
Aspen and I are riding full speed through the forest, the wind whipping my hair about behind me. I lean against him as I had earlier, but I'm unable to relax. I knew something bad was going to happen no matter what we did. I just wanted to stop wondering and get it over with: whether it be Marin or something else.

We ride for three and a half days, until I was ready to go crazy. When we finally do stop, I recognize the area. There's a mountain in front of us, forest behind us, and I felt almost safe.

"Where are we?"

"Roan said he has a cave here."

I blink, then sit up and stare hard at the rock. Y shimmers, then, I see it. The cave appears with supplies inside. "It's the same one I stayed in the first time I met him."

Aspen nodded and got off the horse, then reached up to me. "We'll stay here until we hear from Roan."

"Will we hear from him?"

"We will," he assured and carried me into the cave. "We just have to wait."

When we finally settle down and he has a fire started, I ask, "What if Marin finds us?"

"Then I will get you away."

"But he'll be controlling me."

Aspen shrugs. "I will still get you away. I don't care what he tries to do. You are my priority."

I curl up in my blankets and go to sleep, content to have Aspen protecting me. It wasn't the same as Roan, but I trusted Aspen.

When I woke, I was surprisingly in a good mood and well rested. Aspen was also smiling, so we talked a bit, we kissed, then took a nap. Later that afternoon, however, as he was telling me a story about his adventures with Roan, pain flared in my lower region and I winced. Aspen noticed and I told him what was wrong.

"Let me look."

I shook my head. "I'm not ready."

"Zahra, we need to know if you're going to need medicine or something bigger. Please, let me look."

I curled up and hugged my knees to my chest. "I'm scared."

He nods. "I know. I understand, but it might get worse if someone doesn't look soon."

I frown deeper and tighten my arms. But then, I nod. Aspen crawls over and lays me down, then lays beside me on his side. I slowly slip my trousers off but keep my legs together.

Aspen looks down at me and says, "When I was a boy, my mother was always there to help me up after I got hurt. I didn't like the medicine she put on my wounds because they hurt, but she always reminded me that after pain, I'd feel better."

I begin to relax. "She sounds like a nice person."

"She was. I believe my father even loved her at one point."

"What happened?"

Aspen shrugged. "I don't know. I think he grew greedy and when my mother told him how she felt, he hated it."

I didn't want to think about if Lucas was the one to kill Aspen's mother, so I asked, "Was she beautiful?"

"She was. She had dark hair and green eyes. She loved to help people and loved my father and I."

Aspen scooted down and put a hand on one of my legs. His hand was warm and gentle as he pulled it towards him. I said, "Do you have anything from her?"

"My nose and mouth." He tilted his head, looking at my lower region as he spoke. "For some reason, I got most of my father's looks."

"You could have ended up worse," I say, giving him a small smile.

Aspen chuckled then sat up. "True." I pulled up my trousers and sat up. He went over to a small box and rummaged around then brought over some leaves that he put in a cup of water. He waited for a minute, letting it warm over the fire, then handed it to me. "This should help with infection that might be festering. It may hurt a little more for the night and maybe tomorrow, but you should feel better after."

I take the cup and sipped. "Was this your mother's concoction?"

"Yes. She helped women with similar pains, and I ended up being her helper."

I nod.

We ate then curled up around the fire, falling asleep.

I had dreams both good and bad. I didn't wake during the night though, but I did toss and turn.

When I woke in the morning, I found myself surrounded my trees, not rock walls. I sat bolt upright and looked around. Not far away, Marin sat with a small smile of triumph. "Good morning, my dear."

"How did you find me?"

"I didn't have to," he said with a shrug. "You came to me."

I shake my head. "No! I wouldn't!"

"Not on your own, no." He stood and walked leisurely around the fire and over to me. "But since I have your mind, I gave you a little push."

"No!" I cry. "Let me go! Please!"

He gives a mocking sympathetic smile. "I'm afraid I can't do that. We haven't finished our bargain."

"I can't do it! I can't see it again!"

Marin looks confused, then laughs. "Oh, Zahra, while you will have to go back and finish taming my friend, I'm talking about Lucas."

I blink. "Lucas?"

He nods, sitting beside me. "Remember, I want you to kill him?"

"But how? He's with the village, protected."

Marin hums to himself. "I'm sure you can do something. I don't think anyone would object to you killing him. They would probably help you."

I shake my head. "No! I don't want to!"

He clicks his tongue with disappointment. "We all have to do things we don't want, Zahra. But we do them anyways. Lucas is a cruel man and must be destroyed. You are the only one who can."

"But the babies…"

Marin holds up a finger and gasps, then smiles. "Thank you for reminding me!" I feel my heart drop at his delight. "You must kill them too."


Marin nods. "Yes, Zahra. They won't grow up being innocent, but monsters."

"No! They're just babies! They won't be with him to grow up. They'll be with me! They'll be good!"

"I can't take the risk, Zahra. Neither can you."

I jump to my feet and glare down at him. "No! I won't do it!" Then, I turn and ran."