
We reached Marin's home four days later. I hadn't spoken to him since our talk about what they control and how, didn't want to hear anymore from him. But now, as I stare at the huge stone wall of what protected his home, I wished I could have been prepared for this sight.

It was a dark grey. Some areas were cracked, but not enough to weaken the structure too much. And there was a wooden door that opened as we approached, a guard bowing to Marin as we entered. Inside, it was dark. Dingy homes littered the area. Feces was liked in corners. Children played in mud. It was sad.

Marin led me further as I heard the door shut and lock behind me. I hugged myself and walked behind my captor. Nothing got better. Women were thin and working hard on jobs that should have been left for the strong, elders were in stables, cleaning dung and caring for horses.

Marin opened a door and ushered me inside. I walked passed him and into a small room with a cot and a pile of clothes in one corner.

Marin shut the door and crossed his arms. "You will be staying here tonight. In the morning, we will discuss your purpose and start finding a way for you to succeed."

"Why is everything so sad here?" I asked softly.

"Do not worry over the people. Worry about yourself." He turned to leave, but paused. "Do not try to escape, Zahra. The guards know who you are and why. They will not let you out. If you do manage to step foot out of that wall, you will be shot and I will drag you back and beat you."

I lay on the cot long after Marin left, staring at the roof of my prison and want to scream or cry. But I don't. I can only think of what he could possibly want with me here. Could it be to help someone? But if that we're true, then what about the rest of the people?

My gut wrenched and I let it take me over. I end up in my head and see Aspen waiting for me. He smiled, but I just sit and hug my knees to my chest. Aspen walks over and sits beside me. "What is it?"

"We've arrived," I whisper.

"Can you show me?" I look up at him with confusion. "Picture the place and let it appear here."

I do as he says and watch the meadow disappear to see the horrible homes and people around me. Aspen looks around, slowly taking in the scene.

"Can you show me what it looks like outside the wall?"

I do, and he nods. I let the meadow come back as he sits down again, and watch him think silently. Finally, I say, "Marin said he wants me to help him with something here. I don't know what. But I don't feel good about it."

Aspen leans towards me and takes my hands. "I know what everything looks like now. June or Cat might recognize the place and know where to go. We will find you, Zahra."

I nod. I believe Aspen because they have come after me when I was with Lucas, and stuck with trying to help me when I was under his hold. So, I knew they wouldn't fail.

"Roan wants you to know that he believes in everything you do. He believes you're strong." He smiles. "And so do I."

I smile. "Is he okay?"

"He's doing fine. Especially since we know that you can communicate with me like this. It gives him more hope."

"I wish I could see him."

"You will," he whispered. "Once we figure out what direction you've gone, once we have a plan, I will let you know."

I shake my head. "No. I think Marin can dig into my mind and find things. I don't want him to know."

Aspen nods. "Okay. Then I won't say anything."

I look down, then shyly look at him. "I want to know how to summon you. If I need something, If something happens-"

"It's okay," he says, smiling. "Are you able to practice for a while?"

"He's not supposed to see me until tomorrow."

He nods and takes in a breath. "Okay, I want you to go back to your body. When you wake up, close your eyes again. Do exactly as you do when you change the scene. Picture the meadow and stay calm. When you come here by yourself, you won't feel that jolt. It'll be peaceful."

I nod. I fade to my body and look around before closing my eyes again, doing as Aspen instructed. And before I could really process anything, I was back in my head again. I smiled, for once feeling happy since Marin took me.

A moment later, Aspen appears and smiled. "Good job!"

"Now, how do I summon you?"

"Between us, there's a thread. Pull that thread to summon me. You may have to pull hard if I don't start to come right away."

I nod and let him go. I wait for a long time to make sure he has time to settle, then close my eyes and fin the thread. It was a golden color, like his hair, and shimmered faintly. I tugged. The thread seemed to go taught for a moment, then loosened.

I open my eyes and only wait a few seconds before Aspen appears again. "Very good, Zahra."

"So, I can summon you now, whenever?"

He walks over and cups my face. "There may be times when I can't come. If that happens, I will give you a sign that I know you're calling."


"Close your eyes and think of the thread."

I do.

"If I am unable to come, this is what I will do." After a moment, the thread blazes bright, but I also felt something pass through my body that was similar to knowing. I couldn't describe it, but it gave me reassurance that he would come later.

"Okay," I say and open my eyes. "Is there anything else I should know?"

He smiles. "Roan is proud of you."

I blush. "Can you tell him I'm learning?"

"I already have. He is happy you're giving yourself a way to contact me if ever you need something. He's happy you're holding on."

Smiling, I embrace him. "I can't wait to be home."

"We know, Zahra. We're coming."

We stay like this for a while, then Aspen abruptly pulls away. "I need to go. I need to tell them everything you've said. If you don't hear from me by tonight, don't worry. I'll be working on finding you."

I nod. "Can I summon you if I need to, or try to?"

He cups my face again. "Of course. Just remember what I said if I don't come, okay?"

"I will." I hug him again then let him go.

I fade back into my own body and open my eyes to see a plate of food waiting on the ground by the door. I eat, then look around.

Hesitantly, I open the door. A guard turns and looks at me. "You aren't allowed to leave."

"I'm not," I say and hold out the plate. "I just wanted to give this back."

He grunted, took the plate and handed it to a woman. I gave him a grateful smile and closed the door again, sighing. I was going to have a long wait for Marin, apparently.