
Roan had Aspen go take a look to see if what I saw was true while he held me shivering in his arms, terrified. I didn't know if it was my mind making up scenarios or Marin playing tricks on me again, but I didn't want anyone getting hurt. I didn't want Roan getting hurt because of me

It took some time before Aspen came back and said there was no one on the wall, that it was empty of men. I knew it was supposed to comfort me, but it didn't. I had a bad feeling.

"Zahra, let's try something," Roan whispered when I hadn't spoken for a while. "Can you sit up?"

I do, if only because I was beginning to get cramps.

Once I'm sitting in front of him, Roan says, "Do you remember when Lucas had made you seem like a child and you were afraid of everyone and everything?"

"I think June said I was the little girl you never got to watch grow up," I whisper.

Roan chuckled. "You were. You never wanted anyone else. Just me."

I furrowed my brows. "You helped me. You were the one thing I knew would keep me from leaving."

My brother nods. "Do you remember when you first saw June during that time?"

It took me a moment, but I nod. "It was like when I first met her. She was scary. She looked like she could kill me."

"But what did she do instead?"

I think really hard, flashes of images racing in my mind until one stuck out. "I remember June making a snowflake and it melting when I touched it."

He nodded. "But she taught you how to make your own with fire."

At this, I raise one of my hands and twirl my fingers a bit, fire sprouting from them and swirling in the air until a snowflake appeared. I smile. "I forgot I did this."

"June got you to trust her by showing how to do this, though, you didn't spend much time with her after that until you were finally back to normal."

"I was with you a lot," I say. "Because every time I felt the pull, I forgot who I was and who everyone around me was."

"And we all cared for you. None of us stopped caring about you even when Lucas had you again."

I let the flake fade into smoke and look at Roan. "But Marin is not Lucas."

"No, but why should that matter?"

"Because I don't think Marin cares about controlling me in the same way Lucas did. I think he wants me doing it myself, wants me to listen and obey."

"But we won't let that happen."

"But it will of you are hurt."

Roan shakes his head. "Zahra, nothing can stop me from finding and helping you. Nothing will stop me from getting my little sister back where she belongs and to herself again, even if it takes a while."

"What if Marin does shoot us with arrows?"

"June has ice, remember?"

I nod, realizing that June would be a powerful advantage. I begin to relax. "She'll freeze everything and put out the fires," I say with a smile.


"Can I see her?"

"Sure." He crawled out of the tent and asked for June, then came back to wait.

While we waited, I ask, "How are the babies?"

"I think they're doing good."

"Tomorrow, can I see them?"

He smiled. "If you're up to it."

I nod, then June appears and sits down. She smiles at us and says, "I'm glad to see you're up and talking to Roan."

"Are you hurt?" I ask, looking her over.

She raises a brow, but shakes her head. "I'm good."

"What about the others?"

"Well, some got minor wounds," she begins, "but Willow is a great healer. They are all doing well."

I turn to Roan. "How bad was your fight?"

He opened his mouth, but we had an interruption. Someone was making a ruckus outside the tent, making me curl up into a ball. June crawled back out to see what while Roan brought out a blade he had in his boot.

I crawled over to him, wanting to be close to possibly the only person I knew to be real. Roan wrapped an arm about my shoulders, squeezing me gently to his side. I wrapped my own arms about his middle and held on.

The tent flap fluttered open and a body stood in the light of day, silhouetted against the sun. "We need to move," said a dark, rumbling voice.

"What is going on?"

"He has sent his men out to us to fight."

Instantly, Roan was on his feet, pulling me into his arms and against his chest. He grabbed a blanket and wrapped me in it, then ducked out into the sunshine. I squinted to see people preparing to fight, others taking down shelters, and several more coming towards us. I clutched my brother tight, unsure of who they were and afraid to find out.


My brother turned and we saw Aspen striding towards us with an angry face. "What did he do this time?" Roan asked in a resigned tone.

"He's trying to bait Marin."


"Because he's pissed off."

Roan sighed then looked around. "Let's get to safety. Have Cat grab the children. Bring your father. I don't care how you do it."

Aspen nods while Finx brings over a horse. Roan sets me atop it carefully, then climbs on behind me, wrapping his arms around me to grab the reins. "Retreat!" June shouted from nearby.

'You won't get away, Zahra. I will come for you. I will get what I want.'

I shake my head, squeezing my eyes shut from what had to be my mind making up horrible thoughts.

'When I do come for you, be prepared. We will have great fun in what I have planned.'

"No!" I cry, grabbing my hair, wanting to rip it out and get to the core of my head.



'I will be the only thing you will have left. For I will make sure all are dead so I can have you.'

"Get out of my head!"

"Zahra, what's wrong?"

"Get out!" I whimper.

'If you believe Lucas made you do unthinkable tasks, just wait for what I have in store for you.'

"Please," I cry, squeezing my temples. "Go away!"

Hands cup my face, making me look up into eyes that matched my own. "Zahra, can you hear me?"

"Make it go away, Roan!"

"What is it?"

"The voice!"


"In my head! Please!"

Roan pulled me into his chest and cradled my head. "Don't listen to the voice. Listen to me. Listen to my heart. Listen to the horse and it's hooves. Listen to my voice. Listen to my breathing."

I did. The voice didn't come back. I didn't care, because I listened to my brother. I listened until I fell asleep lulled by the rocking sensation, his protective arms, and the sounds of his body.