her to use a sword when you know it won't work." June pauses then says, "Same with Damon. He's a child who's only half grown. Teach him knives first then gradually transition to swords."

Roan nods. "This is why I come to you. You always have the best advice!"

To my delight, they lean into each other and kiss. My mouth drops, having never really seen anyone kiss. Theirs was slow and searching, loving. It was a beautiful thing.

"Not to interrupt the love fest," Aspen says from beside me, "but you have a very attentive audience."

They break apart and look over, eyes going from Aspen to me with my mouth still hanging open.

June chuckles and begins to move away from Roan. Roan stares at me for a long moment, shocked at seeing me, I think. Aspen closes my mouth and sits beside me. "You're going to catch a big and choke if you keep doing that," he says to me.

I look at him, blinked. "Is that how we look?" I ask, Roan's and June's kiss still fresh in my mind.

He looks at me. "Yeah, except we aren't trying to be alert while doing it."

"But it was so sweet!" I sighed.

"If that was sweet, then I really need to do better," he said, frowning at me. He hands me a bowl and begins to eat. When he notices no one else is doing the same, he raises a brow. "Why are you all so still?"

Roan, who was still staring at me, now shakes his head and turns red. "I'll be right back," he murmurs and stands, going towards the entrance.

I put my bowl aside and run after him. "Roan, don't go!"

He stops and turns to me. "I won't be long, Zahra. Just eat up and I'll be back soon."

I frown. "Was I not supposed to see that?"

He runs a hand through his hair. "I was hoping it would be a little longer before you did. I wasn't sure how you would feel."

I take his hand and walk with him out of the village. "Does she make you happy?"

"Even when we disagree, I'm always glad she's there to help me and give me the talk I deserve."

I nod. "When did you two know?"

"About a year ago." Roan looks at me. "Zahra, I know it's been rough since we met, but I don't want you to feel like I'm not there for you."

I shake my head. "It's not about me. It's about you. It's about how you feel with June."

He isn't letting go of whatever guilt that's plain on his face. "But you just got here, and I just found you."

I laugh. "Roan! Just because you and I just met does not mean you can't still have a relationship with someone. I would rather you do what you want than worry about me."

He smiles. "You don't mind?"

I hug him. "If I minded, I would have ended the kiss as soon as it began."

He kisses the top of my head. "You're just like mother."

I hummed, always liking when he spoke of our mother. "Can I stay with you, though? I want to get out of the village for a while."

Roan laughs and takes my hand, walking again. "If Finx told the truth, you were out of the village last night."

I groan. "Aspen dragged me out in the dead of night! He's a horrible person! Made me laugh!"

Roan raises a brow. "It put you in a better mood and socializing."

I shrug, serious now. "I guess I realized that I can live in fear or enjoy the moment. Aspen showed me that it doesn't matter what happens, as long as I live in the now and not worry about the enemies."

Roan nodded. "Did you have fun?"

Again, I shrug. "A bit cold and wet, but it was good."

Roan shakes his head and we stop near a bush with berries on it. My mind seems to play a different scene with the same berries but a different person. I watch as the person kneels to grab a few berries, then walks back to me and offers one.


I shake out of the memory or hallucination and blink up at my brother. "What?"

He raises a brow. "You were staring off into space. Are you okay?"

I nod, slowly. "Yeah, just thinking."


I shake my head. "I just had a thought that I had been at another berry bush with someone else, but I don't know who."

Roan furrows his brow. "We've been to plenty of berry bushes."

I nod. "Maybe it was one of those times," I whisper, though instinct said I was wrong.

A howl shatters my clouded thoughts and the quiet forest.

I grin and howl back, my melody sounding much better than the other times.

Roan chuckles and we forget the odd moment I just had. "That gift really worked!"

I smile at him. "Just wait until you see with the pack as they're wolves!"

He shook his head as a black and white wolf bounded up to us. Loki shook himself and gave me a wolffish grin, tongue lolling out. "Hello, pack sister!"

"Pack brother!" I nuzzled him, nose to nose.

Loki turns to my brother and bows his head. "Greetings Alpha of Two legs."

I burst out laughing. Both males stare at me: a pair of hazel eyes and a pair of grey eyes. When I stop, I smile at Roan. "Im sorry, but apparently wolf language isn't as simple as ours."

"What do you mean?"

"You're alpha of the two legs."

Roan shrugs. "Only a few of them."

Loki turns to me. "Come home, pack sister. Come to the den and see the pack."

"Soon, pack brother. First, I must prepare. Tell Alpha I will come in a few suns, after I talk to my pack and say goodbye."

Loki whined. "Pups miss you. Alpha and Luna want to see you. You have not visited."

I smile. "A few suns, I will come."

Loki groaned but nuzzled me. "Be safe. Howl when close to den."

I assured him then watched as he loped away.

Roan whistled. "I swear, that was the most fascinating thing I've seen in my entire life!"

I blinked out of my wolf instinct and smiled at him. "I need to work on being able to switch languages."

"What did he want?"

I turned back to the village and began walking. "To go to the den."

"You should."

I shake my head. "I will, but I won't just leave without saying something first."

Roan came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "You're a part of their pack, Zahra. They claimed you just like I did, but with less force."

I smiled. "You were pretty forceful! Breaking down Aspen's door and barging in!"

I felt him stiffen. "What?"

I look at him. "You broke down Aspen's door, told me he was busy fighting off an intruder and that we had to leave."

He blinked. "Right."

When we got back to the village, I went with June to train, not wanting my emotions to control my powers again. After, I flew with Cat and ate with them beside a fire, enjoying myself.