
I was in my meadow for a long time, waiting while Aspen spoke to our friends about what I told and shown him. I was nervous that I would fade back into my body, scared that I would have to see Leilani in the form of something terrifying, or worse, my parents. But I didn't fade into my body. I didn't go anywhere at all except around the meadow.

Aspen said it would be a while because they would have to discuss plans and that could be a very long conversation. I knew there were many obstacles into freeing me, knew that Marin wouldn't just let them stride in to take me, but I couldn't sit still while he was gone. I wanted to know what they were saying, what they were hoping to do, what to expect. I wanted to make sure they knew the dangers of facing Leilani, that they knew she would not stop unless she wanted to. I wanted to know who all would be involved, who all risked their lives for mine, who all would have a chance of getting home alive.

But I could not.

Soon, I found sleep, and when I woke, Aspen was still gone. I decided to tug gently on his thread to see if he would come, but the thread brightened, that weird feeling coursing through my body again. For a moment, I was hurt he wouldn't come back, but then cursed myself. He was just busy with trying to find a way to get me o out. He would come when they decided. He promised. Aspen wouldn't leave me hanging and worried like this without reason. He promised.

More hours slowly went by, and I wondered how long I had been here, wondered what Leilani thought about me being so still.

I slept again.


I open my eyes to see Aspen looking down at me. I smile. "You're back!"

He nods. "I'm back."

I sit up and hug him, relieved to have someone with me again. "You were gone a long time!"

He kissed my head. "I'm sorry. There were things important that we had to discuss and many people had their own input."

I pull away and look up at him. "Did you decide?"

He cups my face. "Finally, yes!"

This makes me happy. "When? Who? How? What is going to happen? How long will-"

Aspen chuckles and puts a finger to my lips to halt my questions. "Calm down, Zahra. Let's steadily talk about this and not get too ahead."

I blush. "I just want to go home."

"I know." He moves his hands and takes mine in them, squeezing gently. "Let's first get some unexpected surprises out of the way, okay?"

"What kind?"

His expression turns serious. "Lucas is helping us."

I still. "Why?" I ask, confused. "He didn't help me when Marin decided to take me."

"He believes the children are dying."

I feel my heart skip a beat. "What did he do to them? What happened? Where are they?"

Aspen shakes his head. "They're with us, as is Lucas. I don't know what happened. They do look bad, and June has kept an eye on them, given them medicine, but we don't know. And I'm not sure Lucas did anything. He came to us crying."

I blink in surprise. "Oh."

Aspen nods. "Lucas wants to help get you out."

I shake my head. "No! I don't want to be around him!"

Aspen seems to smirk at me before continuing. "But he will be doing something else. He won't be part of those who come to get you."


"In return, he wants you to help the children."

I'm silent. I'm not sure how to react to this because I expected Lucas would have done what Marin did, and just take me to his home to do it so that there weren't threats to him.

"He has given his word to not come after you again," Aspen adds.

"I don't trust him."

"No one does, but he will be playing a major part in your rescue, so we have to give him the benefit of the doubt."

I shake my head. "I don't trust him. I don't care what he does. He still hurt me, he still impregnated me with babies I wasn't ready for, he still used me!"

"I know," he whispered. "But let's focus on him after you're out, okay?"

I scowl, but nod. "Fine."

He sighs and says, "There will be four of us going in to get you while the rest fight and distract."


"Roan, June, Cat and me."

I blink. "Cat?"

Aspen nods. "She can use her speed to find you and get you out."

I shake my head. "No! Aspen, not her! She's too nice to go in that place and see the horrors Leilani can do! Please, Aspen! Not Cat!"

Aspen cups my face once again and wiped away the tears falling. "Cat can handle it, Zahra. Besides, she won't face Leilani. We will."

My eyes widen. "No!" I cry. "No! Please! Don't fight her! She'll break all of you like she did with me!"

Aspen raises a brow. "Zahra, we won't break. She can't become three different things at once. She can't make all of us fear the same thing. If one of us stumbles, the other two will attack."

"But I don't want any one hurt!"

"We have to get hurt in order to protect those we care about," he whispered. "It isn't fair to let you get all the pain while we get nothing."

I slump, knowing he was right. "I don't want to lose anyone."

"You won't," he promised. "You will see all of us again, bruised and bleeding, but alive."

I nod. "Okay." I look up at him and ask, "Can you make sure Roan is safe? He's the only family I have."

"I and June will make sure he gets out with us. You will see him again, Zahra."


I wipe my face and calm myself to hear more. Aspen gives me a minute to do so, staying close as I do. When I finally look at him, he continues. "We figure you are locked inside with Leilani, so we'll fight until we are sure Cat makes it out, then lock Leilani inside again. After we'll-"

I don't get to hear what they'll do next. I feel myself go transparent, fading as I go back to my body. "No!"

Aspen looks shocked.

"Aspen, help!" I cry.

I can see he's trying, using his own mind to summon me back, but it isn't working.


He stands, and shakes his head. "Don't worry, Zahra! We're coming! Stay strong! Remember-"

I wake up, back in my body in the dark house. I'm not on the ground anymore. Instead, I'm hanging from my wrists that are in chains which hang from the ceiling. My ankles are also in chains, the other end of which disappear into the ground. I try to move, but don't get far. And movement makes the chains dig into my skin.

"Wakie wakie!"

I look up and see Leilani grinning at me, a large blade in her hands. "No!" I whimper.

"Pretty Zahra lost the game. Pretty Zahra must keep our bargain. Leilani gets to do whatever she wants with Pretty Zahra for however long she wants."

I begin to struggle to get my hands free. "No! Let me go! I don't want to be here!"

Leilani giggles. "You played the game and lost. You must do what I want now."

"Not fair!" I cry. "I want to go home!"

She clicks her tongue. "Pretty Zahra doesn't understand! Life is never fair!" She comes towards me, knife tapping her chin. "What should I do with Pretty Zahra?"

I struggle harder.

Leilani's grin widens. "I know!"

She turns and skips away, making me relieved and scared and confused. But I continue to try and get my wrists free, if only so I can defend myself.

Leilani returns a moment later, hauling a child behind her. I stop struggling, petrified. Leilani smiles at me. "Pretty Zahra is curious, I see. Does Pretty Zahra want to help me?"

I shake my head.

She shrugs, then stabs the child in the chest. The child screams, wide-eyed and fragile. I scream, horrified. Leilani laughs.

The child slowly dies, going limp. And I can't look away. It's impossible. The child, a girl, was innocent and didn't deserve such a cruel death.

Leilani clicks her tongue again then opens the wound more. She brings out a small cup and dips it into the wound, filling it with blood. She stands, taking a sip, then smiles at me. "Pretty Zahra wants a drink?"

"No!" I shake my head furiously. "I don't want it!"

"But it is good and fresh!" she says, walking over. "Pretty Zahra will like it. It is sweet like wine!"

I clamp my mouth shut. Leilani shakes her head in mock disappointment and reaches up to squeeze my nose. I can't breathe now. I begin to whimper. Leilani giggles. I try to get free of her grasp, but she was too strong.

After a moment, I couldn't hold it any longer. I open my mouth and gasp for air. Leilani uses that moment and puts the cup to my mouth, tipping my head back.

I choke. Blood goes into my mouth, spills down my chin and neck, and I can't do anything but swallow. Leilani squeals and claps her hands, then makes a cut on one of my arms. "Pretty Zahra refuse to listen, Pretty Zahra get hurt."

She moves away as I shudder. I can't believe what I just did.

"Pretty Zahra hungry?"

I look at her to see she's holding up the girl's heart. I gag. Then, I vomit.