Against a strong opponent

Ranz continuously killed the undead that appeared right before him.

He had lost track of how many skeleton undead he had killed. They randomly appear and come to attack him.

But even so, there was no worry on his face. He's really smiling now. He forgot his fear. What was on his mind right now was the crazy amount of XP and crownies he was getting.

After collecting all the drop items on the ground, he continued to the next room.

'Labyrinth wasn't so bad…' he thought.

Lala also noticed that Jack's level was now 31. 'He is truly unbelievable,' she thought. She guessed Jack defeated the Adult Shellcove.

She and Melly had no idea that Ranz could not receive a message from anyone outside the labyrinth. Actually, it wasn't only them who messaged him after seeing his name in the announcement. However, Ranz was unaware of those messages at the moment.